Since 4/2020
Research assistant in the DFG-Project "Emotions in Drama". Find more information here.
From 4/2019 to 3/2021
Partly responsible for the Digital Humanities Master Program at the University of Regensburg. More information: Digital Humanities Master at the University of Regensburg
Since 11/2017
Research assistant, PhD Student and lecturer at the chair for Media Informatics, University of Regensburg.
Master of Science (M. Sc.) Media Informatics. University of Regensburg. Title of the thesis: “Gefühl ist alles; Name ist Schall und Rauch.” – Der Einsatz von Sentiment Analysis in der quantitativen Dramenanalyse.
10/2013 – 2/2016
Student assistant and scientific assistant at the chair for Information Science, University of Regensburg.
Bachelor of Arts (B. A.), Media Informatics and Information Science, University of Regensburg. Title of the thesis: Der Einfluss der Pers?nlichkeit auf das Informationsverhalten: Eine empirische Studie zur Suche im Web.
Twitter: @thomasS_UniR
Google Scholar:?
For a list of Bachelor and Master-Thesis I supervised in Media Informatics and Digital Humanities visit:?
Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (DH 2020). Virtual Conference.
Thomas Schmidt, M.Sc.
Geb?ude PT, Zi. 3.0.14
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