- Geschichte der Kindheit im 20. Jh. (Ungarn)
- Zeitgeschichte Mittelost-und Südosteuropas
- Geschichte des Samizdat und Tamizdat
- Ost-West Beziehungen im Kalten Krieg
- Vertreibung und Migration
- Narrative Interviewführung
- Europa-Diskurse
Ausbildung, Funktionen
- geb. 21.09.1978 in Frankfurt am Main
- verheiratet, zwei T?chter
- Dezember 2008: Promotion zum Dr. phil. an der Universit?t Potsdam.
- 06/2007-02/2008: Elternzeit nach Geburt unserer Tochter Laura Marlene.
- 2006-2007: "Ungarisch Kompakt" am Europaeum, Universit?t Regensburg.
- 2005-2006: "Doctoral Support Program" an der Central European University, Budapest.
- 2004-2008: Promotionsstudium am Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Universit?t Potsdam, co-tutelle an der Central European University, Budapest (Prof. Thomas Lindenberger (ZZF) / Prof. Marsha Siefert (CEU)).
- 2002: Master of Arts (M.Litt) an der University of St. Andrews, Schottland.
- 2001-2002: Master Studium in Modern History ''People and Nation in the Twentieth Century'' an der University of St. Andrews, Schottland.
- 1999-2001: Studium der Neueren/Neuesten Geschichte, Romanistik und Kunstgeschichte an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?t, Freiburg i. Br..
- 10/2017-07/2018:?10-monatiges Fellowship,?Imre Kertész Kolleg?Jena.?
- Seit Februar 2009: Akademische R?tin am Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Südost- und Osteuropas, Universit?t Regensburg.
- 2003-2008: Mitarbeit als Doktorandin in der Projektgruppe "Kalter Krieg und Medien", Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam.
- 2003: Praktikum am Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam.
- 2002: Praktikum am "Musée d?art et d?histoire du judaisme", Paris.
- 1999-2000: Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im "Büro für ungew?hnliche Ma?nahmen", Freiburg.
Stipendien / Preise
- 10/2017-07/2018:?10-monatiges Fellowship, Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena.
- 05/2017-07/2017: "Mobilit?ts-/Kurzzeitstipendien für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen" der Universit?t Regensburg, Geschichtswissenschaftliches Institut, Akademie der Wissenschaften Budapest.?
- 2015: Gewinnerin des University of Southern California Book Prize in Literary and Cultural Studies (for an outstanding monograph published on Russia, Eastern Europe or Eurasia in the field of literary and cultural studies) für die Monographie?Written Here, Published There: How Underground Literature Crossed the Iron Curtain.?New York/Budapest: Central European University Press, 2014.
- Stipendiatin des "Fast-Track" Programms der Robert Bosch Stiftung 2010-2012.
- Nominierung der Dissertation für den Leibniz-Nachwuchspreis 2009 "Theoria cum praxi" durch die Sektion A (Geisteswissenschaften und Bildungsforschung) der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
- 2007-2009: Stipendiatin des Frauen-Karrieref?rderprogramms "Talente sichern. Zukunft gestalten." Ein Pilotprojekt zur nachhaltigen Sicherung wissenschaftlicher Exzellenz von Frauen in Begabtenf?rderungswerken", Cusanuswerk.
- 2000-2007: Stipendiatin des Begabtenf?rderungswerkes "Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V." (Grundf?rderung, Promotionsf?rderung).
- Assoziierte Postdoktorandin an der Graduiertenschule Ost- und Südosteuropastudien", Universit?t Regensburg/LMU München
- Stellvertretende Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Graduiertenschule Ost- und Südosteuropastudien", Universit?t Regensburg/LMU München
- seit 2006 deutsche Koordinatorin der ''International Samizdat Research Association'' (ISRA), OSA, Budapest.
Forschungs- und Drittmittelprojekte
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
- 2016-2019: Lead Researcher mit einem Projekt zu “Hunger in the City: the Great War, Famine and Budapest’s starving children”?im Leverhulme Forschungsnetzwerk Hunger Draws the Map: Blockade and Food Shortages in Europe, 1914-1922, Oxford University ?
- 2016-2019: Lead Researcher?mit einem Forschungsprojekt zu "Secretive Listening Behind the Iron Curtain:?Mutual Radio Surveillance in the Cold War"im Leverhulme Trust International Network Connecting the Wireless World: Writing Global Radio History, Bristol University.?
