From the categories subject to the legal protection against discrimination regulated by the German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), the core set of diversity dimensions that shape our current understanding of human diversity is derived:
- national and ethnic origin
- gender (including identification with none of the binary genders, transgender and intersex) and sexual identity
- philosophy and religion, as well as not belonging to a religious community or philosophy
- disability and chronic diseases
- age
The University of Regensburg also estimates the aspects that can equally stand in the way of equal participation in the university education and research system:
- social background
- international educational background
- parenthood, family situation and life plan
In analogy to the AGG, which also protects multiple discrimination through § 4, the UR takes into account the connection between the respective social-structural conditions and individual (multiple) disadvantages (intersection-sensitive approach).
On this page we have compiled events & measures of the UR as well as external links to the individual diversity dimensions.
For more information on dealing with diversity at UR, please refer to the Diversity Concept "Diversity@UR". You can find the PDF download (German and English version) here...
Disability & Chronic Diseases
Events & measures at the UR
- Studying with a disability (only in German) more...
- Working with a disability at the UR (only in German) more...
- Occupational rehabilitation management for employees of the UR (only in German) more...
- Working group AK moved campus (only in German) more...
- Working group AK addiction prevention (only in German) more...
- UR alive - student health management (only in German) more...
- Counseling serivce for mental health of the Advisory Service more...
- Students working group Mindful Students of the Student Representation (only in German) more...
- Students working group AIAS - Studying against blood cancer?of the Student Representation (only in German) more...
External links
- Information and support by the center for neurodiversity (BZND Zentrum für Neurodiversit?t e.V.) (only in German) more...
- Psychological counseling service of the STWO (only in German) more...
- Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs (only in German) more...
National & Ethnic Origin
Events & measures at the UR
International Office of the UR with different events and measures - more...
Students working group Amnesty International of the Student Representation (only in German) - more...
Students working group Sea-Eye Regensburg of the Student Representation (only in German) - more...
Students working group Hochschulgruppe BIPoC Regensburg of the Student Representation (only in German) - more...
The association Migrantenmedizin Regensburg e.V. consists of students of medicine, psychology or other social studies and works to improve healthcare for refugees. Anyone can get involved, regardless of degree course, student status or profession (only in German) - more...
External links
Campus Asyl e.V. Regensburg (only in German) more...
Community based support in cases of racism (Bavarian points, only in German) more...
ZDF Mediathek: Documentation ((only in German, with German subtitles) about a "Blue-Eyed Workshop" with the title? "Der Rassist in uns"
Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für polititsche Bildung bpb) with different events and measures more...
Language creates reality. Glossary and checklist for a racism-critical use of language by ADB Cologne (only in German) more...
Gender & Sexual Identity
Events & measures of the UR
- Please get in contact with the anti-discriminiation point for the process for students to change their first name and/or gender marker for trans individuals. You can find the guidline, additional information and the form
- Gender equitable language guide of the UR (only in German) more...
- Students working group AK Queer (only in German)? more...
Externe Links
- dgti e.V. - German association for transidentity and intersexuality (only in German) - more... - information regarding the dgti-supplementary ID more...
- Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs (only in German) - more...
- Queermed offers a Germany-wide directory of queerfriendly, sensitised doctors, therapists and practices - more...
- Assessment of the legal effectiveness of forms of action by the administration when using the gender star or gender-inclusive formulations by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lembke, HU Berlin (only in German) - more...
- Recommendation on gender-appropriate, digitally accessible language - a representative study by the Federal Monitoring Agency for Accessibility of Information Technology (only in German) - more...
- Recommendation of the German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (DBSV) on gendering in the use of screen readers (only in German) - more...
- Contribution to gender sensitive wording when using screen readers: Why gendering (still) bothers many blind people in everyday life (in German only: Warum Gendern viele Blinde (noch) im Alltag st?rt) - more...
- GESCHICKT GENDERN: A gender dictionary for gender sensitive wording (only in German) - more...
- Diversifix: online tool for checking gender-sensitive language (only in German) - more...
- Sprachnudel: online reference book for gender-sensitive language (only in German) - more...
