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Prof. Dr. Anne-Julia Zwierlein

Office Hours:

Tuesdays, 15-16 (term time)


Prof. Dr. Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Chair of English Literature and Culture.

Prof. Zwierlein studied at the Universities of Bonn, Oxford (Exeter College) and Münster (1991-96) and received scholarships from the 'Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes' (German National Academic Foundation) and the 'DAAD' (German Academic Exchange Service). From 1997-2001 she was research assistant in English Literature and associate lecturer in Comparative Literature at the University of Münster. She held a Ph.D. scholarship from the 'Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes' during that time. Her Ph.D. was completed in 2000 ("summa cum laude"; dissertation prize of the University of Münster). From 2001 she was assistant professor at the University of Bamberg. In 2005 she was one of the recipients of the Heinz Maier Leibnitz prize, awarded by the DFG (German Research Foundation). In 2005/2006 she was Feodor Lynen Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and associate member of the English Faculties at Sheffield and Oxford, as well as Plumer Visiting Fellow at St Anne's College, Oxford. She completed her 'Habilitation' in 2007. In 2008 she was Acting Chair of English Literature and Culture at the University of Regensburg; in 2009 she was appointed as Chair and elected to receive special funding from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Research ('Neuberufene Professorinnen'). In 2013/14 she was Humboldt Visiting Fellow at Birkbeck College, London, and in 2015-17 Corresponding Research Fellow at the Centre for Research into Gender and Culture at the University of Swansea. Prof. Zwierlein served as Dean of Research of the Faculty of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (2013-15), as board member of the Anglistenverband (2014-18), and as elected member of the DFG Review Board 'European and American Literatures' (2020-24). She conducted a DFG funded research project (SBH) on Victorian lecture culture and mass print (2015-22) and is professorial member of the DFG Research Training Group (GRK) 'Pre-Modern Metropolitanism' (2017-25). - She is married and has two children.

External referee / advisor for:

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Cusanuswerk, DFG (German Research Foundation), ERC (European Research Council), ERC Advanced Grant 'Diseases of Modern Life in the 19th Century', University of Oxford (International Advisory Board, 2013-19), FWO (Research Foundation Flanders), Schweizerischer Nationalfonds, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation), Research Advisory Panel, University of Huddersfield (2013-18), Volkswagen Foundation, Zukunftskolleg Konstanz.

Anthem Press, ASNEL?Papers (Review Board, 2012-18), Authorship, College Literature, Comparative Drama, Connotations, Cultural History, Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin, Journal for the Study of British Cultures (Editorial Committee, 2015-19), Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, Milton Quarterly, Renaissance Studies (Editorial Board, 2025-), Review of English Studies, Routledge, Shakespeare Jahrbuch.


I. Monographs

II. Edited?Collections

II.a. General?Editor

III. Database

IV. Articles?[67]

V. Dictionary?Articles, Short?Items

VI. Reviews

I. Monographs

3. Lecturing Women in British Fiction, Periodicals, and Public Orality, 1870-1910: The First Speech. The Nineteenth Century Series (London: Routledge, forthcoming 2025).
Research Funding: Humboldt Foundation; DFG

1. Majestick Milton: British Imperial Expansion and Transformations of Paradise Lost, 1667-1837. Studien zur englischen Literatur, 13 (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2001). Distributed in the USA by Transaction Publishers. Pp. xi + 492.
Funding: Druckkostenzuschuss F?rderungsfonds Wissenschaft der VG WORT.
Reviews: J.M.Evans (Archiv 239.1, 2002, 200-201); N.v.Maltzahn (JSBC 9.1, 2002, 114-16); J.G.Turner (SEL 42.1, 2002, 204-205); G.Burns (Anglia 121.1, 2003, 145-8); M.Küster (ZAA 51.1-2, 2003, 81-83); P.Stevens (MLR 98.4, 2003, 961-3); S.R?mmelt (Sehepunkte 3, 2003, 7/8); M.Kean (YWES 83, 447 / 451); W.Riehle (AAA 29.2, 2004, 270-2); P.Krahé (GRM 55, 2005, 246-9).

2. Der physiologische Bildungsroman im 19. Jahrhundert: Selbstformung, Leistungsethik und organischer Wandel in Naturwissenschaft und Literatur. Anglistische Forschungen, 398 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2009). Pp. v + 433.
Funding: Druckkostenzuschuss der Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung.
Reviews: A.Gutenberg (Anglistik 22.2, 2011, 168-70); D.Vanderbeke (LJ 52, 2011, 449-52); A.-M. Horatschek (ZAA 60.1, 2012, 93-6).

II. Edited Collections

14. [with Katharina Herold-Zanker], eds. Transforming Victorian Orality: Articulating Social Change in Victorian Britain (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, under contract).

13. [with Sebastian Graef and Heidi Weig], eds. Cultures of Lecturing in the Long Nineteenth Century, vol. 2: Women and Public Speech in Manuals of Rhetoric, Journalism, Autobiography and Fiction (Heidelberg: Winter, 2022).

12. [with Heidi Weig and Sebastian Graef], eds. Cultures of Lecturing in the Long Nineteenth Century, vol. 1: Practices of Oral Performance in Manuals of Rhetoric Journalism and Autobiography (Heidelberg: Winter, 2022).

11. [with Joanna Rostek and Ina Habermann]. Literatures of Brexit, special issue, Journal for the Study of British Cultures, 26.2 (2019).

10. [with Joanna Rostek]. Brexit and the Divided United Kingdom, special issue, Journal for the Study of British Cultures, 26.1 (2019).

9. [with Jochen Petzold, Katharina Boehm and Martin Decker]. Anglistentag 2017 Regensburg: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2018.

8. Victorian Oral Cultures, Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, special issue, guest editor Anne-Julia Zwierlein, 63.1 (2015).

7. [with Iris Heid]. Gender and Disease in Literary and Medical Cultures. Regensburger Beitr?ge zur Gender-Forschung, Band 7 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2014).

6. [with Katharina Boehm and Anna Farkas]. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Aging in Nineteenth-Century Culture. Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature (New York and London: Routledge, 2014).

5. Gender and Creation: Surveying Gendered Myths of Creativity, Authority, and Authorship. Regensburger Beitr?ge zur Gender-Forschung, Band 4 (Heidelberg: Universit?tsverlag Winter, 2010). Pp. 247.

