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Dominique Hausler

I am currently working in the DFG Project NoSQL Schema Evolution and Big Data Migration at Scale II. My work contains the analysis of graph databases, in particular evolution in graph databases. To do so, I am analyzing the evolution capabilities of graph databases and plan to develop on top of Cypher an evolution language. The second topic focuses on inter-model linkage. The aim is to develop a system where different database stores with heterogeneous schemas can be accessed at once. To connect different data models, inclusion dependencies are used.

Research Interests

  • Evolution in graph databases
  • Schema extraction
  • Inter-model linkage



  • Dominique Hausler, Jennifer Landes, Meike Klettke: SeeME: A General, Reusable Graph Schema for Data Preprocessing of Eye-Tracking Data. DE4DS@BTW 2025 (accepted)
  • Laura Waltersdorfer, Dominique Hausler, Tanja Auge: Provenance Question-based AI Transparency and Accountable AI Governance. AIGOV@AAAI 2025 (accepted)



Graph Database Evolution

In-Graph-Database Data Preprocessing


Lectures and Seminars:


  • Exercise: Programming 1 (WS 24/25)


  • Integrated course (lecture + seminar): Data Engineering (SS 23)



  • Schema evolution of graph databases in ProSA (Bachelor's thesis)


  • Methods for discovering explicit and implicit references in relational and non-relational database systems (Master's thesis)

Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Career

since 04/2023

Research assistant in the DFG project "No SQL Schema Evolution and Big Data Migraion at Scale II",?

Faculty for Computer Science and Data Science, Data Engineering Group, University of Regensburg, Germany


Graduate student of Digital Humanities, University of Regensburg, Germany

Master thesis: Empirical analysis of learning and teaching methods during the Corona Pandemic to develop orientation guidlines for students


Graduate student of Comparative East and Western European Studies, University of Regensburg, Germany

Master thesis: Corpus-based analysis of learner texts by russian L1 speakers


Undergraduate student of General and Comparative Linguistics, Information Science and History, University of Regensburg, Germany

Bachelor thesis: The expression of reflexive verbs: A empirical study among Ukrainians with German as a Second Language

  1. Fakult?t für Informatik und Data Science

Lehrstuhl Data Engineering

Dominique Hausler

Telefon: 0941 943-68609

E-Mail: dominique.hausler@ur.de

Raum: 626