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Certificate Migration and Education

German society is shaped by processes and phenomena related to migration. To take this into account, professionalization is required in a variety of professional fields. For this purpose, the Certificate Migration and Education is offered at the University of Regensburg since 2019, enabling both interdisciplinary and subject-specific access to the topics of migration and education.

Target Group

The Certificate addresses especially students of educational science and students in teacher teaching but is also open to all other interested parties at the University of Regensburg.

Study Goals

The students develop interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary skills for their work in diverse settings and for the assessment and development of related processes in educational and social work. Through critical and systemic thinking, they develop a differentiated understanding of their professional role in a migration society and an attitude that is sensitive to differences and discrimination. At the end of the Certificate, they have a sound, interdisciplinary theoretical knowledge, skills and attitudes, on the basis of which they can competently and critically work with diverse groups.

Career Prospects

The skills acquired in the Certificate qualify for activities in the following areas:

  • Schools: school management and school development, functional positions, classes for transitioning students, offers for integration and project-related work
  • Other educational institutions: executive and conceptual activities, institutional development in educational institutions, foundations, academies
  • Social work: child and youth welfare, support and integration offers, neighborhood work, offices
  • Administration (regional and national) and politics
  • Diversity management: intercultural and transcultural opening of organizations and companies
  • Cultural institutes worldwide
  • Non-profit organizations: national and international welfare, human rights and aid organizations

The Certificate may also open up opportunities for further research in the field, e.g. with a subsequent master or doctorate.

In order to find more detailed information regarding the Certificate Migration and Education, please switch to the German version of this page.

  1. Universit?t
  2. Rechenzentrum



Prof. Dr. Meike Munser-Kiefer
Prof. Dr. Rupert Hochholzer
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Gruber


Cheyma Arfaoui, M.A.
Lisa Klein, M.A.