Abgeschlossene Forschungs- und Drittmittelprojekte
- "Die Erz?hlte Grenze: lebensgeschichtliches Interviewprojekt im Bayerisch-B?hmischen Grenzraum", gef?rdert durch den Deutsch-Tschechischen Zukunftsfonds und die Euregio Egrensis.????????????????????????????????????????
- Gemeinsam mit Dr. Heike Karge und Sara Bernasconi, Wissenschaftliche Netzwerk (DFG-F?rderung): Sozialfürsorge und Gesundheit in Ost- und Südosteuropa im langen 20. Jahrhundert. Laufzeit 2012-2014.?More
- Abgeschlossene Promotion: "Out of the drawer and into the West: Tamizdat from the Other Europe and its vision and practice of a transnational literary community (1956-1989)", gef?rdert durch das Evangelische Studienwerk Villigst e.V.
- "From Samizdat to Tamizdat", Konferenzprojekt und Publikation (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Wien, 2006), gef?rdert durch die Volkswagen-Stiftung im Forschungsschwerpunkt "Einheit in der Vielfalt. Grundlagen und Voraussetzungen eines erweiterten Europa"
Written Here, Published There: How Underground Literature Crossed the Iron Curtain. New?York, Budapest: Central European University Press 2014. (winner of the 2015 University of Southern California Book Prize in Literary and Cultural Studies,?
Heike Karge, Friederike Kind-Kovács, Sara Bernasconi:?From the Midwife's Bag to the Patient's File: Public Health in Eastern Europe.?New York, Budapest: Central European University Press 2017. Forthcoming in Oct. 2017.
(Hg. mit Jessie Labov) "Samizdat, Tamizdat and Beyond. Transnational media during and after socialism", New York: Berghahn Books 2013.?
?The dangers of listening: mutual surveillance of radio listening in the Cold War”, für einen Special Issue zu?Knowing your Enemy (and your Friends): Cultures of Radio Monitoring and Surveillance,?Media History?(in Vorbereitung).
"The Dutch Connection: The Alexander Herzen Foundation and her Russian writers", in: Apor, Balázs, ed. The Handbook of Cultural Opposition in the Soviet bloc. Budapest: Akadémiai kiadó, 2018. (in Vorbereitung).
"Strategies of Survival", in: Claire Morelon, Mary Cox (Ed.) Hunger Draws the Map: Food and Deprivation in Europe during the First World War, 1914-1922. Collective Final Volume of Leverhulme Network. (in Vorbereitung).
"Exil Theatre as Provocation: Performing Central Europe in New York”, in:?Apor, Balázs, ed. The Handbook of Cultural Opposition in the Soviet bloc. Budapest: Akadémiai kiadó, 2018. (In Vorbereitung).?
"The Sweet Temptation of Revisionism: Shifting Borders, Refugees and Statelessness after the Great War,” Special Issue in?Geschichte und Gesellschaft (eingereicht bei der Herausgeberin der Sonderausgabe).
?From Famine to Food: American Child Feeding in Budapest after the Great War”, Special Issue zu??Politics of Food in and of CEE”, (Hg. von Gábor Egry),?New Perspectives, Fall 2017. (peer review, accepted for publication).
??Transatlantic Humanitarianism: Jewish Child Relief in post-WWI Budapest,” In:?Sara Bernasconi, Heike Karge und Friederike Kind-Kovács (Hg.),?Beyond Medicine: History and Politics of Public Health in twentieth century Europe,?New York, Budapest: CEU Press 2017.?(peer-reviewed, forthcoming).
“From the Midwife’s Bag to the Patient’s File: Public Health in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Introduction.“ mit Sara Bernasconi und Heike Karge, In:?Sara Bernasconi, Heike Karge und Friederike Kind-Kovács (Hg.),?Beyond Medicine: History and Politics of Public Health in twentieth century Europe.?New York, Budapest: CEU Press 2017, 7-30.?(peer-reviewed, forthcoming).?
?Compassion for the Distant Other: Children’s Hunger and Humanitarian Relief in Budapest in the Aftermath of WWI" in: Beate Althammer, Lutz Raphael, Tamara Stazic-Wendt: Rescuing the Vulnerable: Poverty, Welfare and Social Ties in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Europe. New York: Berghahn Books 2016, 129-159 (double blind peer-reviewed)
?The Great War, the Child’s Body and the ‘American Red Cross’” (Special Issue zu ‘Humanitarianisms in Context: Histories of Non-state Actors, from the Local to the Global’), European Review of History 23, no. 1-2, (2016), 33-62. (double blind peer-reviewed)
?Budapest’s Eastern Train Station: From the Past to Today’s (Child) Refugee Crisis”, London: Homepage der Reluctant Internationalists, October 12, 2015,
“Crossing Germany’s Iron Curtain: Uncensored Literature from the GDR and the Other Europe,”?East Central Europe?41, No. 2-3 (2014), 180-203.