4. [Binnenherausgabe, with Stefan Welz]. "Section I, Defining the Human: Animal-Human Relations in Literature". Anglistentag 2007 Münster: Proceedings, ed. Klaus Stierstorfer (Trier: WVT, 2008) 1-94.

3. Unmapped Countries: Biological Visions in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Anthem Nineteenth-Century Studies (London: Anthem Press, 2005). Pp. xvii + 282.

2. [with Dieter Mehl and Angela Stock]. Plotting Early Modern London: New Essays on Jacobean City Comedy, Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004). Pp. xi + 236.

1. [with Claudia Olk]. Innenwelten vom Mittelalter zur Moderne: Interiorit?t in Literatur, Bild und Psychologiegeschichte (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2002). Pp. 292.?

II.a. General Editor

Seit 2010: [with Rainer Emig]: Reihenherausgeberin der Regensburger Beitr?ge zur Gender-Forschung / Regensburg Studies in Gender and Culture (Heidelberg: Universit?tsverlag Winter).

Seit 2014: [with Udo Hebel and Jakob Leimgruber]: Reihenherausgeberin der Regensburger Arbeiten zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik / Regensburg Studies in British and American Languages and Cultures (Hamburg: Peter Lang).

III. Database

[with Heide-Marie Weig and Sebastian Graef]. Lecturing Women in Victorian Periodicals Database (LWVP). Sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG). University Library at University of Regensburg, 2018. Weblink: victorianlecturing.uni-regensburg.de.

IV. Articles

  • Early Modern to 18th Century [27]?

27. 'Truth shall retire': Religionskriege, postlapsarische Epistemologie und Toleranzkonzepte bei John Milton, Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, 63 (2023) 137-158.

26. 'Grace in Deformity': Praxeologien des Klassischen und literarische Geschmacksbildung am Beispiel des englischen 'Nationaldichters' John Milton im frühen 18. Jahrhundert, in: Europ?ische Regelsysteme des Klassischen: Zur Funktion der Klassik-Referenz in Literatur, Arch?ologie, Architektur und Kunst im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert, ed. Heribert Tommek, Regensburger Klassikstudien, Bd. 5 (Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, 2020), 57-71.

25. John Milton, Paradise Lost (1667/1674), in: Handbook of English Renaissance Literature, ed. Ingo Berensmeyer, Handbooks of English and American Studies, vol. 10 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019) 635-659.

24. 'Unteaches conquer'd Nations to Rebel, / By Singing how their Stubborn Parents fell': Exploring and Exporting John Milton in the Long Eighteenth Century, in: Dante and Milton: Envisioned Visionaries, ed. Christoph Lehner and Christoph Singer (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2016) 85-105.

23. 'The only righteous in a world perverse': Sakraler Heroismus, Republikanismus und 'einsame Gerechte' bei John Milton und Lucy Hutchinson, in: Sakralit?t und Heldentum, Publikationsreihe des SFB 948: Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen, ed. Felix Heinzer, J?rn Leonhard und Ralf von den Hoff (Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2017) 167-86.

22. 'Betrayed my credulous innocence': Mendacity and Female Education in John Milton and the Battle of the Sexes, in: Mendacity in Early Modern Literature and Culture, European Journal of English Studies, special issue, ed. Ingo Berensmeyer and Andrew Hadfield, 19.2 (2015): 204-219.
Repr. Routledge: Special Issues as Books Series (London: Routledge, 2016) 74 - 89.

21. Purging the Visual Nerve: Exploration, 'Revelation', and Cosmography in Milton Commentaries and Criticism of the Long Restoration, in: Milton in the Long Restoration, ed. Blair Hoxby and Ann Baynes Coiro (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) 414-432.

20. ?ffentlicher Raum im frühneuzeitlichen London: Topographische, rituelle und theatrale Repr?sentationsformen, in: Blick in die Wissenschaft: Forschungsmagazin der Universit?t Regensburg, 27 (2013) 41-46.

19. Travelling through (Post-)Imperial Panoramas: British Epic Writing and Popular Shows, 1740s to 1840s, in: Post-Empire Imaginaries?: Anglophone Literature, History, and the Demise of Empires. ASNEL Papers 19, ed. Barbara Buchenau and Virginia Richter (Leiden: Brill/Rodopi, 2015) 243-67.

18. 'Such grinning honour': Adelsethos, Ehre und Ehrlosigkeit in Shakespeares Lancaster-Tetralogie, in: Infamie: Ehre und Ehrverlust in literarischen und juristischen Diskursen, ed. Achim Geisenhanslüke und Martin L?hnig, Rechtskultur Wissenschaft, Bd. 6 (Regenstauf: Edition Rechtskultur, 2012) 9-19.

17. 'No house but mine to make your scene?' Urbane Schwellenr?ume, Diagnosen des Stadtk?rpers und symbolische Geschlechterordnungen in frühneuzeitlichen City Plays, in: Shakespeare-Jahrbuch 147 (2011) 69-93.

16. 'Thyself in me thy perfect image viewing': Mental Fixations, Narcissism, and Gendered Conceptions of Creative Autonomy in Early Modern Fiction and Poetics, in: Gender and Creation: Myths of Creativity, Authority, and Authorship, ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein. Regensburger Beitr?ge zur Gender-Forschung, Band 4 (Heidelberg: Universit?tsverlag Winter, 2010) 85-96.

15. Male Pregnancies, Virgin Births, Monsters of the Mind: Early Modern Melancholia and (Cross-)Gendered Constructions of Creativity, in: The Literature of Melancholia: Early Modern to Postmodern, ed. Martin Middeke and Christina Wald (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) 35-49.

14. 'Redeeming Eve'? The 'Religious Turn' and Early Modern Gender Studies, in: Anglistentag 2008 Tübingen: Proceedings, ed. Lars Eckstein and Christoph Reinfandt (Trier: WVT, 2009) 77-90.

13. Milton Epic and Bucolic: Empire and Readings of Paradise Lost, 1667- 1837, in: The Oxford Handbook of Milton, ed. Nicholas McDowell and Nigel Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009) 669-686. [Irene Samuel Award of the Milton Society of America]

12. Negotiating Primogeniture: Succession, Inheritance and 'Spiritual Legitimacy' in Shakespeare's Plays, in: Drama and Cultural Change: Turning Around Shake-speare, ed. Matthias Bauer and Angelika Zirker (Trier: WVT, 2009) 65-85.

