Update 26.8.2024
The workshop series "Gender Awareness for students" in the wintersemester 2024/25 takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 20.11.2024, 4-8 p.m., VG 3.59
Wednesday, 27.11.2024, 4-8 p.m., VG 3.59
Wednesday, 4.12.2024, 4-8 p.m., VG 3.59
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Registration by e-mail untill 18.11.2024: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
The workshop series "Racism Awareness for students" in the wintersemester 2024/25 takes place on the following dates:
Friday, 29.11.2024, 10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr, ZH7
Friday, 6.12.2024, 10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr, ZH7
Friday, 13.12.2024, 10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr, ZH7
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Registration by e-mail untill 27.11.2024: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
The workshop series "Diversity Awareness for students" in the wintersemester 2024/25 takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 15.1.2025, 4-8 p.m., VG 3.59
Wednesday, 22.1.2025, 4-8 p.m., VG 3.59
Wednesday, 29.1.2025, 4-8 p.m., VG 3.59
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Registration by e-mail untill 13.1.2025: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
Update 31.7.2024
UR was awarded the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for the years 2024 to 2026 due to its exemplary actions in terms of an equal opportunity-oriented personnel and organizational policy (press release only in German) - more...
Update 30.7.2024
The dates for the workshop series for the winter semester 2024/25 are published in the course catalog under the tab "Courses open for students from all faculties - Diversity & Anti-Discrimination" - more...
Update 16.5.2024
The workshop series "Diversity Awareness for students" takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 5.6.2024, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 12.6.2024, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 19.6.2024, 4-8 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Registration by e-mail untill 3.6.2024: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
The workshop series "Gender Awareness for students" takes place on the following dates:
Friday, 14.6.2024, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Friday, 21.6.2024, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Friday, 5.7.2024, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Registration by e-mail untill 12.6.2024: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
Update 12.3.2024
The Anti-Discrimination Point is part of the International Weeks Against Racism:
Here is the program from different institutions of Regensburg (only in German).
Update 23.1.2024
In cooperation with the Center for Didactics of Higher Education and Science (ZHW) the training for UR teachers takes place:
Diversity-sensitive teaching and learning conditions.
Thursday, 11.4.2024, 9:00-16:00, Course room 224, Altes Finanzamt, Landshuterstr. 4
Workshop description (only in German) more…
Registration by e-mail untill 7.4.2024 to: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
Workshop series in the summer semester 2024:
The workshop series "Racism Awareness for students" takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 8.5.2024, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 15.5.2024, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 22.5.2024, 4-8 p.m.
Registration by e-mail untill 6.5.2024: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.deThe workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
Update 22.11.2023
The workshop series "Diversity Awareness for students" in the winter semester 2023/24 takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 29.11.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 6.12.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 13.12.2023, 4-8 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 27.11.2023: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
The workshop series "Gender Awareness for students" in the winter semester 2023/24 takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 17.1.2024, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 24.1.2024, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 31.1.2024, 4-8 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 15.1.2024: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
On the occasion of the 11th German Diversity Day, the large online survey "Diversity and Antidiscrimination at the University of Regensburg" took place.
Here you can find the evaluation of the online survey “Diversity and Antidiscrimination at the University of Regensburg” (only in German)
Update 30.10.2023
The workshop series "Racism Awareness for students" in the winter semester 2023/24 takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 8.11.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 15.11.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 22.11.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Due to high demand, there will be another series with the same content on the following dates:
Friday, 10.11.2023, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Friday, 17.11.2023, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Friday, 24.11.2023, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 6.11.2023: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
Update 26.9.2023
In cooperation with the Center for Didactics of Higher Education and Science (ZHW) the training for UR teachers takes place:
Diversity-sensitive teaching and learning conditions.
Thursday, 5.10.2023, 9:00-16:00, Course room 224, Altes Finanzamt, Landshuterstr. 4
Workshop description (only in German) more…
Registration by e-mail untill 4.10.2023 to: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
or at the ZHW.