- Podcast "Gerecht sprechen: ?ber die Lust auf Gendersternchen, neue Pronomen und Co." from Sabine Rohlf on Bayern 2 (only in German) more...
"Regenbogenportal" of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth: Network and information pool on same-sex lifestyles and gender diversity -
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 14.05.2020: "'M?nnerwelten': Joko und Klaas werfen Schlaglicht auf ?bergriffe gegen Frauen" linked Video (only in German), link on the website of the FAZ
The QueerNetwork of the Charité Berlin has produced an explanatory video together with the Bundesverband Trans* e.V., which is intended to raise awareness for LGTBQ* persons in medicine. The video, which is also interesting for other professional groups, can be found on the Charité website?(video only in German) - more... - "Gender" at the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung bpb) (only in German) - more...
Social Background & First Generation
Events & measures at the UR
- General advisory service for prospective students without German university entrance qualification (e.g. vocationally qualified students) and first generation students more...
- Secondos-Program for students of all subjects at the UR who have grown up bilingual and with another culture in addition to German (only in German) more...
- Students working group AK Gewerkschaften (trade union) of the Student Representation (only in German) more...
- The International Office offers programs for studying abroad for students regardless of individual prerequisites (only in German) more...
External links
- The non-profit association Studenten bilden Schüler e.V. (Students educate students) is an initiative for free tutoring for children and young people from educationally disadvantaged and low-income families, run by students who volunteer their time?(only in German) - more...
- ApplicAid offers advice and support for students with difficulties in their educational biography and from educationally disadvantaged groups (only in German) - more...
- Charta der Vielfalt adds the diversity dimension Social Background - more...
- Vocationally qualified students for university (only in German) - more...
- Network Arbeiterkind (network for first generation students and students with working class background) - more... regional group Regensburg:!entity.27870
- Network Chances (Netzwerk Chancen) for social advancement and career promotion (only in German) - more...
Events & measures at the UR
External links
Events & measures at the UR
- Guidlines of the UR for students under age more...
- The Family Service offers information and support in case of care needs for relatives (only in German) more...
External links
- Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs (only in German) more...
Philosophy & Religion
Events & measures at the UR
- Students working group Muslim Students Group MHG of the Student Representation (only in German) more...
External links
- Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft e.V. (German-Isreali Community AG Regensburg-Oberpfalz) (only in German) more...
- Evangelische Studierendengemeinde ESG Regensburg (Protestant Student Community) (only in German) more...
- Katholische Hochschulgemeinde KHG Regensburg (Catholic Student Community) (only in German) more...
- The project is an association of nationwide initiatives and individuals against anti-Semitism. The site informs and raises awareness for anti-Semitic statements (only in German) more...
- Portal for teachers "Bayern gegen Antisemitismus" (Bavaria against antisemitism, only in German) more...
- Online tool against antisemitism (Amadeo Antonio Stiftung, only in German) more...
Events & measures of the UR
Externe Links
- Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft e.V. / Young Forum, Regional- and Students group Regensburg-Oberpfalz (only in German) more...
- Jewish Community Regensburg (only in German) more...
- The Jewish LGBTIQ* community in Germany Keshet more...
- The project is an association of nationwide initiatives and individuals against anti-Semitism. The website provides information and raises awareness of anti-Semitic statements (only in German) more...
- Portal for teachers "Bayern gegen Antisemitismus" (Bavarian against anti-Semitism, only in German) more...
- Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs: Digital symposium "Everyday anti-Semitism - What to do?". You can view all contributions here on the Ministry's
Commissioner of the Bavarian State Government for Jewish Life and against Anti-Semitism, for Remembrance Work and Historical Heritage (only in German) more...
Plattform of the Amadeo Antonio Stiftung for anti-Semitism with information material and links (only in German) more...
Network of Jewish university teachers as a voice against anti-Semitism (only in German) more...
The Federal Association of Research and Information Centers on Anti-Semitism (Bundesverband der Recherche- und Informationsstellen Antisemitismus e.V.) aims to use the reporting portal to ensure a uniform nationwide civil society recording and documentation of anti-Semitic incidents more...