11. Nostalgie und Neubeginn: Geschichtsrevisionen in Henry IV, Part 2, in: William
Shakespeare, K?nig Heinrich IV. (2. Teil), zweisprachige Ausgabe, neu übersetzt von Frank Günther (Cadolzburg: ars vivendi, 2004) 343-362.

10. 'Poor Negro-Girl', 'Little Black Boy': Constructing Childhood in Eighteenth-Century Slave Narratives, Abolitionist Propaganda and Postcolonial Novels, in: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 52.2 (2004): 107-120.

9. Shipwrecks in the City: Commercial Risk as Romance in Early Modern City Comedy, in: Plotting Early Modern London: New Essays on Jacobean City Comedy, Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama, ed. Dieter Mehl, Angela Stock and Anne-Julia Zwierlein (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004) 75-94.

8. [with Angela Stock]. 'Our scene is London ...': Introduction, in: Plotting Early Modern London: New Essays on Jacobean City Comedy, Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama, ed. Dieter Mehl, Angela Stock and Anne-Julia Zwierlein (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004) 1-24.

7. Medea's Revenge: Francis Bacon on the Prolonging of Life, in: Old Age and Ageing in British and American Culture and Literature. Studien zur englischen Literatur, 16. Ed. Christa Jansohn (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2004) 51-68.

6. Shakespeare vor Gericht: Der Fall Ireland (1795/96) und der 'Geist' des Autors im 20. Jahrhundert, in: Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 139 (2003): 130-145.

5. 'Civil War in the Mind': Margaret Cavendishs atomare und utopische Innenwelten, in: Innenwelten vom Mittelalter zur Moderne: Interiorit?t in Literatur, Bild und Psychologiegeschichte, ed. Claudia Olk und Anne-Julia Zwierlein (Trier: WVT, 2002) 95-110.

4. [with Claudia Olk]. Innenwelt, Ged?chtnistheater, Seelenlandschaft. Zur Einführung, in: Innenwelten vom Mittelalter zur Moderne: Interiorit?t in Literatur, Bild und Psychologiegeschichte, ed. Claudia Olk und Anne-Julia Zwierlein (Trier: WVT, 2002) 9-20.

3. Satan's Ocean Voyage and Eighteenth-Century Seafaring Trade, in: Fictions of the Sea: Critical Perspectives on the Ocean in British Literature and Culture, ed. Bernhard Klein (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002) 49-76.

2. Pandemonic Panoramas: Surveying Milton's 'vain empires' in the Long Eighteenth Century, in: Milton and the Terms of Liberty. Studies in Renaissance Literature, 7. Ed. Graham Parry and Joad Raymond (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2002) 191-214. [Irene Samuel Award of the Milton Society of America]

1. Queen Mab under the Microscope: The Invention of Subvisible Worlds in Early Modern Science and Poetry, in: Spatial Change in English Literature, ed. Joachim Frenk (Trier: WVT, 2000) 69-97.

  • Victorianism / 19th Century [27]?

27. 'First Speech, Interview, War Report: Transforming Victorian Orality', in: Transforming Victorian Orality: Articulating Social Change in Victorian Britain, ed. A. Zwierlein and K. Herold-Zanker (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, under contract).?

26. The Roar on the Other Side of Silence: Sound, Hearing, and Social Change in Victorian Literature, in: Literature and the Senses, ed. Annette Kern-St?hler and Elizabeth Robertson. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2023) 162-183.?

25. Viktorianische Zeitschriften als multimediale, polyvokale und au?erparlamentarische Plattformen, in: Handbuch Zeitschriftenforschung, ed. Oliver Scheiding and Sabina Fazli. Edition Medienwissenschaft. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag (2023) 273-288.?

24. 'She lectured and attended lectures': Transmedia Practices and Female Vocality in Late-Nineteenth-Century Cultures of Public Lecturing and Mass Print, in: Transmedia Practices in the Long Nineteenth Century, ed. Christina Meyer and Monika Pietrzak-Franger (London: Routledge, 2022) 113-130.?

23. Sonic Monstrosity and Visionary Women: Female Speaking Automata and Mass Mediation in Late-Nineteenth-Century British Science and Fiction, Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies, special issue, ed. Gero Guttzeit and Natalya Bekhta, 30.3 (2019) 89-105.

22. Metropolitan Communities: Periodicity and Participation in Late Nineteenth-Century Popular Lecturing and Penny Fiction Weeklies, in: Periodical Studies Today: Multidisciplinary Analyses,?ed. Jutta Ernst, Oliver Scheiding, and Dagmar von Hoff, Studies in Periodical Cultures, vol. 1 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2022) 373-396.

21. Mona Caird, The Daughters of Danaus (1894), in: Handbook of the English Novel, 1830-1900, ed. Martin Middeke and Monika Pietrzak-Franger (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020) 511-527.

20. The Lecturer as Revenant(e): Sensation and Conversion in Late-Victorian Popular Lecturing and Mass Print, in: The Popular and the Past: Popular Cultures of the Nineteenth Century, ed. Doris Feldmann and Christian Krug, special issue, Journal for the Study of British Cultures 23.1 (2016): 41-56.

19. The Spectacle of Speech: Victorian Popular Lectures and Mass Print Culture, in: The Making of English Popular Culture, ed. John Storey; Directions in Cultural History (London: Routledge, 2016) 165-83.

18. 'Memory, whose stores are the fruit of attention': Narratives of Inattention in Victorian and Edwardian Concert Rooms, Classrooms and Lecture Halls, 1860-1910, in: The Arts of Attention, ed. Katalin Kállay et al., Collection Károli? (Budapest: L'Harmattan Publishing, 2016) 439-55.

17. 'The Education of the Will': Kindererziehung als Gewohnheitsbildung in Physio-psychologie und P?dagogik des viktorianischen Gro?britannien, in: Perfektionismus und Perfektibilit?t: Theorien und Praktiken der Vervollkommnung in Pietismus und Aufkl?rung, ed. Konstanze Baron und Christian Soboth, Studien zum 18. Jahrhundert, 39 (Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 2018) 259-82.

16. 'The Subject Escapes Me': Spellbinding Lecturers and (In-)Attentive Audiences in Late-Victorian Serialized Sensation Fiction, in: Victorian Oral Cultures, Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, special issue, ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein, 63.1 (2015) 69-88.

