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Focus Subject - Microbiology

You have to choose the theoretical module and one practical module.

TM? Theoretical Module (12 CP)


Prof. Dr. Dina Grohmann

Prof. Dr. Markus Jeschek

PM? Practical Modules (12 CP each)

Chemical Biology and Single-Molecule Biochemistry Prof. Dr. Dina Grohmann
Synthetic Microbiology Prof. Dr. Markus Jeschek
Molecular Microbiology PD Dr. Winfried Hausner
Organismic Microbiology Dr. Robert Reichelt
Microbial Cell Biology currently not offered!

Please note! Places are restricted in microbiology.

TM Microbiology


Detailed module description - pdf

Person responsible: Prof. Dr. Dina Grohmann / Prof. Dr. Markus Jeschek

Module contents
The lectures cover the following topics:
  • Up-to-date taxonomy of the Prokaryotes;
  • Methods of modern systematics (especially –omis-based models of relationships);
  • problems and limits of cultivation and taxonomy;
  • Presentation of the important archaeal and bacterial groups
  • Structural Biology of microbial cells (Bacteria, Archaea)
  • Gene regulation in Prokaryotes with specific transcription factors or alternative sigma factors
  • Methods to explore gene regulation systems
  • Posttranscriptional regulation with small RNAs and special RNA-binding proteins
  • Organisation and mechanisms of the CRISPR-Cas sytems
  • Modern fluorescence-based methods (e.g. single-molecule FRET, superresolution microscopy) to study biomolecules in vivo and in vitro

In the seminar, current research topics will be presented and discussed.
Topics include:
  • microbial diversity, methods in microbial ecology and microbial-driven processes of environmental and/or biotechnological relevance
  • molecular microbiology with a special focus on transcriptional and posttranscriptional gene regulation
Module components

1. At least two lectures in the field of microbiology (for a selection see the course catalog at the university portal).

  • Systematic of the Prokaryotes (winter semester)
  • Gene regulation in Prokaryotes (winter semester)
  • Synthetic and Applied Microbiology (winter semester)


2. One seminar in the field of microbiology (for a selection see the course catalog at the university portal).

  • Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology (winter semester)
  • Transcriptional and posttranscriptional gene regulation in Prokaryotes (summer semester)
  • SynMiBi SGM (winter and summer semester)

In the seminar a seminar presentation has to be held and registered in Flexnow as an ungraded study achievement (Studienleistung).

Module examination

30 min oral examination (graded)


The student can choose the examiner.

Please get in contact with the examiner of your choice to arrange a date of the oral examination, than register the examination in flexnow.

PM Chemical Biology and Single-Molecule Biochemistry


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Dina Grohmann (link to research group)

Module contents
  • Advanced insights in the field of fluorescence-based analysis of biomolecules
  • Theoretical and practical knowledge of single-molecule methods in biological research with special emphasis on fluorescence-based techniques like single-molecule FRET, single-molecule pulldown, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) using confocal and TIRF-based microscopes
  • Approaches for the site-specific incorporation of fluorescent dyes into proteins
  • Incorporation of unnatural amino into prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins for site-specific modification
  • Presentation and discussion of own experimental gained data
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Chemical Biology and Single-Molecule Biochemistry

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)

PM Synthetic Microbiology


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Markus Jeschek

Module contents
  • Hands-on laboratory training in synthetic microbiology
  • Theoretical and practical knowledge about basic techniques (DNA isolation, PCR, cloning, transformation etc.)
  • Cultivation of microbes, protein expression
  • Mutagenesis, library generation
  • Screening, Directed Evolution
  • Diverse analytical methods (fluorescence measurements, reporter/enzyme assays etc.)
  • Next-generation sequencing
  • Presentation and discussion of experimental results
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Synthetic Microbiology

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)

PM Molecular Microbiology


Detailed module description - pdf

PD Dr. Winfried Hausner (link to research group)

Module contents
  • Intensive knowledge transfer in the field of molecular microbiology
  • Theoretical and practical knowledge about different molecular standard techniques (Isolation of DNA, PCR, cloning, Southern blot Western blot)
  • Heterologous expression of proteins
  • Chromatographic purification of proteins
  • Methods for the analysis of enzymatic activities (e.g. polymerases, nucleases, RNA-Chaperons)
  • Methods for analysis of DNA-protein and RNA-protein interactions using the archaeal transcription machinery and prokaryotic CRISPR-Cas systems as example
  • Presentation and discussion of own experimental gained data
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Molecular Microbiology

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)

PM Organismic Microbiology


Detailed module description - pdf

Prerequesite: Successfull attending the Projektpraktikum Organismische Mikrobiologie I(+II) (VVZ no. 94660 and 94661) during BSc Biology in Regensburg

If the course Projektpraktikum Organismische Mikrobiologie I(+II) has not yet been attended, the laboratory internship can only be completed in parallel with the Projektpraktikum Organismische Mikrobiologie I+II (VVZ no. 94660 and 94661) beginning of the SS. An expression of interest is required by mid-December of the previous year.

Time by arrangement.

For more information and for registration contact Dr. Robert Reichelt (robert.reichelt@ur.de).

Module contents
  • intensive knowledge transfer in the field of organismic microbiology and environmental microbiology
  • enrichment and isolation of Bacteria and Archaea from a variety of original samples like sediments, soils, hot springs, black smokers, or animal digestive tracts
  • physiological, biochemical and structural characterization of the isolates
  • learning of a broad spectrum of cultivation techniques (e.g. anaerobic technique and working with hyperthermophiles)
  • learning of special isolation techniques (e.g. optical tweezers),
  • introduction to the ultrastructural characterization of isolates by electron microscopy
  • characterization of original samples and isolates e.g. by quantitative real-time PCR and sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes
  • presentation and discussion of own experimental gained data
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Organismic Microbiology

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)

PM Microbial Cell Biology

The module is currently not offered!


Detailed module description - pdf

currently not offered !

Module contents
  • Intensive knowledge transfer in the field of structural characterization of microbes
  • visualization of intact cells (Bacteria; Archaea) using different preparation methods for electron microscopy
  • ultrastructural characterization of the isolates: heavy-metal shadowing, freeze-etching, ultrathin sections
  • learning of a broad spectrum of EM techniques (e.g. negative staining;
    freeze-etching, cryoTEM)
  • learning of special data recording techniques (e.g. electron tomography; cryoTEM),
  • introduction to image processing for electron tomography
  • Presentation and discussion of own experimental gained data
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Microbial Cell Biology

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)