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Presidential Department

Head of the Presidential Department / Spokesman of the President

Jan Kleine

Administration building, room 2.02a
Telephone 0941 943-2303
Fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail jan.kleine@ur.de

Deputy Head of the Presidential Department

Dr. Yvonne Hempel

Administration building, room 2.07
Telephone 0941 943-2392
Fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail strategische.planungen@ur.de

The President’s office

You will find the President’s office on the second floor of the Administration Building, the room number is 2.09. If you wish to contact the President directly, please write an e-mail to praesident@uni-regensburg.de.

Personal Assistant to the President

Ramona Zitzelsberger
Administration Building, Room 2.07
Phone +49 941 943-2307
Fax +49 941 943-3310
E-mail referenten@ur.de


Ute Richter
Administration Building, Room 2.09
Phone +49 941 943-2301
Fax +49 941 943-3310
E-Mail praesident@ur.de

Theresa Graml
Administration Building, Room 2.09
Phone +49 941 943-2302
Fax +49 941 943-3310
E-Mail praesident@ur.de


Adalbert Ziesche?
Administration Building, Room 2.11
Phone?+49 0941 943-2428
E-Mail adalbert.ziesche@ur.de

Planning & Strategy

Head / Strategic Planning

Dr. Yvonne Hempel

Administration building, room 2.07
Telephone 0941 943-2392
Fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail strategische.planungen@ur.de


Sabrina Biehl

Administration building, room 2.03
Telephone 0941 943-7449
fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail berufungsangelegenheiten@ur.de

Research Development

Dr. Annette Grohmann

Administration building, room 2.04
Phone 0941 943-7409
fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail forschung@ur.de

Research Reputation and Rankings

Dr. Sabrina Viehauser

Administration building, room 2.04
Phone 0941 943-7403
E-mail ranking.reputation@ur.de

Innovations in teaching and learning

Dr. Katrin Hirschmann

Administration building, room 2.04
Phone 0941 943-3840
E-mail studium.lehre@ur.de


Dr. Andreas Friedel

Administration building, room 2.03a
Phone 0941 943-7410
fax 0941 943-3310
E-mail stabsstelle.internationalisierung@uni-regensburg.de

Coordinator MedizinCampus Niederbayern

Dr. Isabell Deml

Administration building, room 2.03
Phone 0941 943 5783
E-mail mcn.koordination@ur.de

Project Office Digitalization

Daniel Konadl

Business Informatics Building
Phone 0941 943-2865
E-mail digitalisierung@ur.de

Communication & Marketing


Caroline Kappes

Phone 0941 943-2304
E-mail caroline.kappes@ur.de

Processing, Coordination

Ralf Jung

Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-1695
E-mail ralf.jung@ur.de

Online Editor / Deputy Head

Margit Scheid

Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11
Telephone 0941 943-1517
E-mail margit.scheid@ur.de

Project Intranet

Annika Schuppe

Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-2363
E-mail annika1.schuppe@ur.de

Press Officer

Bastian Schmidt

Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11
Phone 0941 943-5566
E-mail presse@ur.de


Dr. Tanja Wagensohn

Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11
Phone 0941 943-1575
E-mail tanja.wagensohn@ur.de

Science Editor

Dr. Karoline Stürmer

Sammelgeb?ude 3.11
Phone 0941 943-2352
E-mail karoline.stuermer@ur.de

Social Media Editor

Katrin Gro?

Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-5563
E-mail social.media@ur.de

Social Media Editor

Patrick Farkas

Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-6089
E-mail social.media@ur.de

Video editor

Katharina Herkommer
Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11
Phone 0941 943-7475
E-mail katharina.herkommer@ur.de

Photo editor

Julia Dragan

Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
E-mail julia.dragan@ur.de

Central Events

Elisabeth K?nig

Sammelgeb?ude, room 3.11A
Phone 0941 943-5564
E-mail elisabeth.koenig@ur.de



Ann-Kathrin Ro?ner

Building: Technische Zentrale, BG.0.04
Telephone 0941 943-7474
E-mail nachhaltigkeit@ur.de

About the University of Regensburg