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Internship at UR

Applying for an internship/traineeship at UR

Many international students are interested in doing a traineeship at UR.

Traineeships are possible but only within a certain framework, e.g. within the ERASMUS+ Program (ERASMUS SMP).

? Biology

? Biochemistry

? Chemistry

? Medicine - clinical part (see below for further information)

? Physics

? Pharmacy



Due to capacity issues, preference is given to trainees from partner institutions.

UR does not accept any trainees who have already completed their studies and are planning to do their traineeship for further professional qualification after their studies.

Please be aware of the following instructions:

Duration of Traineeship / Time Frame

All trainees will be registered as non-degree seeking students at UR. For this reason all traineeships should take place during the regular semester periods which are:

  • October 1? - March 31
  • April 1 - September 30

A traineeship should last for at least two months but may also cover a full semester. Traineeships that last for more than 90 days may be subject to special legal requirements. Please contact the International Office ahead of time, if you plan on coming for more than 90 days.

If the duration of the traineeship is not identical with the semester dates but overlaps? two semesters, students have to pay semester fees for two semesters which we do not recommend.

Intership Agreement

Trainees need to get a signed traineeship agreement which settles the goals and frames of the traineeship.

ERASMUS trainees get their traineeship agreement from their home universities.

Students who do a traineeship outside the ERASMUS+Program please contact: international.exchange-student@ur.de

ERASMUS Trainees must follow the same rules and regulations as students coming via the regular student exchange (SMS) regarding nomination and application to the university.

Incoming students to UR who wish to do a traineeship need to provide a letter of acceptance of the supervisor of the traineeship at the time of nomination. The learning agreement for traineeships will have to be handed in together with the application documents.


Student Status at UR during the traineeship

Trainees are enrolled at UR and receive an official student status as non-degree seeking exchange students. Please note that trainees must be registered/enrolled at their home institution during their internship at UR.

The student service fee you need pay for enrolment is currently approx. 165€.

Which documents do you have to hand in for enrolment?

  • Application Form for Admission (--> contact IO)
  • Scan of passport /ID
  • Proof of enrolment (at home university)
  • Internship Agreement/ ERASMUS Traineeship Agreement
  • Transcript of Records (issued by home university)
  • Proof of valid health insurance (e.g. German statutory health insurance, EHIC, AT-11, etc.)

UR-Karte (UR Student ID)

After enrolment you will get your UR student ID which grants you several advantages:

  • Official student status at UR
  • Semester ticket for public transportation in Regensburg
  • Cashless payment in the canteen and cafeterias on campus through UR student ID
  • Library ID
  • Accident Insurance
  • Optional use of sports center facilities on campus



Trainees looking for an accommodation may apply for a room in one of the student residences.

Please note that you must be enrolled at UR in order to apply for an accommodation in student residences. However, enrolment at UR does not imply admission to student housing.

For further information on the availability of student rooms as well as helpful tipps for your search for an accommodation please contact our accommodation service. Additionally, please contact your traineeship advisor / chair at UR and ask for support / help.

? Helpful information when searching for accommodation

Work and Residence Permit

Work permit for international trainees

ERASMUS+ Traineeship

Traineeships which are financed by EU-grants are free of any work and residence regulations as long as they are not longer than 90 days.

Other internships (not ERASMUS)

Trainees from non-European countries who come for more than 90 days to Germany and are not financed through EU grants, must apply for a work permit.

Your German host needs to start the application process with the advisory service for the Bavarian universities in Coburg: KoBy

Applications must be handed in about 5 to 6 weeks prior to the start of the internship.

Necessary Insurances

Health Insurance: Applicants have to hand in a proof of health insurance. If you do an ERASMUS traineeship and have a european health insurance card (EHIC), your insurance is usually accepted. Other trainees, and trainees who receive a salary for their traineeship from the German host, will have to take out the German statutory health insurance (currently 110 EUR per month).

Accident Insurance. Based on your official student status at UR, you have an accident insurance for travels to and from work, as well as for travels connected with your work.

Liability Insurance: There is no liability insurance coverage from UR. For this reason, a private liablility insurance is highly recommended especially if you have to work with very expensive equipment.

Students doing a lab internship should also have a special insurance for their work in the lab: Laborversicherung.

It is the responsibilty of the trainee to get sufficient coverage. In doubt, please ask your traineeship advisor in the faculty.

Payment Regulations for Traineeships longer than 90 days

Internships that are not mandatory for studies at home and which last for more than 90 days are subject to payment regulations. This? means that the trainee has to show proof that he/she receives a minimum of payment for the internship.

As the university usually has not special funds for internships, it is very unlikely that an internship that is longer than 90 days long can be carried through. If your traineeship is mandatory, please hand in some kind of confirmation stating this requirement.

Special Regulations for Trainees in Medicine

Interns in our university clinic need to fulfill special requirements:

  • very good German language skills (level C1)
  • completed pre-clinical studies
  • registration at the home institution during the entire time of their traineeship
  • coming from a partner institution of the University of Regensburg within medicine

Documents which need to be handed in:

  • curriculum vitae
  • letter of motivation
  • reference letter
  • learning agreement or traineeship agreement
  • transcript of records
  • confirmation of enrolment at home institution
  • language certificate for German
  • records of your immunisation status (e.g. measels, Covid-19)

Detailed information on the application process and all requirements can be found on the websites of the faculty.

Please note that this information is only available in German as all interns are required to have good German language skills.

  1. UR International Office

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