Da Englisch für die meisten Teilnehmer_innen wohl nicht die Muttersprache sein wird, wird auf m?gliche Sprachbarrieren wohlwollend / nachsichtig Rücksicht genommen. Ich freue mich auf zahlreiche Studierende, die bereit sind, diese Herausforderung anzunehmen.
The seminar will take place in person as a block course on FRIDAY November 25, 2022. The seminar will be taught in English.
Due to the special format and the time schedule of the seminar, the number of places is limited to 12, and you need to register by email to sekretariat.Cassar@ur.de by October 1 at the latest. Slots will be reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis.
All of your questions will hopefully be addressed during the startup meeting. Any questions before that may be directed at lea.cassar@ur.de.
The course is paper-based and covers the topic of the relationship between income and happiness. The course is centered around one of the core references on the reading list, to be presented by groups of two students, followed by a general in-class discussion. Students are expected to read and be familiar with all the listed core references. The written seminar paper is supposed to build on a larger base of the relevant literature.
Group work (presentations and seminar papers) will be graded for the group as a whole, and each group member receives the same grade. Students who insist on individual grades must notify us in advance. Active participation in the general class discussions following the presentations is strongly encouraged and can upgrade your final grade by up to 0.4.