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Focus Subject - Zoology

You have to choose the theoretical module and one practical module.

TM? Theoretical Modul (12 CP)


Prof. Dr. Joachim Ruther
PD Dr. Eva Schultner
Prof. Dr. Erhard Strohm

PM? Practical Modules (12 CP each)

Behavioural Ecology of Social Insects N.N. PD Dr. Eva Schultner
Chemical Ecology Prof. Dr. Joachim Ruther
Molecular Ecology of Insect-Microbe Interactions Prof. Dr. Erhard Strohm
Molecular, Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology Prof. Dr. Erhard Strohm
Functional Morphology Prof. Dr. Erhard Strohm
Individual and Collective Decision Making in Social Insects PD Dr. Tomer J. Czaczkes

TM Zoology


Detailed module description - pdf

Person in charge:

Module contents
  • Human Evolution and Sociobiology
  • Social Evolution
  • Chemical Ecology
  • Behavioural and evolutionary ecology
  • Animal cognitive ecology
  • Molecular mechanisms of animal development
  • Presentation and discussion of a research based topic in the field of Zoology
Module components
  1. at least two lectures in the field of zoology (for a selection see the course catalog at the university portal; WS and SS)
  2. one seminar in the field of zoology (for a selection see the course catalog at the university portal; WS and SS)

In the seminar a seminar presentation has to be held and registered in Flexnow as an ungraded study achievement (Studienleistung).

Note! If you are not sure what lectures and seminar to select, please contact the person in charge of the module.
The selection may depend on the examiner you choose for the module examination.

Module examination

30 min oral examination (graded)


The student can choose one of the examiner.

Please get in contact with the examiner of your choice to arrange a date of the oral examination, than register the examination in flexnow.

PM Behavioural Ecology of Social Insects


Detailed module description - pdf

N.N. (link to research group) PD Dr. Eva Schultner

Module contents
  • Individually supervised project on various aspects of ant behaviour
  • Presentation and discussion of own experimental gained data
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Behavioral Ecology of Social Insects

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)

PM Chemical Ecology

Chemical Ecology (link) Prof. Dr. Joachim Ruther

PM Molecular Ecology of Insect-Microbe Interactions

Molecular Ecology of Insect-Microbe Interactions (link) Prof. Dr. Erhard Strohm

PM Molecular, Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology

Molecular, Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology (link) Prof. Dr. Erhard Strohm

PM Functional Morphology


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Erhard Strohm, PD Dr. Gudrun Herzner (link to research group)

Module contents
Different aspects of functional morphology of insects (pheromone glands, defensive glands, poison glands, structures for the cultivation of symbionts) within an evolutionary framework
  • Planning of the scientific approach
  • Preparation of histological specimens, histochemistry
  • Light microscopy, contrast enhancing methods, digital microphotography and image processing
  • Computer aided 3D-reconstruction of morphological structures
  • Preparation of specimens for electron microscopy
  • Ultrastructure analysis using electron microscopy (TEM, SEM)
  • Analysis and interpretation of the results
  • Scientific essay, Presentation and discussion of the results
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Functional Morphology

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)

PM Individual and Collective Decision Making in Social Insects

Individual and Collective Decision Making in Social Insects (link) Dr. Tomer J. Czaczkes