15. Victorian Oral Cultures: Introduction, in: Victorian Oral Cultures, Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, special issue, guest ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein, 63.1 (2015) 1-6.

14. 'White Slavery': Würde- und Sympathiediskurse in den Kampagnen der britischen Anti-Sklaverei-Bewegung (ab 1780) und der Frauenrechtsbewegung (ab 1880), in: Würdelos: Ehrkonflikte von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart, Regensburger Klassikstudien, Bd.1, ed. Achim Geisenhanslüke (Regensburg: Verlag Schnell & Steiner, 2016) 165-83.

13. Autobiographie und Handlungsautonomie in der ersten britischen Frauenbewegung. Kommentar zu Angelika Schaser, 'Autobiographie und Genderforschung', in: Autobiographie zwischen Text und Quelle, ed. Volker Depkat und Wolfram Pyta (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2017) 151-65.

12. Poetic Genres in the Victorian Age I: Letitia Elizabeth Landon's and Alfred Lord Tennyson's Post-Romantic Verse Narratives, in: A History of British Poetry: Genres - Developments - Interpretations, ed. Sibylle Baumbach, Birgit Neumann, and Ansgar Nünning (Trier: WVT, 2015) 243-55.

11. [with Anna Farkas] L?rmende, starrende, vulg?re Mengen: Popul?re Vortragskultur und weibliche Performanz im 19. Jahrhundert, in: Blick in die Wissenschaft: Forschungsmagazin der Universit?t Regensburg, 26 (2012) 9-14.

10. 'The texture of her nerves and the palpitation of her heart': Vocation, Hysteria, and the 'Surplus Female' in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Medical Discourse, in: Gender and Disease in Literary and Medical Cultures, Regensburger Beitr?ge zur Gender-Forschung, ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein and Iris M. Heid, Band 7 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2014) 109-123.

9. 'Written entirely for your amusement': Deklamation und fingierter Dialog in Lewis Carrolls Alice's Adventures in Wonderland und Through the Looking Glass, in: Klassiker der internationalen Jugendliteratur, Bd. 2: Kulturelle und epochenspezifische Diskurse aus Sicht der Fachdisziplinen, ed. Anita Schilcher und Claudia Maria Pecher (Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag, 2013) 217-240.

8. [with Katharina Boehm and Anna Farkas] Victorian Aging and Old Age: Introduction, in: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ageing in Nineteenth-Century Culture, ed. Katharina Boehm, Anna Farkas and Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature (New York: Routledge, 2014) 1-17.

7. 'Exhausting the Powers of Life': Aging, Energy, and Productivity in Nineteenth-Century Scientific and Literary Discourses, in: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ageing in Nineteenth-Century Culture, ed. Katharina Boehm, Anna Farkas and Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature (New York and London: Routledge, 2014) 38-56.

6. The Biology of Social Class: Habit Formation and Social Stratification in Nineteenth-Century British Bildungsromane and Scientific Discourse, in Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, 10.2 (2012): 335-360.

5. 'Standing out like a Quartz Dyke': Self-Formation, 'Energy' and the Material Environment in John Ruskin and Charles Dickens, in: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 34.2 (2009): 315-331.

4. Der medizinische Diskurs in der viktorianischen Literatur, in: Eine Kultur-geschichte der englischen Literatur: Von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart, UTB-Reihe, ed. Vera Nünning (Tübingen: Francke, 2005) 182-195 (Artikel); 314-315 (Auswahlbibliographie).

3. Unmapped Countries: Biology, Literature and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Introduction, in: Unmapped Countries: Biological Visions in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Anthem Nineteenth-Century Studies (London: Anthem Press, 2005) 1-12 (article); 217-218 (notes); 251-253 (bibliography).

2. From Parasitology to Parapsychology: Parasites in Nineteenth-Century Science and Literature, in: Unmapped Countries: Biological Visions in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Anthem Nineteenth-Century Studies (London: Anthem Press, 2005) 155-172 (article); 238-241 (notes); 273-275 (bibliography).

1. The Evolution of Frogs and Philosophers: William Paley's Natural Theology, G.H. Lewes's Studies in Animal Life and Edward Bulwer-Lytton's The Coming Race, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 242.2 (2005): 349-356.

  • 20th/21st Century?[13]?

13. [with Joanna Rostek], Literatures of Brexit: An Introduction, in: Literatures of Brexit, special issue of the Journal for the Study of British Cultures, ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Joanna Rostek and Ina Habermann, 26.2 (2019) 125-140.

12. [with Joanna Rostek], Introduction: Brexit and the Divided United Kingdom as Areas of Research in British Cultural Studies, in: Brexit and the Divided United Kingdom, special issue, Journal for the Study of British Cultures, ed. Joanna Rostek and Anne-Julia Zwierlein, 26.1 (2019) 3-16.

11. Obdachlosigkeit eines Gentleman: Impressionismus der Kriegszeit in Ford Madox Fords Tetralogie Parade's End (1924-28), in: ?sthetiken des Schreckens: Der Erste Weltkrieg in Literatur und Film, ed. Jochen Mecke und Marina Ortrud Hertrampf, special issue: Romanische Studien 9 (2019) 133-159.

10. Lost at Sea: Mourning, Melancholia and Maritime Mindscapes in Early 21st-Century British and Irish Fiction, in: Narrating Loss: Representations of Mourning, Nostalgia and Melancholia in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction, ed. Brigitte Glaser and Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz (Trier: WVT, 2014) 161-77.

9. Introduction. Gender and Creation: Surveying Gendered Myths of Creativity, Authority, and Authorship, in: Gender and Creation: Myths of Creativity, Authority, and Authorship, ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein. Regensburger Beitr?ge zur Gender-Forschung, Band 4 (Heidelberg: Universit?tsverlag Winter, 2010) 11-23.

8. 'Gripping to a wet rock': Coastal Erosion and the Land-Sea Divide as Existentialist/Ecocritical Tropes in Contemporary British and Irish Fiction, in: The Beach in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures: Reading Littoral Space, ed. Ursula Kluwick and Virginia Richter (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015) 53-69.

