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Barbara Wimmer-Bulin

Barbara Wimmer-Bulin has been a research assistant at DIMAS with Prof Steigemann since 1 April 2024. She studied anthropology under Prof Hauschild and sociology at the University of Tübingen. Since then, she has combined social and cultural anthropological perspectives and methods with artistic research. She has developed various projects on socially relevant topics. Her work has been shown internationally and shortlisted in various open calls.

Her project on the drastic changes in a small Portuguese village as a result of intensive agribusiness, which she has been pursuing since the end of her studies, is of particular importance. So far, she has worked on it photographically and essayistically in exhibitions.

From 2021 until March 2022, she worked as a research assistant at the Chair of? Media Studies, University of Regensburg and until 2023 as a lecturer there. In her university teaching, she combines alternative teaching formats in the form of artistic research and project seminars with classical knowledge transfer. Since 2023, in addition to her research activities, she has worked as a freelancer at the Kelheim Archaeological Museum in the areas of project coordination, exhibition curation and museum education.
More information at: www.barbarawimmer.de


  • KunstvereinGRAZ, Regensburg
  • Kunst und Gewerbeverein, Regensburg
  • Founding member of the international photography festival Internationales Festival Fotografischer Bilder, Regensburg

Conferences & Talks

  • Mai 2019: Internationale Fachtagung für Ethnologie an der Universalit?t zu K?ln ?Rurality and Future making“ . Vortrag im Panel alternative Ethnographien: ?Documented stories between localization and globalization“
  • Juli 2019: Moderation der Gespr?chsrunde mit Dr. Segerer und Dr. Wunderer am Kulturmontag im Degginger/Stadt Regensburg zum Thema Artensterben
  • September 2022: Vortrag auf der Jahreskonferenz der portugiesischen Gesellschaft für Kulturund Sozialanthropologie, ?vora, Portugal
  • November 2022: Vortrag ?Landschaftsfotografie“ im Lehrseminar von Dr. Silke R?ssler, Lehrstuhl für Medienwissenschaft Universit?t Regensburg
  • M?rz 2023: Jurymitglied des ?Jugendfotopreis Oberpfalz“ der Medienfachberatung Bezirk Oberpfalz
  • November 2023: Teilnahme an der Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema ?Bild in der Bildung“

Prof. Dr. Anna Steigemann

Professorin für die Soziologischen Dimensionen des Raumes

Mail: anna.steigemann@ur.de

Office: Room BA.809, Bajuwarenstra?e 4