Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin |
Institute of Plant Sciences |
Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry |
Dr. Andrea Bleckmann - Publications |
Yu, X., Zhang, X., Zhao, P., Peng, X., Chen, H., Bleckmann, A., Bazhenova, A., Shi, C., Dresselhaus, T., Sun,M.X. (2021) Fertilized egg cells secrete endopeptidases to avoid polytubey. Nature 592, 433-437.
Kulich, I., Vogler, F., Bleckmann, A., Cyprys, P., Lindemeier, M., Fuchs, I., Krassini, L., Schubert, T., Steinbrenner, J., Beynon, J., Falter-Braun, P., L?ngst, G., Dresselhaus, T., Sprunck, S. (2020) ARMADILLO REPEAT ONLY proteins confine Rho GTPase signalling to polar growth sites. Nat. Plants 6, 1275-1288.
Sprunck, S., Urban, M., Strieder, N., Lindemeier, M., Bleckmann, A., Evers, M., Hackenberg, T., M?hle, C., Dresselhaus, T., Engelmann, J.C. (2019) Elucidating small RNA pathways in Arabidsopsis thaliana egg cells. bioRxiv, doi.org/10.1101/525956.
Bleckmann, A. and Dresselhaus, T. (2017). Whole Mount RNA-FISH on Ovules and Developing Seeds. Methods Mol Biol., 1669, 159-171.
Zhang, J., Huang, Q., Zhong, S., Bleckmann, A., Huang, J., Guo, X., Lin, Q., Gu, H., Dong, J., Dresselhaus, T., Qu, L.J. (2017) Sperm cells are passive cargo of the pollen tube in plant fertilization. Nat Plants. 3, 17079.
Bleckmann, A. and Dresselhaus, T. (2016) Fluorescent whole-mount RNA in situ hybridization (F-WISH) in plant germ cells and the fertilized ovule. Methods 98, 66-73.
Hou, Y., Guo, X., Cyprys, P., Zhang, Y., Bleckmann, A., Cai, L., Huang, Q., Luo, Y., Gu, H., Dresselhaus, T., Dong, J. and Qu, L.J. (2016) Maternal ENODLs are required for pollen tube reception in Arabidopsis. Curr. Biol. 26, 2343-2350.
Somssich, M., Bleckmann, A. and Simon, R. (2016) Shared and distinct functions of the pseudokinase CORYNE (CRN) in shoot and root stem cell maintenance of Arabidopsis. J. Exp. Bot. 67, 4901–15.
Chen, J., Gutjahr, C., Bleckmann, A. and Dresselhaus, T. (2015) Calcium signalling during reproduction and biotrophic fungal interactions in plants. Mol. Plant 8, 595-611.
Müller, B., Fastner, A., Karmann, J., Mansch, V., Hoffmann, T., Schwab, W., Suter-Grotemeyer, M., Rentsch, D., Truernit, E., Ladwig, F., Bleckmann, A., Dresselhaus, T. and Hammes, U.?Z. (2015) Amino Acid Export in Developing Arabidopsis Seeds Depends on UmamiT Facilitators. Curr. Biol. 25, 3126-3131.
Somssich, M., Ma, Q., Weidtkamp-Peters, S., Stahl, Y., Felekyan, S., Bleckmann, A., Seidel, C.A.M. and Simon, R. (2015) Real-time dynamics of peptide ligand-dependent receptor complex formation in planta. Sci. Signal. 8, ra76.
Bleckmann, A., Alter, S. and Dresselhaus, T. (2014) The beginning of a seed: regulatory mechanisms of double fertilization. Front Plant Sci. 5, 452.
Denninger, P., Bleckmann, A., Lausser, A., Vogler, F., Ott, T., Ehrhardt, D.W., Frommer, W.B., Sprunck, S., Dresselhaus, T. and Grossmann, G. (2014) Male–female communication triggers calcium signatures during fertilization in Arabidopsis. Nature Comm. 5, 4645.
Stahl, Y., Grabowski, S., Bleckmann, A., Kühnemuth, R., Weidtkamp-Peters, S., Pinto, K.G., Kirschner, G.K., Schmid, J.B., Wink, R.H., Hülsewede, A., Felekyan, S., Seidel, C. a M. and Simon, R. (2013) Moderation of Arabidopsis root stemness by CLAVATA1 and ARABIDOPSIS CRINKLY4 receptor kinase complexes. Curr. Biol. 23, 362–71.
Bülter, A., Bleckmann, A. and Ortmann, U. (2011) FLCS – Fortschritte in der Fluoreszenz- Korrelations-Spektroskopie. BIO-PHOTONIK. 1–4.
Replogle, A., Wang, J., Bleckmann, A., Hussey, R.S., Baum, T.J., Sawa, S., Davis, E.L., Wang, X., Simon, R. and Mitchum, M.G. (2011) Nematode CLE signaling in Arabidopsis requires CLAVATA2 and CORYNE. Plant J. 65, 430–40.
Bleckmann, A., Weidtkamp-Peters, S., Seidel, C. a M. and Simon, R. (2010) Stem cell signaling in Arabidopsis requires CRN to localize CLV2 to the plasma membrane. Plant Physiol. 152, 166–76.
Bisson, M.M. a, Bleckmann, A., Allekotte, S. and Groth, G. (2009) EIN2, the central regulator of ethylene signalling, is localized at the ER membrane where it interacts with the ethylene receptor ETR1. Biochem. J. 424, 1–6.
Bleckmann, A. and Simon, R. (2009) Interdomain signaling in stem cell maintenance of plant shoot meristems. Mol. Cells. 27, 615–20.
Weidtkamp-Peters, S., Felekyan, S., Bleckmann, A., Simon, R., Becker, W., Kühnemuth, R. and Seidel, C. a M. (2009) Multiparameter fluorescence image spectroscopy to study molecular interactions. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 8, 470–80.
Müller, R., Bleckmann, A. and Simon, R. (2008) The receptor kinase CORYNE of Arabidopsis transmits the stem cell-limiting signal CLAVATA3 independently of CLAVATA1. Plant Cell. 20, 934–46.
Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry
University of Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg
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