Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Nachvollziehbare Künstliche Intelligenz in der Betrieblichen Wertsch?pfung | ![]() |
Tel.: | |
Email: julian.rosenberger@informatik.uni-regensburg.de | |
Raum:?Bajuwarenstra?e 4, Raum 535 | |
Julian is a PhD Researcher in the field of Interpretable Machine Learning and White-Box AI. With a strong background in Computer Science and Information Systems, he is passionate about developing transparent and accountable artificial intelligence systems that can be trusted by humans. Julian’s research focuses on experimental design research where wants to understand the effects of explainable and interpretable models on users from different areas. He is also keen on understanding the inner workings of complex machine learning models and designing methods to make them more interpretable and explainable. In addition to his academic pursuits, Julian enjoys sharing his knowledge and insights through writing and speaking at conferences and workshops. He started his master’s studies in International Information Systems (IIS) at Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) in October 2020. He was born and raised near Passau and studied in Economics with a focus on Insurance at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Mannheim in 2015. During the three-year program, he got to know many different departments of the Allianz SE. He finished his bachelor studies with a thesis on possible applications of artificial intelligence in the insurance industry considering the customers’ acceptance. After that he worked in the B2B sales area where he managed projects with Tier 1 Suppliers and OEMs, e.g. from the aerospace and automotive industry. In 2020 he returned to Allianz, but this time working for Allianz’s Global Digital Factory which is the In-House Tech-Incubator. In the Product Design & Optimization Team, he acted in many different roles like Product Owner, UX Researcher and UX Designer to name only a few. His strong industry expertise allowed him to bring a fresh breath of air into ongoing customer journeys while learning that user-centricity needs to be lived like a religion. After starting his studies in IIS he recognized very fast that he enjoys wrapping his head around technical challenging topics most. Whilst teaching undergraduate students in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and graduate students in Introduction to Computer Science (IntroCS) at the Chair of Digital Industrial Service Systems led by Prof. Matzner he wants to build up expertise in the field of Machine Learning. Besides his studies, as part of the university committee, commission for internationalization and the Fachschaftsinitiative Wirtschaftsinformatik & International Information Systems (FSI WInf & IIS), he is strongly involved in the university’s daily life. |