Update 11.9.2023
The antidiscrimination point of the UR supports "Uncovering gaps" (Leerstellen aufdecken) blended-learning continuing education course "Antiziganism-sensitive educational counseling and democracy education" in four modules from October 2023 to February 2024. The bpb-funded continuing education course is organized by the Antiziganism Prevention Office of the Heidelberg University of Education and the Documentation Center of German Sinti and Roma and takes place at the university locations Bielefeld, Regensburg and Tübingen. It is aimed at students, teachers and staff of the UR and the OTH.
Further information is available here and at the homepage of the Arbeitsstelle Antiziganismuspr?vention (both only in German).
Update 4.9.2023
The Anti-Discrimination Point is part of the Intercultural weeks:
Here you can find the program from different actors (only in German).
Update 19.5.2023
On occasion of the German Diversity Day the large online survey "Diversity and Anti-Discrimination at the UR" from May 23-31, 2023 takes place.
We want to learn more about the diversity and potential of our university's members and we want to analyze and address study and work problems more systematically.
Only by facing up to the challenges of opportunity- and potential-oriented student, personnel and organizational development we can support you in pursuing and achieving your personal goals. The invitation for the survey is sent by e-mail.
Update 24.4.2023
The anti-discrimination point of the UR is part of the 11th German Diversity Day of the Charta der Vielfalt and offers three workshop series:
The workshop series "Gender Awareness for students" in the summer semester 2023 takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 3.5.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 10.5.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 17.5.2023, 4-8 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 1.5.2023: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
The workshop series "Diversity Awareness for students" in the summer semester 2023 takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 14.6.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 21.6.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 28.6.2023, 4-8 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 12.6.2023: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
The workshop series "Racism Awareness for students" in the summer semester 2023 takes place on the following dates:
Thursday, 29.6.2023, 4-8 p.m.
Thursday, 6.7.2023, 4-8 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments. Additional to these sessions there will be a preparation unit.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 26.6.2023: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
Update 29.3.2023
The University of Regensburg has adopted the diversity concept "Diversity@UR". You can find the PDF (German and English version) download here...
Update 6.3.2023
The Anti-Discrimination Point is part of the International Weeks Against Racism:
Here you can find the program from different actors (only in German).
Update 1.2.2023
Wednesday, 15.2.2023, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m., Vielberth Building, Room VG2.38
Binding registration untill 13.2.2023 to: hochschulgruppe@campus-asyl.de
Friday, 17.2.2023, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Booth No. 5 in the Foye Audimax
Update 31.10.2022
Here the program for the days of action against patriarchal violence:
26.10., 19:00: Film "Lingui" with introduction by Dr. Birgit Bockschweiger and discussion after the film. Filmgalerie im Leeren Beutel, Bertoldstr. 9, Regensburg
08.11., 18:00, ZH6: bell hooks: All about love. New Visions. Reading and discussion evening. Attendance event for UR students - register by e-mail to: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
15.11. 15.30-17:00, H51: Safety? Discussion round about abortion with Dr. Carolin Wagner (board member of pro familia)
21.11., 18:15, H17: Dr. Sonja Emmerling: "Enites Angst und Kriemhilds Zorn - Emotionalit?t als Performanz geschlechtlicher Identit?t in der Literatur des Mittelalters." Lecture on the initiative of the student council Geschichte.
22.11., 15:00 Uhr: ?Wie und warum bleibt patriarchale Gewalt in unserem Alltag/Umfeld, trotz des h?heren Bewusstseins in unserer Generation, bestehen?" Discussion round on the initiative of the student council Kriminologie. Stairs nearby H3 and H4.
24.11., 18:15, H16: Alfred Reichenberger M.A.: "Die Geschichte des Frauenwahlrechts im internationalen Vergleich." Lecture on the initiative of the student council Geschichte.
08.12., 18:15, H16: Dr. Anne Mariss: "Ein Ort patriarchaler Gewalt? Macht, Geschlecht und Herrschaft im frühneuzeitlichen Haus“. Lecture on the initiative of the student council Geschichte.
The events are in German only. Please get in contact with us, if you are interested to take part in English. E-mail to: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
Updated 7.10.2022
The workshop series "Diversity Awareness for students" in the winter semester 2022/23 takes place on the following dates:
Wednesday, 30.11.2022, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 7.12.2022, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 14.12.2022, 4-8 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 28.11.2022: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
Update 7.10.2022
Information for beginners and interested studens about student initiatives, consulting and service points at UR more...