7. 'The Gift of Seeing' – 'The Eyes of Faith': Visuelle Evidenz und ?bersinnliches in Julian Barnes' Arthur & George und anderen neo-viktorianischen Detektiv-romanen, in: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 56.1 (2008): 31-48.

6. Defining the Human: Animal-Human Relations in Literature. Introduction, in: Anglistentag 2007 Münster: Proceedings, ed. Klaus Stierstorfer (Trier: WVT, 2008) 3-11.

5. 'Chuck Loyola': James Joyces Exorzismus der Ejercicios Espirituales in "Grace", A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man und Ulysses, in Arcadia: Zeitschrift für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, 38.1 (2003): 77-98.

4. 'Untamed Reluctance' and a Way Out: The Milton Tradition in Working-Class and Post-Colonial Perspectives, in: Bridges Across Chasms: Towards a Transcultural Future in Caribbean Literature, ed. Bénédicte Ledent (Liège: Liège Language Literature, 2004) 275-291.

3. Nach der Postmoderne? Von der Rückkehr des Vaters in der F?lschung, in: Lügen und Betrügen: Das Falsche in der Geschichte von der Antike bis zur Moderne, ed. Oliver Hochadel und Ursula Kocher (K?ln: B?hlau, 2000) 239-256.

2. 'A World Without Monuments': Erinnerung, Erfindung und mythisches Erleben in Derek Walcotts Epos Omeros (1990), in: Topographie der Erinnerung: Mythos im strukturellen Wandel, ed. Bettina von Jagow (Würzburg: K?nigshausen & Neumann, 2000) 109-128.

1. 'Bless the Thief for he Lightens your Burden': F?lschung und Subjektkonstitution in Peter Ackroyds Chatterton (1987) und Alan Walls Bless the Thief (1997), in Poetica: Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, 32.3-4 (2000): 499-526.

V. Dictionary Articles, Short Items

8. [with Jochen Petzold, Katharina Boehm, Martin Decker] Preface, Anglistentag 2017 Regensburg: Proceedings. Ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Jochen Petzold, Katharina Boehm and Martin Decker. Trier: WVT, 2018. XI-XII.

7. [with Iris Heid] Preface: Gender and Disease in Literary and Medical Cultures, in: Gender and Disease in Literary and Medical Cultures, Regensburger Beitr?ge zur Gender-Forschung, Band 7, ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein and Iris M. Heid (Heidelberg: Winter, 2014) 7-18.

6. Gegen die Macht der Gewohnheit: Bewu?te und unbewu?te Selbstformung in der Literatur des Viktorianismus, in: Univers: Magazin der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, 13 (2007): 36-38.

5. Parasitismus, in: Lexikon Literatur und Medizin im europ?ischen Kontext, ed. Bettina von Jagow und Florian Steger (G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005) Spalten 598-602.

4. Technologies and Media in the Nineteenth Century: Annual Meeting of The Northeast Victorian Studies Association, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 4-6, 2003, in: Anglistik, 14.2 (2003): 203-205.

3. Lebenselixier oder Hormontherapie? Anti-Ageing von der Frühen Neuzeit bis heute, in: Univers: Magazin der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, 3 (2002): 40-41.

2 a. Derselbe Konferenzbericht, leicht ge?nderte Fassung, auch in Unidoc: Informationsdienst der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, 3 (2002): 8.

2. Old Age and Ageing in British and American Literature and Culture: Konferenz des Bamberger Centre for British Studies (CBS) am 3./4. Mai 2002, in: Anglistik, 13.2 (2002): 180-181.

1. Thomas Campion, in: Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren, ed. Eberhard Kreutzer and Ansgar Nünning (Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2002) 95.

VI. Reviews

37. Islam Issa and Angelica Duran, eds. Milton Across Borders and Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, in: Milton Quarterly (forthcoming 2025).?

36. Anne B. Rodrick, Lecturing the Victorians: Knowledge-Based Culture and Participatory Citizenship. London: Bloomsbury, 2024, in: Journal of British Studies (forthcoming 2025).

35. Renée Fox, The Necromanics: Reanimation, the Historical Imagination, and Victoria British and Irish Literature. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2023, in: Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 35.2 (2024), 236-238.

34. Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier, The Sublimation of Unfitness in Victorian Fiction: Domesticating the Grotesque and Extending the Readers' Sympathies. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2023, in: Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 35.1 (2024), 235-237.

33. Jens Martin Gurr, Charting Literary Urban Studies: Texts as Models of and for the City. New York: Routledge, 2021, in: Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 33.2 (2022) 279-281.

32. Lissette Lopez Szwydky: Transmedia Adaptation in the Nineteenth Century. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2020, in: Anglia: Journal of English Philology 139.4 (2021) 778-781.

31. Andrew Mangham and Daniel Lea, eds.: The Male Body in Medicine and Literature. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2018, in: Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin, 12 (2020) 233-236.

30. Sarah Briest, Married to the City: The Early Modern Lord Mayor's Show Between Emblematics and Ritual. Heidelberg: Winter, 2019, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 257.2 (2020) 440-442.

29. Gretchen E. Minton, ed., The Revenger's Tragedy: The State of Play. The Arden Shakespeare State of Play Series. London: Bloomsbury, 2018, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 257.2 (2020) 451-453.

28. András Kiséry, Hamlet's Moment: Drama and Political Knowledge in Early Modern England. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 256.1 (2019) 209-210.

27. Angelica Duran, Islam Issa, and Jonathan R. Olson, eds. Milton in Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, in: Milton Quarterly, 52.2 (2018): 138-141.

26. Monika Pietrzak-Franger, Syphilis in Victorian Literature and Culture: Medicine, Knowledge and the Spectacle of Victorian Invisibility. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, in: Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin 10 (2018) 191-194.

25. Andrea von Hülsen-Esch, ed., Alter(n) neu denken: Konzepte für eine neue Alter(n)skultur, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2015, in: Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin 8 (2016) 263-266.

24. Seth Lobis, The Virtue of Sympathy: Magic, Philosophy, and Literature in Seventeenth-Century England, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015, in: Milton Quarterly 49.4 (2015) 279-282.

23. Kate Macdonald and Christoph Singer, eds, Transitions in Middlebrow Writing, 1880-1930. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, in: Anglistik 27.1 (2016) 189-191.

22. Bruce Clarke and Manuela Rossini, eds, The Routledge Companion to Literature and Science. London and New York: Routledge, 2011, in: Anglia 131.4 (2013) 709-713.

