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Alumni des Lehrstuhls für Pharmazeutische Technologie

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Pharmazeutische Technologie Regensburg

A - E

Dr. Ahmed Abdellatif

Dissertation: Formulation and characterization of nanoparticles for targeting of somatostatin receptors (2013)

Felix Baumann

Dr. Sebastian Beck

Dissertation: Core-shell-nanoparticles as a platform technology for the treatment of proliferative ocular diseases (2022)

Dr. Marilena Bohley

Dissertation: Targeted Lipid Nanoparticles for Retinal Drug Delivery (2021)

Dr. Bernhard Appel

Dissertation: Cartilage tissue engineering: Controlled release of growth factors Effects of GDF-5, sexual steroid hormons and oxygen (2006)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/10510

Dr. Michael Backofen

Dissertation: Novel applications for complexes between GnRH antagonists and charged polymers (2017)

Dr. Petra Bauer-Kreisel

Dissertation: Komponenten der Kapsel von Rhodococcus spec. und ihre m?gliche Funktion bei der Adh?sion an hydrophobe Oberfl?chen (1991)

Universit?tsklinikum Würzburg
Klinik und Poliklinik für Unfall-, Hand-, Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie

Dr. Sonja Bauhuber

Dissertation: Linear poly(ethylene imine)-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers for nucleic acid delivery: Synthesis and characterization (2012)
Online verfügbar unter: epub.uni-regensburg.de/27171

Dr. Julia Baumer

Dissertation: Cartilage tissue engineering for auricular reconstruction. Cartilage constructs in complex shape and differentiation processes (2010)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/16594

Prof. Dr. Torsten Blunk

Habilitationsschrift: Cartilage and Adipose Tissue Engineering Studies on Growth Factor Effects and Precultivation Strategies towards Clinical Applications (2010)

Universit?tsklinikum Würzburg
Klinik und Poliklinik für Unfall-, Hand-, Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie

Dr. Ferdinand Brandl

Habilitationsschrift: Diels-Alder Hydrogels For Intermittent Antibody Release (2016)

Dr. Friederike von Burkersroda

Dissertation: Untersuchung der homogenen und heterogenen Erosion bioabbaubarer Polymere (2002)

Dr. Axel Ehmer

Dissertation: Micronization of proteins by jet milling (2009)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/12560

Dr. Eva Esser

Dissertation:?Adhesive polymer films for the prevention of postsurgical adhesions (2016)

F - J

Dr. Asmaa Elbakry

Dissertation: Layer by layer fabricated gold nanoparticles for nucleic acid delivery (2010)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/16473

Dr. Matthias Ferstl

Dissertation: Interactions between oppositely peptides and polyelectrolytes (2012)

Prof. Dr. Claudia Fischbach-Teschl

Dissertation: Adipose tissue engineering - Development of a 3D model of adipogenesis (2003)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/10192

Cornell University
Laboratory of Therapeutic Tissue Engineering

Dr. Daniel Fleischmann

Dissertation: Virus-Mimetic Nanoparticles for the Therapy of Mesangial Cells in Diabetic Nephropathy (2021)

Moritz Graf

Dr. Jonas Groner

Dissertation: Development of Polymer- and Lipid-Based Nanoparticles to Target Macrophages in two Obesity-Related Diseases (2023)

Dr. Kathrin Gregoritza, geb. Abstiens

Dissertation: Heteromultivalent Nanoparticles for Selective Targeting of Renal Cells (2019)

Dr. Manuel Gregoritza

Dissertation: Click Hydrogels for Controlled Local Antibody Delivery (2017)

K - O

Dr. Martina Ke?ler

Dissertation: Biodegradable solvent cast films and solution electrospun meshes for the prevention of postsurgical adhesions (2016)

Dr. Susanne Kirchhof

Dissertation:?Diels Alder Hydrogels as Intraocular Drug Delivery Systems for Antibodies (2015)
Online verfügbar unter:?http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/33022

Dr. Robert Knerr

Dissertation: Integrin-mediated interactions between cells and biomimetic materials (2006)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/10555

Dr. Julia K?hler

Dissertation: Hydrogel Wound Dressings for the Bioactive Treatment of Acute and Chronic Wounds (2017)

Dr. Christoph Koelwel

Dissertation: Entwicklung von EGF-beladenen Ca-Alginat-Inserten zur kausalen Behandlung des ?trockenen Auges“ (2003)

Dr. Stephanie K?nnings

Dissertation: Lipid implants for controlled release of proteins (2006)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/10514

Dr. Alexandra Lawrowska geb. Haunberger

Dissertattion: Nanoparticles for drug delivery to ocular neovascularisations (2021)

