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Representative for Equal Opportunities

Representative for Equal Opportunities of the Faculty

Prof. Dr. Maria Thurmair

Building: PT, Room: PT 3.2.30
Tel.: +49 941 943-3673

Email: maria.thurmair@sprachlit.uni-regensburg.de

For more information about Professor Thurmair, visit her website.

Deputy Representative for Equal Opportunities of the Faculty

Dr. Karin Lahoda

Building: PT, Room: 3.3.33
Phone: +49 941 943-3405


Deputy Representative for Equal Opportunities of the Faculty

Dr. Sonja Emmerling

Building: PT, Room: 3.2.28
Phone: +49 941 943-3449

Email: sonja.emmerling@sprachlit.uni-regensburg.de

Tasks of the Representative for Equal Opportunities

  • She promotes gender equality within the faculty and takes care that there are no disadvantages for female scientists, female teachers and female students.
  • She is a voting member in all important faculty committees and commissions, especially the faculty council.
  • She is a voting member in all appointment committees, ensuring that qualified female applicants are considered adequately and equally; she issues her own statement on each appointment procedure.
  • She supports the advancement of qualified female scientists and junior scientists, especially in the university'’s mentoring program.
  • She evaluates candidates for scholarships for young female scientists (from the Bavarian Program for the Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching).
  • She has funds available from the so-called “Finanzielles Anreizsystem (FAS)” of the University of Regensburg; with these funds, female scientists and junior scientists are eligible for individual support within the scope of their doctoral, postdoctoral, or habilitation studies.
  • She cooperates closely with the office of the women’s representative for the university (Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities & Family, CHE) and regularly participates in meetings with the women’s representatives of all the other faculties
  • She supports research and teaching activities in the field of Gender Studies.
  • She is the first point of contact at the faculty if pertinent problems arise.

Legal texts on the position and tasks of the women's representative

  • Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG) vom 01. Januar 2023 (German language only)

    You can find the text of the Bavarian Higher Education Act in its current version at the following link (German language only):

    Artikel 22 (BayHIG): Gleichstellung

  • Basic Regulations of the University of Regensburg (German language only)

    Here you can find the text in its current version for download (German language only):

    Rechtsgrundlagen der Universit?t

Financial Support (Scholarships and Financial Incentive System)

  • Scholarships from the Bavarian Program for Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching:

    Doctoral dissertation fellowships, postdoctoral fellowships and habilitation fellowships are available. Applications are to be submitted to the women’s representative of the faculty at the specified time (usually one application date per year); she writes a faculty statement and, as chair, ranks the applications together with an in-house scholarship award committee. The final decision to award scholarships rests with the University Women’s Officers.
    More information and current dates can be found here.
  • Financial Incentive System for the Promotion of Equality (FAS) of the University of Regensburg:

    Funds from the university’s management can be used to provide individual support to female scientists and junior scientists at the university within the scope of their qualifications: e.g. travel allowances, printing allowances, acquisition of literature, funds for student assistants, financing of guest lectures, etc.
    More information can be found here.

    These funds are allocated by the women’s representative of each faculty.
    Women interested in applying should send an informal request to the women’s representative of their faculty.

  • Scholarship for start-up funding for doctoral studies


  • 2020 – New version of the of the Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (German language only)
  • 2019 – Updates Flyer for gender-equitable language at the University of Regensburg
  • 2012 - First flyer on gender-equitable language at the University of Regensburg developed and established in 2012
  • 2011/12 –? Faculty receives the Equal Opportunity Award at the University of Regensburg
  • 2008 – Gender Equality Conceptfor the Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (formerly: Faculty of Philosophy IV) established in 2008 (German language only)


  • Increasing the proportion of female professors
  • Advancing career and personnel development opportunities for young female scientists and scholars
  • Acquisition of female students for subjects in which women are underrepresented
  • Improving the compatibility of studies and career with family life
    ? ? ?
  • Raising Awareness of gender issues
    ? ??
  • Achieving gender equality in the public sector

Gender Equality Concept

The current Equality Concept? (2020) of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg can be viewed? here as PDF (German language only).

Gender-Sensitive Language

Equal treatment begins by addressing people as peers. This is especially important in a gendered language like German.

You can download a German language flyer on gender-sensitive language here: Flyer.

Helpful Links

Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Building PT, Zi. 3.0.73
Telephone 0941 943-3591

office hours

Mo - thu     8.30 - 11.30 a.m.
Fr               closed