"Forbidden Fruit: Smuggling and Publishing Across Borders in Ancien Régime France and Cold War Eastern Europe" (with Jessie Labov) in: Jan C. Behrends and Thomas Lindenberger (Ed.):?Publishing and the Public Sphere. Transnational Perspectives.?Berlin: Lit Verlag 2014, 257-289.
"Memories of Ethnic Cleansing and the local Iron Curtain in the Czech-German Borderlands",?Nationalities Papers?42, No. 2, (2014): 199-222.
"The 'Other' Child Transports: World War I and the Temporary Displacement of Needy Children From Central Europe."?Journal of the History of Irregular?Childhood?15 (2013), 75-109.
"'Voices, letters, literature through the Iron Curtain': Exiles and the (trans-)mission of radio in the Cold War", in:?Cold War History?13, No.2, 2013, 193-220.
"Samizdat-Tamizdat: an entangled phenomenon?" (mit Jessie Labov), in: Friederike Kind-Kovács and Jessie Labov (Hg.): Samizdat, Tamizdat and Beyond. Transnational media during and after socialism, New York: Berghahn Books 2013, 1-23.
“Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty as the 'echo chamber' of tamizdat", in: Friederike Kind-Kovács and Jessie Labov (Hg.): Samizdat, Tamizdat and Beyond. Transnational media during and after socialism. New York: Berghahn Books 2013, 70-91.
"(Re)Joining the Community of Letters? The circulation of uncensored literature in/of Cold War Europe", in: Teresa Pinheiro, Beata Cieszynska and Eduardo Franco (2011): Ideas of/for Europe. An Interdisciplinary Approach to European Identity. Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang 2012, 177-195.
"Historische Ambivalenzen von "Transfer"- und Grenzgeschichte(n): Bev?lkerungsverschiebung und Literaturschmuggel im bayerisch-b?hmischen Grenzraum", in: Markus A. Meinke (Hrsg.): Die tschechisch-bayerische Grenze im Kalten Krieg in vergleichender Perspektive. Politische, ?konomische und soziokulturelle Dimensionen. Regensburger Studien. Band 17. Regensburg 2011, S. 93-108.
"Die erz?hlten Grenzen. Geschichte von Unten - Lebensgeschichtliche Interviews im bayerisch-b?hmischen Grenzraum" (gemeinsam mit Sabina Blomann, Roxana Hila, Julia Kling, Markus Meinke), in: Blick in die Wissenschaft 23 (2011), S. 3-10.
"Life stories reconnected: Publishing tamizdat as a symbolic act of recreating biographical coherence?", in: Sari Autio-Sarasmo and Brendan Humphreys: "Winter Kept us Warm: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered", Aleksanteri Cold War Series 1: 2010, Kikimora Publications, Helsinki 2010, S.170-191.
"An 'Other Europe' through Literature: Recreating a European literary "Kontinent" after Helsinki", in: Jose Faraldo/Paulina Gulinska-Jurgiel/Christian Domnitz, "Europa im Ostblock. Vorstellungen und Diskurse (1945-1991) / Europe in the Eastern Bloc. Imaginations and Discourses", K?ln, Wien: B?hlau Verlag, 2008, S. 267-299.
"Vom Untergrund in den Mainstream: Samizdat, Emigrationsliteratur und Tamizdat und die Neuerfindung Mitteleuropas in den achtziger Jahren.", zusammen mit Jan Behrends, in: "West-Ost-Verst?ndigung im Spannungsfeld von Gesellschaft und Staat seit den 1960er-Jahren", Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (45) 2005, S. 427-448.
[Rezension von]: Nikolaos Papadogiannis: Militant around the Clock? Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure, and Sexuality in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974-1981. New York: Berghahn Books, 2015, Slavic Review, 76 (2) (2017): 534-535.
[Rezension von]: Ann Komaromi: Uncensored: Samizdat Novels and The Quest for Autonomy in Soviet Dissidence. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Presss 2015, Russian Review 75 (July 2016): 511-512.
