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German Studies in the Master's Program

In contrast to the B.A. program, the Master's program in German Philology is a single-subject program; therefore, students do not choose an additional subject. The Master's program deepens and expands the knowledge and skills of the preceding course; it can also be started after a period of professional activity.

Admission Requirements

  • a completed university degree (at least 6 semesters of regular study time) in German Studies or a related subject (e.g. another philology) with a minimum of "good" (2.3) as a final grade
  • a final thesis (e.g. Bachelor's thesis) with a minimum of "good" (2.3) as a grade
  • successfully completed aptitude test
  • knowledge of Latin
  • Foreign applicants must provide evidence of German language skills at level 2 of the DSH examination or a comparable examination.

Detailed information on admission requirements can be found in the exam regulations. (available in German language only)

Aptitude test

Admission to the Master's program requires a two-stage aptitude test conducted by the department:

  1. Applications are reviewed by the examination board. If the applicant's first-degree certificate is not available at the time of application, the study grade achieved after completing 150 credit points is considered.
  2. The Master's test is a written exam designed to assess applicants' linguistic and stylistic competence, as well as their ability to apply academic knowledge to practical examples.

The Master's test typically takes place at the end of the lecture period. The dates are announced on our website under the 'Dates' section. We also provide a sample test.
If you wish to assess your suitability or want to prepare for the test, it can also be taken independently before applying. In the event of failure, you can resit the test once. For information regarding the date of the resit, please contact the German Studies Program Coordination.

Further Details can be found in the exam regulations (available in German only)

Application process

You can send in applications either by mail or by e-mail as one pdf-document addressed to the Head of Department. The application deadline for the winter semester is 15 July, and for the summer semester 15 January.

Please include the following documents:

  • University degree certificate with a grade of at least 2.3 (German grading system).
    If a university degree certificate is not yet available at the time of application, it must be submitted by the end of the second semester at the latest. Admission without a university degree certificate is only provisional, i.e. if a degree certificate with a grade of at least 2.3 (German grading system) cannot be submitted after 2 semesters, the student will be excluded from the course.
  • Proof of a final thesis graded with at least 2.3 (German grading system).
    If the grade of the final thesis is not available at the time of application, the corresponding proof must be submitted later. Without proof of a thesis graded with at least 2.3, admission is only provisional, i.e. if no such proof can be provided, the student will be excluded from the course.
  • Official proof of the average grade achieved after 150 credit points, if the university degree certificate cannot be presented at the time of application.
  • Transcript of Records with at least 150 credit points
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Proof of knowledge of Latin (usually with the certificate of general qualification for university entrance or with the transcript of records of the BA program)
    Should you not yet be able to provide proof of Latin skills, you will have to provide this by the end of your second semester in the Master's program. For detailed information on how to proof Latin skills, please see the exam regulations (available in German only).
  • International students need to provide the DSH-exam (or equivalent)

Non-German or non-English documents must be accompanied by an official translation along with the original document.

Admission and Enrollment

Successful applicants will receive an admission letter by mail for enrollment. International applicants will be referred to the Studentenkanzlei (Student Registration Office) for further instructions.

Length of Studies

The program takes a minimum of four and a maximum of six semesters.

Credit Points (= Leistungspunkte or LP)

In the master's program, you will acquire a total of 120 credit points.

Study Structure/Mobility Window

The Master's program in German Studies requires specialization. You choose modules from two of the following areas:

  • German Linguistics
  • Medieval German Literary Studies
  • Modern German Literary Studies
  • Teaching German Language and Literature

The exams are taken during the course of study.

Typically, a semester abroad is most advisable after the second semester, but it is also feasible after the first or third semester. Under certain circumstances, a semester abroad may extend the duration of your studies.

The fourth semester is primarily dedicated to the composition of your Master's thesis, which contributes a total of 20 credit points towards your degree.

Study Goals

The Master's program in German Studies offers a comprehensive training that includes:

  • In-depth knowledge in the areas of your selected modules (please refer to the module catalog for details).
  • Training in methods and techniques relevant to your chosen areas, allowing you to acquire, interpret, and communicate knowledge and culture through language.
  • Ability to conduct independent research and work across disciplines.
  • Advanced skills for future professional endeavors and further academic qualifications, including knowledge dissemination, the presentation of research findings to diverse audiences, and the identification of areas requiring further research.

For a detailed list of program objectives specific to your field of study, please download this PDF (available in German language only)

Guides to Organize Your Studies

  • We provide a study guide for students who started the program in or after summer 2016 and for students. We also provide a sample study plan (Studienverlaufsplan). Both documents offer support on how you can structure your studies. We recommend that you undertake any stay abroad in the 2nd or 3rd semester.

Examination Committee for the Master's Program German Studies

Prof. Dr. Paul R?ssler (Chair)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Daiber
Dr. Christian Steltz

The duties and responsibilities of the Examination Committee are governed by § 9 of the Study and Exam Regulations for the Master's Program in German Studies (in German only) as amended on 14 March 2012 and as amended on 16 February 2016.

German Department