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Study Program

How do I organise my studies?

As part of the study reform and the changeover to Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, modularization was introduced as an overarching organizational principle for degree programs. Accordingly, the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at UR are structured by means of modules.

In most fields of study, you are responsible for organizing the course of study and choosing semester courses. For this you need basic knowledge of the framework conditions of the study program.

Creating your Timetable

The module descriptions are immensely helpful for structuring your studies and creating your study plan. You will find guidance for the selection of your courses, which you then register via the course catalog (EXA).

The legal framework for all bachelor's and master's degree programs is explained in the examination regulations. These specify what you have to achieve during your studies and the examination procedures. The study lines are added into the examination management system (FlexNow).

? Module descriptions with forms of teaching, learning and workload

? Legally binding examination regulations for all degree programs

Course Registration and ECTS Management

Most faculties prefer to register for courses via the online lecture service (EXA). How and when to register for a course can be found in the course notes in the course catalogue. The directory can be accessed without UR access data, but you actually need a UR account to register for courses.

The course materials are usually provided by the lecturers via the e-learning platform (GRIPS). The access data for the individual courses will be communicated during the first attendance hour.

A central computer system keeps track of your grades and course assignments. This computer system is called FlexNow. Registration for exams is also done through this computer system. When the results of the exams are determined, they are entered into FlexNow by the lecturers and you can see the results online.

? The Course Catalogue (EXA) records all courses of the UR.

? Common Regensburg Internet Platform for Students (GRIPS).

? The examination management system (FlexNow) contains all of your achievements.

Student Data and UR Card

Your personal data, e.g. address, your study-related data (degree program and number of semester) as well as study certificates (e.g. certificate of enrollment) are recorded at UR in the campus portal (SPUR). Further services such as menus of the cafeteria can also be accessed via SPUR. Registration is only possible for enrolled students with an RZ account.

The UR card/ student ID card is issued upon enrollment and also serves as a library card, bus ticket and payment method on campus.

? Campus portal of the UR

? The UR card must be reprinted every semester (validation)

Consulting Services

Introductory Events

In the days before the start of the semester, introductory events are held for the individual subjects and degree programs. The contents of these events are information about the organization of the 1st semester, getting to know the university, contact with teaching staff and students of the respective subject. Do not miss these events!

You can find out the dates and current changes at "Startklar" or directly on the website of the central student advisory service. Also, if you have questions about your course of study, your majors, minors, etc., you can get important information at the general student advisory service.

Websites of the Departments

Most of the departments have their own homepage, where you can usually find information about the courses offered, the teaching staff or the study regulations.

Academic Counseling

You can contact the relevant academic advisors if you have questions about your course of study. The academic advisor will provide you with information about the content of the course, examination requirements, the structure of the course and the organization of the course.

Subject advisors are usually lecturers in the relevant field of study.

Student Representative Bodies

The student-organized student representative bodies have their own homepage with helpful information and tips about the courses.? The student councils also organize various events and guest lectures.

Semester Dates

The academic year is divided into two semesters:

The academic year at the University of Regensburg is divided into two semesters - the winter semester and the summer semester.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • The winter semester always begins on October 1 and ends on March 31.
  • The summer semester lasts from April 1 to September 30.

Each semester is divided into the lecture-free period and the lecture period. During the lecture period, classes are held. The beginning and end of this period vary somewhat from year to year. The lecture-free period is usually used for internships, for self-study, for writing seminar papers, for exam preparation, and in some cases for the exams. Block seminars are also frequently offered during the lecture-free period.


? Semester and event calendar of the UR

  1. UR International Office

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