"Cold War Broadcasting". [Sammelrezenion zu]: Johnson, A. Ross; Parta, R. Eugene (Hrsg.): Cold War Broadcasting. Impact on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. A Collection of Studies and Documents. Budapest 2010, Johnson, A. Ross: Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. The CIA Years and Beyond. Stanford, CA 2010, Cummings, Richard H.: Radio Free Europe's "Crusade for Freedom". Rallying Americans Behind Cold War Broadcasting, 1950–1960. Jefferson, NC 2010, Badenoch, Alexander; Fickers, Andreas; Henrich-Franke, Christian (Hrsg.): Airy Curtains in the European Ether. Broadcasting and the Cold War. Baden-Baden 2013, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 01.10.2013, <>.
[Rezension von:] Daniel Laqua (Ed.): Internationalism reconfigured :
transnational ideas and movements between the world wars. London [u.a.]: Tauris, 2011. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte 52 (2012)] URL: -
[Rezension von]: Rüdiger Dannemann: Lukács und 1968. Eine Spurensuche. Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag 2009. In: Ungarn-Jahrbuch. Zeitschrift für interdisziplin?re Hungarologie. Bd. 30 (2009-2010), S. 291-294.
[Rezension von]: Julia Obertreis/Anke Stefan: Erinnerungen nach der Wende: Oral History und (Post)Sozialistische Gesellschaften. Essen: Klartext 20. In: Südost-Forschungen Bd. 68, (2009), München 2010, S. 714-718.
[Rezension von]: Catherine Andreyev and Ivan Savick? "Russia Abroad. Prague and the Russian Diaspora, 1918-1938", New Haven: Yale University Press 2004, Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (46) 2006.
Tagungsbericht: "Massenmedien im Kalten Krieg", in: Potsdamer Bulletin für Zeithistorische Studien, Nr.30/31, Januar 2004, S. 54-60.
- 04/2017:??Know Your Listeners: Mutual Radio Surveillance in the Early Cold War”, Trinity College Dublin.
? - 11/2016:??Listening to the enemy: Radio surveillance and punishment in the early Cold War”, Cambridge University.
? - 11/2016:??The Hungry City: Children’s Famine and Relief in post-WWI Hungary”, Universit?t?Gie?en.
? - 09/2016:??’The battle is fought on the farms’: famine in Hungary during WWI“, Oxford University.
? - 09/2016:??The dangers of listening: mutual surveillance of ?free’ radio in the Cold War”, Konferenz: Knowing your Enemy (and your Friends): Cultures of Radio Monitoring and Surveillance, York University.
? - 06/2016:??After Empire: Refugee Slumming and Humanitarian Relief in Post-WWI Budapest”, in der Ringvorlesung “Migration und Sozialer Wandel”, Universit?t Regensburg.
? - 03/2016:??From Food to Business: Children’s Hunger and American Relief in Hungary after the Great War”, ESSHC Valencia.
? - 01/2016:??Refugee Slumming: Budapest’s Housing Crisis after the Great War”, GWZO Leipzig.
12/2015:?“Transatlantic Humanitarianism: American Child Relief in Hungary after the Great War”, Department of American Studies,?Regensburg University.
11/2015:?“American Food for Central Europe: Milk kitchens and children’s feeding stations in post-WWI Budapest”, ASEEES, Philadelphia.
07/2015: “Biopolitics as body politics: Sorting children’s bodies in post-WWI Hungary,” Study Group of Graduate School of Southeast European Studies, Regensburg University.
07/2015:?“The Body of the Starving Infant: An Object of Biopolitical Surveillance?(1918-1927),” Joint Network Meeting of “Reluctant Internationalists” and “Health and Social Welfare in EE” on Thinking About Health And Welfare in Eastern Europe and Beyond, Birkbeck College, London.
02/2015:?“Fear of Europe’s Moral and Physical Degeneration: Child Poverty after the Great War“, Workshop on The Politics of Fear in?East Central Europe in the 20th Century, Regensburg University.
“International and National Jewish Child Relief in Interwar Hungary“, ESSHC Vienna, April 2014.
11/2013: "Transatlantic humanitarianism: Emergency Child Relief in post-WWI Central Europe", ZZF Potsdam
11/2013: “Feeding the Enemy’s Children: Hoover’s American Relief Administration in Post-WWI Budapest”, ?Universit?t Regensburg
07/2013: “The Children of the Railway Coaches“: The removal and temporary statelessness of refugee children from the former Hungarian territories after WWI", Universit?t Salzburg,
06/2013: “Holiday from War: Child Transports across the Austro-Hungarian Empire”, SHCY, Nottingham
06/2012: "Enfance, Guerre et Migration (Forcée). Comment Reconstruire la vie des enfants hongrois?", Regensburg.