Heike Lehr

Dr. Johanna Lempp

Dissertation: In vitro model for cartilage in rheumatoid arthritis and its application for nanoparticle diffusion characterization

Dr. Uta Lungwitz

Dissertation: Polyethylenamine-derived gene carriers and theri complexes with plasmid
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/10486

Dr. Angelika Maschke

Dissertation: Lipid microparticles for controlled release of proteins: Preparation by spray congealing and characterization (2005)

Dr. Sara Maslanka-Figueroa

Dissertation: Heteromultivalend Virus-mimetic Nanoparticles for Specific Mesangial Cell Targeting (2020)

Dr. Raphael Mietzner

Dissertation: Layer-by-Layer nanoparticles for glaucoma therapy (2021)

Dr. Christian Muhr

Dissertation: Establishment and characterization of a human 3-D fat model (2012)

Dr. Markus Neubauer

Dissertation: Stem cell-based adipose tissue engineering (2004)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/10269

Dr. Shaaban Osman

Dissertation: Cyclodextrin-derived self-assembling hydrogels (2011)

P - T

Dr. Klaus Pollinger

Dissertation: Towards novel targets for receptor-mediated nanoparticle delivery (2013)

Ali Rami

Dr. Thomas Reintjes

Dissertation: Optimization of biodegradable barrier films for the prevention of post surgical adhesions (2011)

Dr. Helmuth Reithmeier

Dissertation: Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Lipidmikropartikeln als parenterale Depotarzneiform für Peptide (1999)

Dr. Stefan Rothschenk

Dissertation: Arzneiformen zur Verabreichung von Proteinen am und im Auge (2010)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/13385

Dr. Andrea Schüssele

Dissertation: Drug delivery to the bone-implant interface: Functional hydroxyapatite surfaces and particles (2006)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/10511

Dr. Cornelia Schulte Beckhausen (geb. Rose)

Dissertation: Particulate systems for fluorescence imaging and drug delivery (2012)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/18552

Prof. Dr. Michaela Schulz-Siegmund

Dissertation: Entwicklung tensidfreier Submikron-Emulsionen mit Methylhydroxypropylcellulose als Polymeremulgator (1996)

Universit?t Leipzig
Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Technologie

Dr. Anna Katharina Seitz

Dissertation: 2D and 3D adipocyte cell culture: Promising tools for basic research and approaches towards clinical therapies (2010)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/16050

Dr. Florian Sommer

Dissertation: Hyalocytes in tissue engineering - First steps towards a cell-based vitreous substitute (2006)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/10523

Dr. Andrea Staab (geb. Lucke)

Dissertation: Interaction of poly(alpha-hydroxy acids) with peptides (2001)

Dr. Monika Stahl

Dissertation: Polymeric nanoparticles for Antigen Delivery to Dentritic Cells (2022)

Dr. Tobias Sonntag

Dissertation: Intracameral Applications of Nanoparticulate Delivery for Glaucom Therapy (2022)

Dr. Christoph Stuhldreher (geb. Luschmann)

Dissertation: Novel liquid application systems for poorly soluble drugs (2013)

Dr. Stefanie Thalhauser

Dissertation: Nanoparticles for HIV-1 vaccine delivery (2020)

Dr. Daniela Tausendpfund (geb. Eyrich)

Dissertation: Fibrin for tissue engineering of cartilage (2006)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/10444

Dr. J?rg Te?mar

Habilitationsschrift:?Polyethylene Glykol based Polymers for Biomedical Applications (2012)

Universit?tsklinikum Würzburg
Lehrstuhl für Funktionswerkstoffe der Medizin und der Zahnheilkunde

Dr. Luise Tomasetti

Dissertation: Influence of surface properties on nanoparticle transport through the extracellualr matrix (2017)

U - Z

Dr. Barbara Weiser

Dissertation: Adipose tissue engineering - Precultiration strategies towards clinical applications and a novel 3D-model of adipogenesis for basic research (2008)

Dr. Eva-Christina Wurster

Dissertation: Layer-by-Layer assembled thin films for drug delivery: Interactions at the nano-bio interface (2015)

Dr. Gamal Zayed

Dissertation: Development of colloids for cell and tissue targeting: Biphosphonate-functionallized gold particles for the investigation of bone targeting (2009)
Online verfügbar unter: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/13094

Dr. Christian Ziegler

Dissertation: Development of injectable hydogels for the controlled release therapeutic proteins (2022)

  1. Universit?t
  2. Chemie und Pharmazie

Pharmazeutische Technologie

Prof. Dr.
Achim G?pferich
Institut für Pharmazie

Geb?ude CH, Zi. 24.1.85

Telefon 0941 943-4842
Telefax 0941 943-4807