21. Ute Berns: Science, Politics, and Friendship in the Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2012, in: Anglia 130.4 (2012) 604-607.

20. Ralph Schucht: Der moderne Prometheus. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Literatur und Naturwissenschaften in der englischen Romantik, Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2011, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 250:165 (2013) 208-209.

19. William Shakespeare: King Henry IV, Part I – K?nig Heinrich IV., Teil I. Deutsche Prosafassung, Anmerkungen, Einleitung und Kommentar von Wilfrid Braun. Tübingen: Stauffenburg 2010 (=Englisch-deutsche Studienausgabe), in: Editionen in der Kritik 5 (2012) 41-48.

18. Eva-Sabine Zehelein, Science: Dramatic. Science Plays in America and Great Britain, 1990-2007. American Studies: A Monograph Series, vol. 180, Heidelberg: Universit?tsverlag Winter, 2009, in: Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 52 (2011) 499-505.

17. Devoney Looser, Women Writers and Old Age in Great Britain: 1750-1850. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2008, in: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 58.1 (2010): 74-75.

16. Claire Preston, Thomas Browne and the Writing of Early Modern Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 245.1 (2008): 178-179.

15. Janis McLarren Caldwell, Literature and Medicine in Nineteenth-Century Britain. From Mary Shelley to George Eliot. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 244.1 (2007): 182-183.

14. Heike Michaelis, Darwinismus und literarischer Diskurs in England am Beispiel von George Eliot und Thomas Hardy. Anglistik / Amerikanistik, 20. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2004, in: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 54.1 (2006): 97-98.

13. Shakespeare and the Classics. Ed. Charles Martindale and A.B. Taylor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, und Barbara L. Parker, Plato's Republic and Shakespeare's Rome: A Political Study of the Roman Works. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2004, in: Shakespeare-Jahrbuch 142 (2006): 264-265.

12. Chris Hopkins, Thinking about Texts. An Introduction to English Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 241.1 (2004) 239-240.

11. War and the Cultural Construction of Identities in Britain. Ed. Barbara Korte and Ralf Schneider. IFAVL: Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, 59. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 240.2 (2003): 411-413.

10. Shakespeare and Race. Ed. Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, in: Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 139 (2003): 312.

9. REAL. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, 16 (2000). Representations of Emotional Excess. Ed. Jürgen Schlaeger. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2000, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 240.2 (2003): 406-408.

8 a. 百利宫_百利宫娱乐平台¥官网elbe Rezension ist auch publiziert in: Sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 1 (2001): Nr. 1. www.sehepunkte.historicum.net/2001/01/3770535251.html

8. Richard Nate, Wissenschaft und Literatur im England der frühen Neuzeit, München: Wilhelm Fink, 2000, in: PERFORM. Rezensionsjournal zur Geschichte der frühen Neuzeit, 2 (2001): Nr. 6.

7. 'Who bids abstain?' On Boycott and Empowerment: Charlotte Sussman, Consuming Anxieties: Consumer Protest, Gender and British Slavery, 1713-1833, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000, in: The Review of Communication 2.3 (July 2002): 312-317.

6. Karen L. Edwards, Milton and the Natural World. Science and Poetry in Paradise Lost, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 239.1 (2002): 198-200.

5. John N. King, Milton and Religious Controversy. Satire and Polemic in Paradise Lost, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 239.1 (2002): 196-198.

4. Steve Sohmer, Shakespeare's Mystery Play: The Opening of the Globe Theatre 1599, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999, in: Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 138 (2002): 271.

3. Stephen B. Dobranski, Milton, Authorship, and the Book Trade, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 239.1 (2002): 193-196.

2. The Riverside Milton, ed. Roy Flannagan, Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1998; John Milton: Paradise Lost, ed. Alastair Fowler, 2nd ed., Amsterdam: Longman, 1998, in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 238.1 (2001): 158-162.

1. Cunning in Greek, Latin, and other languages: Robert Henke, Pastoral Trans-formations. Italian Tragicomedy and Shakespeare's Late Plays, Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1997; Margaret Tudeau-Clayton, Jonson, Shakespeare and Early Modern Virgil, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, in: Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 136 (2000): 284-287.


Conference convenor


International Conference "Transforming Victorian Orality", Universit?t Regensburg.?
F?rderung: Vielberth Foundation


Symposium 'Irish Border Crossings', Haus der Begegnung, Universit?t Regensburg. F?rderung: Stiftung ProArte


Anglistentag 2017 in Regensburg, Deutscher Anglistenverband.??????????????????? F?rderung: DFG; Vielberth-Stiftung

Lehrerfortbildungstagung "Populism and the Popular", Universit?t Regensburg


Lehrerfortbildungstagung ?Theater, Spectacle and Performance in British and American Culture", Universit?t Regensburg, in Kooperation mit dem Regensburg European-American Forum (REAF)


Special Session, MLA Convention 2013 in Boston: "Victorian Oral Culture, c. 1861-1901"


[mit Iris Heid] Ringvorlesung "Gender and Disease / Geschlecht und Erkrankung", Universit?t Regensburg.
F?rderung: Vielberth-Stiftung


[mit Katharina Boehm und Inge Kroppenberg] Internationale Fachkonferenz ?The Cultural Politics of Ageing in the Nineteenth Century: Interdisciplinary Perspectives“, Universit?t Regensburg
F?rderung: DFG

Lehrerfortbildungstagung ?Teaching Spaces: British and American Literature and?Culture“, Universit?t Regensburg, in Kooperation mit dem Regensburg European-
American Forum (REAF)

[mit Peter Waller] Theatre Performance / Gastvortrag / Educational Workshop: ?Vanessa and Virginia“ by Elizabeth Wright, based on the novel by Susan Sellers Actors: Kitty Randle, Sarah Fullagar; lecture by Prof. Sellers (St Andrew’s)
F?rderung: Vielberth-Stiftung


Ringvorlesung "Gender and Creation", Universit?t Regensburg
F?rderung: Gleichstellungspreis, Philosophische Fakult?t IV, Universit?t Regensburg


[mit Stefan Welz] Sektionsleitung beim Anglistentag in Münster: "Defining the Human: Animal-Human Relations in Literature"


Internationale Fachkonferenz "Biology, Literature and Culture in the Nineteenth Century", Universit?t Bamberg
F?rderung: DFG und British Council


[mit Claudia Olk] Forschungskolloquium der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes: "Innenwelten – Konzepte und Darstellungsweisen", Münster
F?rderung: Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes



Prof. Dr. Anne-Julia Zwierlein's areas of expertise are early modern and Victorian literature and culture, with some excursions into contemporary British writing. Her doctoral dissertation dealt with (anti-)colonial and imperial rewritings of John Milton's epics during the long eighteenth century, and her habilitation ('second book') examines cultural discourses about physiological transformation, intellectual formation and education in Victorian 'novels of formation' and science writing.?

