Head of the Presidential Department / Spokesman of the President
Jan Kleine
Administration building, room 2.02a
Telephone 0941 943-2303
Fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail jan.kleine@ur.de
Deputy Head of the Presidential Department
Dr. Yvonne Hempel
Administration building, room 2.07
Telephone 0941 943-2392
Fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail strategische.planungen@ur.de
You will find the President’s office on the second floor of the Administration Building, the room number is 2.09. If you wish to contact the President directly, please write an e-mail to praesident@uni-regensburg.de.
Personal Assistant to the President
Ramona Zitzelsberger
Administration Building, Room 2.07
Phone +49 941 943-2307
Fax +49 941 943-3310
E-mail referenten@ur.de
Ute Richter
Administration Building, Room 2.09
Phone +49 941 943-2301
Fax +49 941 943-3310
E-Mail praesident@ur.de
Theresa Graml
Administration Building, Room 2.09
Phone +49 941 943-2302
Fax +49 941 943-3310
E-Mail praesident@ur.de
Adalbert Ziesche?
Administration Building, Room 2.11
Phone?+49 0941 943-2428
E-Mail adalbert.ziesche@ur.de
Head / Strategic Planning
Dr. Yvonne Hempel
Administration building, room 2.07
Telephone 0941 943-2392
Fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail strategische.planungen@ur.de
Sabrina Biehl
Administration building, room 2.03
Telephone 0941 943-7449
fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail berufungsangelegenheiten@ur.de
Research Development
Dr. Annette Grohmann
Administration building, room 2.04
Phone 0941 943-7409
fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail forschung@ur.de
Research Reputation and Rankings
Dr. Sabrina Viehauser
Administration building, room 2.04
Phone 0941 943-7403
E-mail ranking.reputation@ur.de
Innovations in teaching and learning
Dr. Katrin Hirschmann
Administration building, room 2.04
Phone 0941 943-3840
E-mail studium.lehre@ur.de
Dr. Andreas Friedel
Administration building, room 2.03a
Phone 0941 943-7410
fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail stabsstelle.internationalisierung@uni-regensburg.de
Coordinator MedizinCampus Niederbayern
Dr. Isabell Deml
Administration building, room 2.03
Phone 0941 943 5783
E-mail mcn.koordination@ur.de
Project Office Digitalization
Daniel Konadl
Business Informatics Building
Phone 0941 943-2865
E-mail digitalisierung@ur.de
Caroline Kappes
Phone 0941 943-2304
E-mail caroline.kappes@ur.de
Processing, Coordination
Ralf Jung
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-1695
E-mail ralf.jung@ur.de
Online Editor / Deputy Head
Margit Scheid
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11
Telephone 0941 943-1517
E-mail margit.scheid@ur.de
Project Intranet
Annika Schuppe
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-2363
E-mail annika1.schuppe@ur.de
Press Officer
Bastian Schmidt
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11
Phone 0941 943-5566
E-mail presse@ur.de
Dr. Tanja Wagensohn
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11
Phone 0941 943-1575
E-mail tanja.wagensohn@ur.de
Science Editor
Dr. Karoline Stürmer
Sammelgeb?ude 3.11
Phone 0941 943-2352
E-mail karoline.stuermer@ur.de
Social Media Editor
Katrin Gro?
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-5563
E-mail social.media@ur.de
Social Media Editor
Patrick Farkas
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-6089
E-mail social.media@ur.de
Video editor
Katharina Herkommer
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11
Phone 0941 943-7475
E-mail katharina.herkommer@ur.de
Photo editor
Julia Dragan
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
E-mail julia.dragan@ur.de
Central Events
Elisabeth K?nig
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-5564
E-mail elisabeth.koenig@ur.de
Ann-Kathrin Ro?ner
Building: Technische Zentrale, BG.0.04
Telephone 0941 943-7474
E-mail nachhaltigkeit@ur.de