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M.A. English Linguistics

Our M.A. program English Linguistics consists of several modules (120 credit points in total) which should be completed within four semesters.

Thus, courses worth around 30 credit points should be selected each semester.

All offered courses can be found in the online course catalogue.

Introductory meeting for new M.A. students in English Linguistics on Thursday, October 17, 2024. You can find the presentation here.


1.?Students acquire extensive advanced skills in linguistics, with a particular focus on the English language, language variation and the varieties of English, and on the diachronic evolution of the English language. Graduates will be able to differentiate and characterise lines of evolution of the English language in various linguistic areas. They learn to define, compare, and evaluate the structural characteristics and usage features of the English language and its varieties, and to analyse and assess texts regarding their structural and stylistic characteristics.

2.?Students learn to select, compare, and assess relevant contemporary methods appropriately, to apply them and to conduct analyses with them. Graduates can critically evaluate and apply relevant methods and theories.

3.?Students learn to evaluate current research approaches in English linguistics and to derive their own ideas for research, as well as to reflect on and discuss major linguistic works. Graduates are able to work independently on topics in English Linguistics, to use and critically evaluate and process academic literature, and to write a comprehensive study at a scholarly level.?????????

4.?Graduates can independently develop and write academic and interdisciplinary papers by reflecting on theories, models, and methods in current research. They are able to demonstrate that they can apply these methods and theories and that they can render them into target group specific writing in the context of an empirical study. Furthermore, they are able to develop a research concept with critical assessment in a structured written form including discussion and evaluation. They are familiar with the processing of academic results and recognize research desiderata.


A detailed overview of the modules in the M.A. English Linguistics as well as further important information can be found here:

>> Module Overview M.A. English Linguistics <<

The English Linguistics M.A. programme consists of ten modules (120 credit points in total) which should be completed within four semesters. Thus, courses worth around 30 credit points (CP) should be selected each semester.

The practical component (module 9) can be completed either within the semester break or during the lecture period. Your fourth semester should be dedicated to your Master's thesis.

You can find all courses in the online course catalogue. Please note that, in several modules, you will be able to choose among a number of courses offered in the respective subject area each semester, i.e., there will be different seminars on the topics listed below.

Further general information that might help you get started with your studies is provided here.

Module Topic / Subject Area


ELG-M1 Methods and Skills in English Linguistics (I) 12
ELG-M2 Methods and Skills in English Linguistics (II) 8
ELG-M3 English Linguistics: A Survey of Structure and Use 8
ELG-M4 English Linguistics: Studying Structure and Use 8
ELG-M5 Evolution and Variation in English (I) 14
ELG-M6 Evolution and Varation in English (II) 10
ELG-M7 English: Varation, Contact, Multilingualism (I) 10
ELG-M8 English: Varation, Contact, Multilingualism (II) 10
ELG-M9 Practical Module (Internship) 13
ELG-M10 Master's Thesis 27


Previous internships

A list of some previous internships by students of the M.A. English Linguistics can be downloaded here.

A collection of internship reports by previous interns is available at the Secretary's Office (PT 3.2.66).?

No internship placement

We have no internship board but you may find the following links useful when looking for an internship position:

  • The Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Science and the Arts and the Bavarian Industry Association run a joint website (?Study & Work International – Aus Bayern in die Welt“) with internship ads for students of all Bavarian universities.?
  • Information by the International Office about funding opportunities for internships in?Europe with?ERASMUS+ and outside of Europe with PROMOS. (in German)
  • Links to search engines and placement agencies worldwide
    Please note:?The information on this site is supplied without liability.

Leave of absence ('Urlaubssemester')

You do not have to take a leave of absence but often students choose to do so because it means that the semester when they are studying abroad or doing an internship, for example, will not be counted towards their total time of study.

To take a leave of absence, students are required to submit a form at the Registrar's Office, and, in case of an internship, some sort of proof such as a copy of the employment contract.

Taking a leave of absence for an internship is only possible if the duration of the internship stretches over at least half of the lecture period. You need to apply before the internship starts and, in addition, by December 15 at the latest for the winter semester / by June 15 at the latest for the summer semester.

It will not be possible to write any exams or seminar papers or register for anything in FlexNow during your leave of absence.


Please see §20 and §21 of the examination regulations (MPO) for detailed information on writing and registering your M.A. thesis.


  • Talk to your chosen supervisor (approximately around the end of your 3rd semester).
  • Register your M.A. thesis at the Prüfungsamt (not in FlexNow), by filling in the form "Antrag auf Zulassung zur Masterarbeit ELG" (approximately around the beginning of your 4th semester).
  • Prerequisites for registering your M.A. thesis are:
    • the completion of modules ELG-M 1, ELG-M 2, ELG-M 3, and ELG-M 4
    • at least 24 credit points from modules ELG-M 5, ELG-M 6, ELG-M 7, and ELG-M8
  • The thesis can be registered at any time during the semester;?there are no specific registration dates for each semester.
  • Once your thesis is registered, you have four months to write it.
  • Please note: Students have to be enrolled the entire time it takes for them to write and hand in the thesis.


  • Time for writing your thesis: 4 months
  • Length: 60-80 pages / 22,500-30,000 words
  • Submit 4 copies: 3 printed copies, 1 digital copy (pdf)


  • To get your M.A. certificate, you need to have completed all modules, including your M.A. thesis (meaning that all grades must be entered in FlexNow). Then you can fill in the "Antrag auf Ausstellung des Abschlusszeugnisses"? (under "Zeugnisantrag") and take it to the Prüfungsamt. Once it is ready, you can either pick up your certificate in person or have it sent to a postal address of your choice.
  • The M.A. certificate is issued in German and in English.
  • To get your Diploma Supplement, please contact?Mr. Matthias Baderschneider.
  • Final grade:?
    ELG-M 1 (research proposal) 10%
    ELG-M 4 (term paper)????? ? ??? 10%
    ELG-M 6 (term paper)??????????? 15%
    ELG-M 8 (term paper) ? ? ? ? ?? 15%
    M.A. thesis??????????????????????????? 50%
  • You can look at the written assessment of your M.A. thesis within one month after having received your M.A. grade (but not afterwards) (MPO §30).

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften