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Human Genetics

You have to choose the theoretical module and the practical module.

TM? Theoretical Module (12 CP)

Human Genetics

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weber

PM? Practical Module (12 CP)

Human Genetics Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weber

Registration by 31st of July:?Frau Dr. Fabiola Biasella (Fabiola.Biasella@klinik.uni-regensburg.de)

Link to Institute of Human Genetics!

Application to the Human Genetics module

Hinweis zur Anmeldung zum Humangenetik Modul:

Die hohe Nachfrage nach Pl?tzen im Mastermodul ?Humangenetik‘ macht folgendes Prozedere erforderlich:Bitte bewerben Sie sich formell jeweils bis 31. Juli eines jeden Jahres für das kommende Wintersemester (per E-Mail an Fabiola.Biasella@klinik.uni-regensburg.de, Betreffzeile: Wahlmodul Humangenetik). Bitte fügen Sie der Bewerbung einen kurzen Lebenslauf einschlie?lich eines Notenspiegels erbrachter Klausur-und Prüfungsleistungen bei. Eventuell werden wir Sie im Anschluss zu einem kurzen Vorstellungsgespr?ch einladen. Sie erhalten bis sp?testens Ende Juli verbindlich Bescheid, ob Sie in das Modul aufgenommen werden k?nnen. Wir bitten Sie, uns bis Ende August zu benachrichtigen, ob Sie den Platz annehmen m?chten oder nicht. Alle nicht belegten Pl?tze werden dann in einem Nachrückverfahren bis Mitte September vergeben.

Application to the Human Genetics module

Due to the high demand of students to the “Human Genetics” module, a selection process takes place. Please send your application per E-Mail to Fabiola.Biasella@klinik.uni-regensburg.de with the Subject heading: Wahlmodul Humangenetik until July 31 if you want to start the module in the upcoming winter semester. The application should include a short curriculum vitae and a grade transcript. If needed, you will be invited to a short interview. Acceptance to the module will be communicated at the latest at the end of July. We request that you let us know until the end of August if you will take the module or not. Should there be free places left, these will be allotted until mid-September.

TM Human Genetics


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weber

Module contents

Advanced Human Genetics

Lecture on advanced topics of human genetics including state of the art research and therapeutic approaches with a strong focus on genetic variation in health and disease.

Topics include but are not limited to

  • Major developments in human genetics research in recent years
  • Major advances in identifying disease genes (monogenic and multifactorial)
  • Complex data in human genetics
  • Novel insights into population genetics
  • In-depth considerations to monogenic and multifactorial disorders
  • Targeted treatment strategies for genetic disorders
  • Advanced tumor genetics
  • Epigenetics as an emerging field in human genetics
  • State of the art diagnostics/ medical genetics /personalized genetic counselling

Applied Human Genetics including Course Work

This course provides a deeper understanding of the impact of molecular biology and genetics on modern medicine and the connection between basic research, medical knowledge and an improved patient management. Concepts will be accompanied by theoretical introductions followed by a guided experimental lab course.

Detailed analysis of human and molecular genetics with particular focus on the variability of the human genome.

Introduction to basic and advanced methodologies, e.g.

  • DNA sequencing technologies according to Sanger, next generation sequencing for gene panels, exomes and whole genomes
  • Principals and specifics in modern DNA diagnostics
  • From raw data to interpretation of genetic variants
  • First insight into bioinformatics and genetic statistics
  • Eukaryotic cell culture and heterologous gene expression
  • Induced pluripotent stem cell technology and development of model systems in the dish
  • CRISPR-Cas mediated genome editing
  • mRNA expression analysis by quantitative real time reverse transcriptase PCR
  • Applications in confocal laser scanning microscopy
  • Mouse models in human genetics research

Literature Seminar in Human Genetics

In this weekly seminar current peer reviewed publications in the field of human genetics are presented and discussed in-depth. Students give a brief power point presentation, followed by an interactive discussion with fellow students and staff of the Institute of Human Genetics.

Module components

1. Lectures

  • Advanced Human Genetics (formerly called “Humangenetik I”)
  • Applied Human Genetics Lecture and Lab Course (formerly called “Humangenetik II”)

Please note that the written exam for Advanced Human Genetics is in German language only!

Course work for the Applied Human Genetics part has to be conducted in English.

2. Human Genetics Literature Seminar (EXA 56121)

Module examination

30 min oral examination (graded); in English by request. Please contact Prof. Weber for your appointment (bweb@klinik.uni-regensburg.de).

Information on the topics and how to enrol for the oral examination (Oct 2021)- pdf!

PM Human Genetics


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weber (link to research group)

Module contents
  • Standard laboratory techniques in molecular biology and genetics; in-depth experimental applications including standard and advanced methodologies
  • Knowledge of and familiarization with public databases and software relevant to molecular genetics
  • Application of cell culture and animal model systems to address clinically relevant questions
  • Presentation and discussion of own data generated experimentally
  • Communication of scientific results (lectures, posters, protocols)
  • Overview of research areas in human genetics and advanced knowledge of experimental approaches in the field of molecular medical research
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Human Genetics

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)