With a pronounced interest in links between literary production and extra-literary discursive formations and practices, her research has contributed to the fields of science and literature, medicine and literature, (post-)colonial and empire studies, as well as gender studies. In recent years, a main emphasis of her research has been on nineteenth-century cultures of orality (especially lecturing and speech-making) and nineteenth-century mass print cultures (especially periodicals).?

She has edited or co-edited more than 10 edited collections and special journal issues, and published close to 70 chapters and articles in edited collections and peer reviewed journals.?

Among her ongoing research and publication projects are:


DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project: 'Lecturing Females: Oral Performances, Gender and Sensationalism in Metropolitan Literary and Scientific Institutions and Mass Print Culture, 1860-1910' (ZW 81/8-1; ZW 81/8-2).










Boehm, Katharina: Tangible Pasts: The Novel and the Material Histories of Antiquarianism, 1700-1820 (abgeschlossen 2018)

Erchinger, Philipp: Artful Experiments: Ways of Knowing in Victorian Literature and Science (Mitglied des Habilitationsmentorats, Universit?t Erlangen) (abgeschlossen 2017)

Herbe, Sarah: 'Love the author, and me for bringing you acquainted': A Study of Paratextual Life Writing in English Poetry Books, 1598–1806 (Mitglied der Habilitationskommission, Universit?t Salzburg) (abgeschlossen 2017)

Huber, Irmtraud: Against Timelessness: Rethinking Poetic Time through Victorian Poetry (externes Habilitationsgutachten, LMU München) (abgeschlossen 2021)

Rostek, Joanna: Women's Economic Thought in the Romantic Age: Towards a Transdisciplinary Herstory of Economic Thought (externes Kommissionsmitglied, Universit?t Düsseldorf) (abgeschlossen 2020)


Biber, Olivia: Gender Relations in the Victorian Novel: The Domestic, the Economic, and the Material (Zweitbetreuung, Universit?t Bern)

Decker, Martin: 'All sorts of Ireland were no more': Irish Identities and the Great War in Drama and Fiction (Betreuung / Erstgutachterin) (abgeschlossen 2015)

Eiben, Emily: Representing Buddhism in British Media and Popular Culture, 1875-1895 (Externes Kommissionsmitglied, LMU München) (abgeschlossen 2017)

Graef, Sebastian: Catholic and Italianate Imagery in Late Victorian and Edwardian British Queer Writing (Betreuung / Erstgutachterin)

Gürtner, Maria: Midlife Identities: Feminine Subjectivity and the Experience of Ageing, 1880-1920 (Betreuung / Erstgutachterin) (abgeschlossen 2024)

Gürtner, Susanne: Humanism on the Early Modern Stage (Betreuung / Erstgutachterin)

Kucnierz, Christian: Imagining Scotland: National Self-Depiction in Sir Walter Scott's Waverley, Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Sunset Song, Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting and Alasdair Gray's Lanark (Zweitgutachterin) (abgeschlossen 2008)

Neubert, Charlotte: Constructing an Urban Identity in Late Medieval and Early Tudor London (Zweitbetreuung, GRK 2337, Universtit?t Regensburg)

Pesold, Ulrike: The Other in the School Stories: A Phenomenon in British Children's Literature (Zweitgutachterin) (abgeschlossen 2013)

Seibert, Johanna Franziska: Archipelagic Media: Early African Caribbean Newspapers and Whirls of Emancipation, 1827-1838 (Externe Obergutachterin, Universit?t Mainz) (abgeschlossen 2021)

Spergel, Julie: Canada's Second History: The Fiction of Jewish Canadian Women Writers (Obergutachterin) (abgeschlossen 2008)

Sporer, Madeline: The Italian Risorgimento and Nineteenth-Century British Culture (Betreuung / Erstgutachterin) (abgeschlossen 2024)

Stadler, Sandra: South African Young Adult Literature in English, 2000-2014 (Zweitgutachterin) (abgeschlossen 2015)

Weber, Miriam: The London School Board and Women's Periodicals, 1870s to 1890s (Betreuung / Erstgutachterin) (abgeschlossen 2020)


Alkofer, Anna Katharina: The Construction of the Trans Bogeyman: The Framing of Transgender People in Contemporary U.S., UK, and German Newspapers (Zweitg.)

Alqatmeh, Raiad: British and American Languages and Cultures in Syria: Challenges and Demands

Bartus, Beatrice: "Women in Gordimer's Rainbow Nation: The Representation of Women in the Post-apartheid Novels"

Bradley, Arlyn: Reading the Palimpsest in The Inheritance of Loss

Brockard, Cornelia: Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair as a Fanfiction Response to Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre

Dafinger, Gabriela: "A People Taut for War"? The First World War in Welsh Poetry

Dirrigl, Anna-Maria: Visual Activism: Zur Verarbeitung und Kommunikation intersektioneller Realit?ten in der Bildenden Kunst (Zweitgutachter)

Dyachuk, Yana: Exploring the Colonial Encounter: Hybridity of Irish Identity Represented in George Bernard Shaw's 'John Bull's Other Island', and Brian Friel's 'Making History and Translations' (Zweitgutachter)

Eder, Hannah: Narratives of Precarity in Late Twentieth-Century Feminist Plays: A Comparative Analysis" (Zweitgutachter)

Fürst, Hannah: Driving Modernity: Mobility and Intercultural Connectedness in the Works of E.M.Forster

Gr?f, Sebastian: The British Museum during the Nineteenth Century: Border Negotiations in and around the National Collections

Gurau, Maria-Elisabeth Christine: Crumbling Narratives of Heroism and the Question of Trauma from the Crimean War to the First World War

Gürtner, Susanne: Legitimacy of Rule and Ideal Rulership in Shakespeare

Hausler, Laura: "Gender Roles and Representation in Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's The Turkish Embassy Letters"

Havé, Philippe: History and the Individual: the Ideology of Ian McEwan

Horner, Elina: 'Feminine' Deduction, Seduction and Self-Construction: Transgressive Female Characters in Nineteenth-Century Detective Fiction?

