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Human-Computer Interaction and Aging. 3rd Workshop on Age-distinct User Experience and Interaction Design

Workshop Goals

Continuing the previous workshops on age-distinct user experience design, the goal of this year’s event will be set on the collaborative exploration of possibilities to involve elderly people better in the human centered design process. The full-day workshop will offer researchers and practitioners the opportunity to work on this problem through applying design thinking, a method for complex problem solving and innovation. The organizers will guide the group through the innovation method so no prior knowledge is needed.

Target group and procedure

Previous workshops [1, 2] have shown that the field attracts predominately the following researchers:

  • Methods Engineers: Their research focus is the usage and development of methods to develop digital technology and their adaption to older adults.
  • Designers: Their research focus is the development of age-appropriate design guidelines to improve usability and user experience.
  • Evaluation: Their research focus is the evaluation of digital technology and the adaption of methods to the characteristics of older adults.

Design Thinking Workshop

Design Thinking is a customer-oriented innovation approach that aims to generate and develop new ideas for solving complex problems. The term "design" does not refer to aesthetics, but includes all technical and conceptual aspects that
product design could afford. The approach was originally developed by engineers for engineers at Stanford University because they noticed that the key for succesfull innovations was to understand the "why" and "what for" and not only the implementation of a new technical solutions [3].

We want to offer a structured design thinking wokshop where usability practicioners and researchers work one key challenge of HCI for aging user groups:?How can elderly users be involved better in human centered design activities?

Why you should partcicipate

  • You can gain expierence with an innovation method
  • You can gather new ideas/perspectives for your own work
  • No prior knowedgle about the method is needed
  • Results will be documented and via emails
  • You can contribute to publish the results with the organizers


Victoria B?hm: Victoria B?hm is researcher at the Media Informatics department of the University of Regensburg and coach at TRIO (Hochschulverbund Transfer und Innovation in Ostbayern). Her work focuses on the evaluation of user centered design and engineering methods in intercultural as well as intergenerational contexts.

Stephan Schl?gl: Stephan Schl?gl works as Associate Professor in the Dept. Management, Communication & IT at the MCI Management Center Innsbruck. His main research interest lies in human-computer interaction, particularly connected to the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence technologies in daily life.

Torben Volkmann: Torben Volkmann works as a researcher at the Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems of the University of Lübeck. His work focuses on the age-appropriate and participative development of “Historytelling”, a digital system to record, visualize and share life stories.

Christian Wolff: Christian Wolff is Professor at the Media Informatics department of the University of Regensburg. His research areas include the modelling and development of multimedia and multimodal information systems, text technology and text mining, digital humanities, and the research of target group-specific methods for user experience design.


[1]? Victoria B?hm, Patricia B?hm and Daniel Isemann. 2017. Golden Oldies and Silver Surfers: User Experience Design für eine ?ltere Zielgruppe. In Mensch und Computer 2017-Workshopband. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Regensburg

[2]? Victoria B?hm, Patricia B?hm, Stephan Schl?gl and Daniel Isemann. 2018. Golden Oldies and Silver Surfers 2.0: 2. Workshop zum alters-differenzierten User Experience Design. Mensch und Computer 2018-Workshopband. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Dresden

[3] ?Falk Uebernickel, Walter Brenner, Britta Pukall, Therese Naef, and Bernhard Schindlholzer. Design Thinking?: das Handbuch. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch.

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK)