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Sports - Teaching Qualification Grundschule


Teaching Qualification: Grundschule

Program structure

Elementary school teaching degree: A teaching subject is combined with a combination of three didactics subjects and the subject elementary school pedagogy and didactics. In addition, the course of study is supplemented by the study of educational science.

Accordingly, the following subject combination results:

  • 1 teaching subject
  • 3 didactics subjects
  • Elementary school pedagogy and didactics
  • Educational science studies

Which subject combinations you can choose when studying to become a teacher at elementary schools can be found in the lists of possible combinations.

Special features



Sport/Physical Education can be studied in two ways with the prospect of becoming a primary school teacher: 1. as a major (§ 57 LPO I) 2. as a triple minor (§ 36 LPO I).

Professional prospects / competencies

Sport/Physical Education consists of various disciplines (sport didactics, sciences of movement and exercise, medical aspects, etc.). Several practical fields like gymnastics, track and field, swimming, games, skiing, etc. are taught. Students are expected to take an active part.

Internships, lab courses, practical courses

In accordance with the examination regulations for teaching I (LPO I), §§ 34, 36 and 38, the following teaching practices are to be completed:

  • ??? Occupational internship
  • ??? Orientation internship
  • ??? Pedagogic-didactic teaching practice
  • ??? Teaching practice accompanying studies

Disciplines involved

No other disciplines are involved in the Sports Teaching Qualification - Grundschule.

Program duration / standard period of study

The length of the program depends on the progress of an individual's studies. The standard period of study, the time in which the intended program can be finished ideally is 7 semesters. The actual time taken to complete the program may vary. It is limited by the examination deadlines set out in the examination regulations.

Program scope

210 ECTS credits overall; comprising 54 ECTS credits in the teaching subject, 12 ECTS credits in subject didactics, 70 ECTS credits in the didactics of primary school, 35 ECTS credits in education, 10 ECTS credits in the thesis, 15 ECTS credits in the elective area, 6 ECTS credits teaching practice, and a further 8 ECTS credits in education.

Language of instruction


Program can be started

Only in the winter semester

What qualities do I need to have?

Affinity to physical activity and sport, interest in working with children

Restricted admittance

Yes, the study program is admission-restricted. Prospective students please apply at the Registrar's Office of the University of Regensburg. Please also note that you have to undergo an eligibility test.

Legal requirements for admission

A requirement is a general higher education entrance qualification, a subject-related higher education entrance qualification or a vocational qualification.

In addition, you must pass the local admission procedure, as the program is admission restricted.

If you want to study sports as a teaching subject, you must also have good and versatile athletic prerequisites and participate in an aptitude test.

Application deadline(s)

Information on applying for the teaching profession at elementary schools can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

The aptitude test for the teaching subject Physical Education takes place every year by June 1 at the latest.

Information for international applicants

Registration dates and deadlines

Information on the dates for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Language skills needed

If English is not your teaching subject (Unterrichtsfach), and you have not selected it within the framework of didactics of primary school, you must be qualified in the English language (level B2 of CEFR) before registering for the state examination (see LPO I § 36).

Information on German language proficiency for international students

Documents needed (to apply / register)

Teaching subject: university entrance qualification, proof of the Bavarian aptitude test

Didactic subject: university entrance qualification

Information on the documents required for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Information on the application documents for international applicants

Contact within the faculty


Pamela Schwab


Angelika Mundigl
Phone +49941 943-2507


Study Programs at UR