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M?gliche Themen für Masterarbeiten finden Sie anbei.

How does the energy crisis affect housing prices or rents?

Differential analysis of housing price or rent developments since the energy crisis, analyzing whether price trends differ between properties with gas/oil heating and less or between energy efficient and less efficient properties.

Data source

Data from Immobilienscout24, scientific use file/ campus file available through the RWI data center (https://www.rwi-essen.de/en/research-advice/further/research-data-center-ruhr-fdz/data-sets/rwi-geo-red/x-real-estate-data-and-price-indices, https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/242995/1/177223995X.pdf).

How do firms react to early retirement incentives?

The so-called ‘retirement at 63’ reform led to a surge in early retirement. How did firms respond to this labor supply shock? (Challenging topic, especially suitable if you are interested in pursuing a PhD).

Data source

Linked-Employer-Employee Data LIAB from IAB (Linked-Employer-Employee-Daten des IAB (LIAB): LIAB-Querschnittmodell 2?1993-2019, Version 1 - FDZ - Forschungsdatenzentrum). Data available on the premises of IAB in Nuremberg and via remote data processing.

Consumption effects of a temporary VAT cut

Between July 1st and December 31st, 2020, Germany temporarily lowered its full VAT rate from 19 to 16% and its reduced rate from 7 to 5%. How did this affect consumption patterns?

Data source

Anonymized and aggregated card spending data from our project partner Mastercard, accessible in cooperation with ifo Institute.

Lehrstuhl für Economic Data Science

Prof. Dr. Carla Krolage

Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und ?konometrie

Prof. Dr. Carla Krolage

Mail: carla.krolage@ur.de

Tel_ +49 941 943 3087

Büro: RW(L) 4.10