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Conference ?School and schooling in a migration society. General and subject-specific didactical perspectives”

On July 3 and 4, 2020, Prof. Dr. Meike Munser-Kiefer (Regensburg), Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril (Bielefeld) and Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karaka?o?lu?(Bremen) will host the conference ?School and schooling in a migration society. General and subject-specific didactical perspectives” at Regensburg University, Germany.

Referring to keywords such as heterogeneity, diversity, intersectionality and inclusion, but also in dealing with discrimination and racism, the conference raises the question to which extent content and forms of mediation in school and teaching take due account of the reality of a migration society. Those questions are discussed from both general and subject-specific didactical perspectives.

You will shortly find detailed information on the conference in Regensburg here.

  1. Universit?t
  2. Rechenzentrum

Center of Migration and Education


Prof. Dr. Meike Munser-Kiefer
Prof. Dr. Rupert Hochholzer
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Gruber


Cheyma Arfaoui, M.A.
Lisa Klein, M.A.

