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? Interdisciplinary exchange and advisory board
? Research cooperations
? Promotion of young academics


Organization of conferences and workshops

  • First interdisciplinary science conference for researchers in Regensburg (organized by CampusAsyl e.V., June 20/21, 2018)
  • Workshop ?School and schooling in a migration society. General and subject-specific didactical perspectives” (June 13, 2019, invited participants of the UR and other Bavarian universities in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril)
  • Conference ?School and schooling in a migration society. General and subject-specific didactical perspectives” (July 3 and 4 2020 in Regensburg in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril and Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karaka?o?lu)

Establishment of a regional, nationwide and transnational competence network

  • interdisciplinary exchange
  • Advisory board (e.g. in critical friend format)
  • Initiation of third-party funded research projects
  • Initiation of a post graduate program
  • Joint promotion of young researchers for master's and doctoral degrees (e.g. joint supervision, organization of conferences for young researchers)
  • Securing field access through systematic integration of CampusAsyl e.V. and other parties working in the pratical field of migration and education

  1. Universit?t
  2. Rechenzentrum



Prof. Dr. Meike Munser-Kiefer
Prof. Dr. Rupert Hochholzer
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Gruber


Cheyma Arfaoui, M.A.
Lisa Klein, M.A.