05/2012: "The Visual Represenation of Child Transports and Children's Forced Migration From War to Post-War I Hungary", Forschungskolloquium G?ttingen.
05/2012: "Save the (Hungarian) Children: WWI as a trigger of children's social in/exclusion", DHI London.
04/2012: "Picturing the poor child: Photography as social politics of (trans)national Child Philanthropy in interwar Hungary", ESSHC Glasgow.
02/2012: "The Children of the Railway Coaches": The removal and temporary statelessness of refugee children from the former Hungarian territories after WWI, DHI Washington.
01/2012: "The manifold Faces of (Child) Poverty and Child Relief in Post-WWI Hungary", Central European University, Budapest.
2011: "What is a (Hungarian) child worth to you?: The Visual Representation of International Child Relief Programs in the immediate aftermath of WWI", SHCY, Columbia University (US).
2011: "Then the Czech came and made it bitter and sour to us." Narratives about guilt and innocence in the Bavarian-Bohemiam border region", BASEES, Cambridge University, UK.
2010: "Thinking, publishing and broadcasting 'Europe': The early mission of Radio Free Europe and its effect on featuring European Tamizdat", University of Reading (UK).
2010: "Who cares? The struggle of philanthropists and nationalists over child welfare in inter-war Hungary", ASEEES, Los Angeles (US).
2010: "Opposition in the GDR and in the Other Europe: Entangled but Distinct Worlds?", GSA, Oakland (US).
2010: "The embattled child or how the First World War affected Hungarian child welfare", Universit?t Salzburg.
2010: "The ambivalence of transfer across borders: the Bavarian-Bohemian Border from post-War to Cold War." ICCEES, Stockholm.
2009: "Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty as the ,echo chamber' of tamizdat", AAASS, Boston.
2009: "The ambiguity of the 'Other Europe': From a 'Europe behind the Iron Curtain' to 'a Europe without the Iron Curtain', Chemnitz Universit?t.
2009: "Diplomaten, Antiquare und andere 'Brieftauben': Literaturschmuggel zwischen Prag und Weiden in den 1980er Jahren", Südost-Institut, Regensburg.
2009: "Lifestories reconnected: Tamizdat as a universal human experience across the Iron Curtain", 9th Annual Aleksanteri Conference, Helsinki.
2009: "Von der Shoah zum Gulag: die biographische Bedeutung des Tamizdat aus dem Anderen Europa", Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Südost- und Osteuropas, Universit?t Regensburg.
2008: "The Role of friendship and trust for the social practice of smuggling Tamizdat", OSA, Budapest.
2007: "Tamizdat as an imagined community of letters", AAASS, New Orleans.
2006: Einführender Vortrag der Konferenzorganisatoren: "From Samizdat to Tamizdat", Institut für die Wissenschaften des Menschen (IWM), Vienna.
2006: "Tamizdat: independent media crossing borders from L'Ancien Regime to today's Europe", Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB), Berlin.
2005: "In the name of Europe: East-West publishing initiatives facing the Helsinki Final Act", OSA, Budapest.
2005: "In the name of Europe: East-West publishing initiatives facing the Helsinki Final Act" ZZF, Potsdam.
2005: "The Helsinki Final Act and the freer movement of ideas beyond borders", Berliner Kolleg für Vergleichende Geschichte Europas (BKVGE), Berlin.
2005: "Reinventing the Centre of Europe: The destiny of Central Europe as a shared intellectual project of dissident thinkers in East and West in the late Cold War", CEU, Budapest.
2005: "A stream of Culture beyond the Iron Curtain. Tamizdat as a new frame for transnational communication between Central Europe, Paris and New York", auf dem Young Scholars Forum, Deutsches Historisches Institut Washington (DHI), Arlington, (USA).
2004: "Central Europe-Paris: an entangled history? The "Central European debate" and its reception in Parisian Magazines in the 1980s", Graduate School of Social Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warschau.
2004: "Civil Society in Transition: Tamizdat as a Transnational Frame for the Liberation of Society from Political Rule", Institute for the Revolution of 1956, Erd?tarcsa.