Wednesday, 9.11.2022, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 16.11.2022, 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 23.11.2022, 4-8 p.m.
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 7.11.2022: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
Updated 15.9.2022
As part of the Intercultural Weeks 2022, the city of Regensburg offers a diverse program more...
Update 20.6.2022
As part of the Regensburg Sustainability Week, the Anti-Discrimination Point offers the workshop "Diversity awareness and sustainability - a good team".
Date: Thursday, 30.06.2022, 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Venue: University of Regensburg, Vielberth Building, VG 1.36
Limited number of participants, registration until 29.06.2022, via e-mail: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The UN sets 17 sustainability targets for its 2030 Agenda to "shape economic progress in harmony with social justice and within the Earth's ecological limits." A large part of the sustainability targets is aligned with human interaction, for which open, respectful - in this sense also diversity-sensitive - interaction is a basic prerequisite.
In the workshop, we first want to get to the bottom of the question of what diversity awareness has to do with sustainability. Another target is to enable and inspire diversity-sensitive action and critical self-reflection. Methodologically, the workshop is designed to be dialogical and reflective. It actively incorporates the results of diversity research.
You can find the program of the Regensburg Sustainability Week 2022 here (only in German).
Update 19.5.2022
The anti-discrimination point offers the workshop series "Gender Awareness for students" on the following dates:
Thursday, 9.6.2022, 4-8 p.m. - room VG0.14
Wednesday, 15.6.2022, 4-8 p.m. - room H45
Wednesday, 22.6.2022, 4-8 p.m. - room H25
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 7.6.2022: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
The anti-discrimination point offers the workshop series "Diversity Awareness for students" on the following dates:
Wednesday, 1.6.2022, 4-8 p.m. – room VG0.14
Thursday, 2.6.2022, 4-8 p.m. – room PT1.0.4
Wednesday, 8.6.2022, 4-8 p.m. – room VG0.14
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 29.5.2022: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
Update 3.5.2022
The anti-discrimination point of the UR takes part at the Physical and Mental Illness Awareness Week, 9.-13. May 2022:
Wednesday, 11.5.2022, 5:15-6:15 p.m., interactive presentation "Diversity Sensitive Language" in the Student House of the OTH Regensburg, room Y006c
The program is only in German.
The anti-discrimination point of the UR is part of the 10th German Diversity Day of the Charta der Vielfalt more...
Update 11.2.2022
On the occasion of International Women's Day and the International Weeks against Racism, the following events will take place in the action month of March (the events are only in German):
Entry dated 25.11.2021
The anti-discrimination point offers the workshop series "Gender Awareness" for students in the winter semester 2021/22 on the following dates:
Thursday, 20.01.2022, 4-8 p.m. – Session 1: Socialisation
Friday, 21.01.2022, 3-7 p.m. – Session 2: Perception & Biases
Thursday, 27.01.2022, 4-8 p.m. – Session 3: Conscious Language & Media
The workshop sessions build on each other and are not alternative or individual appointments.
The modalities of the events will be announced on time (access link for an online event or room number for a face-to-face event).
Workshop description (only in German) more...
Registration by e-mail until 15.01.2022: birgit.bockschweiger@ur.de
The workshop series is in German. Please send an e-mail, if you are interested in this workshop in English.
Entry dated 25.10.2021
Entry dated 01.09.2021
Digital maturity and non-discriminatory interaction online
Smartphones, computers and the like determine our everyday life, but we have neglected to acquire a mature and discrimination-free handling of them.
Leena Simon, net philosopher and IT consultant, explains in her workshop how to reach a mature, responsible use of digital technology in 10 steps.
Further information (only in German) more...
Entry dated 21.07.2021
On the occasion of the 9th German Diversity Day, the large online survey "Diversity and Antidiscrimination at the University of Regensburg" took place.
Here you can find the evaluation of the online survey “Diversity and Antidiscrimination at the University of Regensburg” (only in German)
Entry dated 14.06.2021
Entry dated 30.04.2021
Entry dated 26.04.2021
Entry dated?05.03.2021