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M.A. (Master of Arts)

Information for M.A. Students

Here you can find general information regarding the Master programmes.

For detailed information on the Master programmes especially regarding the degree structure, internship and thesis see the pages of each Master programme:

This page is mainly directed at students already enrolled at Regensburg University. To find out about the application process, please go to Prospective Students: M.A. (Master of Arts).


Please use the following two links to get to the examination regulations (called Prüfungsordnung in German) and detailed module descriptions (called Modulkatalog in German):

English versions

You can find English versions of the examination regulations and the module descriptions for the M.A. English Linguistics here:

Please note that these translations are for informational purposes only and not legally binding!

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften

Department of English and American Studies - Student Advisory Service

Information for students

Student Advisory Service

Dr. Melanie Burgemeister
Gabriele M?dl

Tel. 0941/943-3667