Aufs?tze in Zeitschriften und Sammelb?nden
Sonstige Ver?ffentlichungen und Rezensionen
Vortr?ge auf nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen (Auswahl)
Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen (Sommersemester 2019)
keine Lehre
Universit?t Regensburg
- The Body Matters: Health in the twentieth century, HS (WS 2016/17)
- Einführung in geschichts- und kulturwissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken, PS (WS 2016/17)
- Lebensgeschichtliche Interviewführung: Theorie und Praxis, Masterübung (WS 2016/17)
- Humanitarianism: anthropological and historical perspectives, (HS SS 16)
- Childhood in East and West: Approaching Poverty, Ethnicity and Gender, (PS SS 16)
- “Health, the Body and Gender in (Eastern) Europe’s Twentieth Century”, (together with Eszter Varsa) (Hauptseminar, WiSe 2015/2016)
- “Interdisciplinary Methods and Theories of Field Research and Interviewing” at the Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies. (together with Ger Duijzings and Petar Kehayov) (Doktorandenworkshop, WiSe 2014/15)
- "Einführung in geschichts-und kulturwissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken (mit Schwerpunkt südosteurop?ischer Geschichte)" (Proseminar SoSe 2013)
- "Childhood and Migration in the Twentieth Century" (Hauptseminar SoSe 2013)
- "Childhood and Humanitarianism in 20th Century (Eastern) Europe" (Proseminar WiSe 2012/2013)
- "Everyday Life and Underground Culture During State Socialism", (only in combination with the exercise "Researching the Underground: An Archival Excursion to Budapest"), (Hauptseminar WiSe 2012/2013)
- "Researching the Underground: An Archival Excursion to Budapest", (?bung (WiSe 2012/2013)
- Proseminar: "Einführung in die historischen und kulturwissenschaftlichen Hilfswissenschaften und Arbeitstechniken mit Schwerpunkt Südosteuropa", (Proseminar SoSe 2012)
- "Taking (Oral) History Online: Creating a homepage of the Czech-German Borderlands" (mit Exkursion nach Prag), (Hauptseminar SoSe 2012
- ?Underground Culture and Daily Life in the Eastern Bloc“ (Hauptseminar, WiSe 2011/12)
- ?Researching Cold War (Media) history: An Archival Excursion to Budapest“ (?bung, WiSe 2011/12)
- "Kindheit und Krieg in Ost- und Westeuropa im 20. Jahrhundert" (Proseminar, WiSe 2011/12)
- "Lokale Erinnerung an das Konzentrationslager Flosssenbürg: Lebensgeschichtliches Interviewprojekt im deutsch-tschechischen Grenzgebiet" (Hauptseminar, SoSe 2011)
- "Geschichts- und kulturwissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken am Beispiel der Geschichte Südosteuropas" (Proseminar, SoSe 2011)
- "Daily life between conformism and non-conformism during State Socialism" (Proseminar, WS 2010/2011)
- "Poverty, Family and Childhood in Central and Eastern Europe, 20th Century" (Proseminar, WS 2010/2011)
- "Südosteuropa im Film: Ungarn im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert" (?bung, WS 2010/2011)
- "Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken. Methoden der Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaft. Pr?sentationstechniken" (gemeinsam mit Tillmann Tegeler)(Proseminar, SoSe 2010)
- "Die erz?hlte Grenze: lebensgeschichtliche Erinnerungen und Erinnerungsorte im bayerisch-b?hmischen Grenzraum" (gemeinsam mit Veronika Hofinger)(Proseminar, SoSe 2010)
- "Ost-West Beziehungen im Kalten Krieg " (Proseminar, WiSe 2009/2010)
- "Migration und Biographie " (?bung, WiSe 2009/2010)
- "Die etwas andere literarische Emigration Ostmitteleuropas im Kalten Krieg" (PS, SoSe 2009)
- "Lebensgeschichtliche Interviewführung und Oral History: Theorie und Praxis" (?; SoSe 2009)
"Erasmus Teaching Mobility"
- 2012: Central European University, Budapest: ""(Re)Producing biographical materials: From Closed Questionnaires to Open Interviewing", Erasmus Teaching Mobility.
2012: Karls-Universit?t Prague: "Czech borderlands after 1945 in the memory of Czechs and Germans: analyzing oral history interviews", Erasmus Teaching Mobility. - 2011: Central European University, Budapest: "Researching Daily Life during State Socialism: the combined perspective of primary sources and oral history", Erasmus Teaching Mobility.