H?sle, Samantha: "Nostalgia and the English Country House in 1930s and 1940s Middlebrow Literature"

Hossain, M. Shakhaowat: Ian McEwan’s Saturday (2005) and Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005): Post-9/11 Stereotypical Representations of Muslims across the ‘Centre’ (the UK and USA)

Karl, Johannes: The Miltonic Eternal Conflict as a Storytelling Device in British 20th Century Fantasy

Kazemi, Shiva: Ambivalent Voices: The Depiction of Persian Women in British Female Travel Accounts of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries

Klee, Florian: The Crisis of Memory in Contemporary British and Irish Fiction: John Banville's The Sea, Julian Barnes's The Sense of an Ending, Tom McCarthy's Remainder, Patrick McGrath's Spider

Kotliuk, Galyna: "Breaking the Idols: Iconoclasm, Gender, and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century Literature"

Krassow, Ines: "The Scientist and Fin-de-Siècle Society: Henry Jekyll, Doctor Moreau and the Invisible Man"

Malkov, Igor: "The representation of the 'New Woman' in Thomas Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd and Jude the Obscure"

Nagl, Johanna: Unmarried Motherhood in Mid-Twentieth-Century Ireland: Perspectives in Contemporary Irish Writing

Narino Hoyos, Manuela Alejandra: "She the Monster, she the Specter: Women's Agency in the Male Gothic"

North, Daniel: "'Empire Lost Among the Stars': On the Significance of Defamiliarised Historemes in the Warhammer 40,000 Franchise"

Oh, Dabit: "Man belongs to land": Class Conflict and Its Irresolutions in William Golding's Sea Trilogy

Ott, Daniel: Surviving the White Saviour: Indigenous Identity in My Place and Benang

Peters, Katharina: A Conspiracy of Silence: Syphilis and Eugenics in New Woman Writing

Polikarpova, Yulia: "The Postmodern Poetics of Terry Prachett's The Colour of Magic"

Prib, Arnold: "'The nicest thing about London is that London doesn't care': Double Exile and Dislocation in Robert McLiam Wilson's Ripley Bogle (1989) and Joseph O'Connor's Cowboys and Indians (1991)"

Reger, Veronika: "The 'Voice of the Subaltern' and Postmodernity in the Neo-Victorian Novels Mary Reilly and Jack Maggs"

Rosner, Tanita: "Finding Identity in Other Spaces: The British Identity Crisis from the End of the Cold War to Brexit"

Sighiartau, Camelia: Dracula's Continuing Relevance Today: Stereotyping and Mythology in Francis Ford Coppola's and Guy Maddin's Adaptations of Bram Stoker's Novel and in Romanian Culture

Sporer, Madeline: Beyond Nature Writing: Concepts of Cultural Ecology in Thomas Hardy?

Stumberger, Evelin: "'Send Them to Their Watery Graves': Cornish Wreckers in Victorian and Neo-Victorian Literature and Culture"

Tügel, Cornelia: Technology and Gender in Sherlock

Wang, Jiani: Darwinism in Thomas Hardy

Weig, Heide-Marie: "The World is What We make It"?- Humanity, Technology, and the Environment in Recent Steampunk Fiction

Widmann, Regina: "The New Woman and Her Fallen Sisters: Images of Deviant Womanhood in Late Victorian Women's Magazines"

Xie, Huan: "Diagnosing Female Hysteria, Analysing Space in Eliot's Daniel Deronda and Hardy's Jude the Obscure"

Zhong, Yanwen: "'Writing Death' in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials"


Brandl, Caroline: “Revisiting Manderley”: Re-Evaluating Approaches to Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca (1938) (Zweitgutachter)

Bundner, Klara: Female Freaks in Contemporary British Writing (Erstgutachter)

Decker, Martin: A Gendered Look at the Irish Rural Play from Synge to McDonagh (Zweitgutachter)

Forster, Katharina: The Mystified Reader: The Emergence of New Modes of Reading in Nineteenth-Century Narratives of Crime (Erstgutachter)

Gersitz, Lisa: Investigating Rebus: Examining the 'State of the Nation' in Ian Rankin's John Rebus Novels (Zweitgutachter)

Graf, Thomas: Settlers and Savages, Hunters and Beasts, Slaves and Fugitives: A Survey of Sub-Saharan Africa in the Works of R.M. Ballantyne (Zweitgutachter)

Greiner, Anna-Maria: Extraordinary Bodies in Woolf, Weldon, Carter and Winterson: Gender Dichotomies and Identity (Erstgutachter)

H?glsperger, Julia: London in the Victorian Detective Novel up to the Postmodern 'Urban Gothic' (Erstgutachter)

Hahn, Linda: London in Late-Victorian Fiction (Erstgutachter)

H?rtling, Kristin: Tendencies in Contemporary Children's Literature (Zweitgutachter)

Hegyi, Nora: ‘Thanks, but We’re Working in the UK Already’: A Comparative Analysis of Eastern European Migrants in the British Daily Press (Zweitgutachter)

Hirschberger, Karin: Jane Austen and the Representation of Marriage (Zweitgutachter)

Hüttner, Johanna: British Crime Stories: The Figure of the Detective (Erstgutachter)

Ketzscher, Marie: Outside the Margins: The Performance of (Post-Colonial) Identity in Hanif Kureishi's Fiction (Erstgutachter)

Kie?wetter, Veronika: Searching for a Space In-between: Women, Immigration and Identity in Contemporary British Literature (Erstgutachter)

K?gler, Stefan: Popular Postmodernism: Terry Pratchett and the Synergy of Intertextuality and Ethics (Erstgutachter)

Limmer, Judith: Human Animal/Animal Human: The Portrayal of a Paradoxical Relationship in English Literature (Zweitgutachter)

Maier, Moritz: The Cultural Phenomenon of 'Jack the Ripper' (Zweitgutachter)

Menauer, Michael: (Mis-)Representing the Nation – Stereotypes in Irish Drama before and after Independence (Zweitgutachter)

Nagel, Alina: Traumhafte Schrecken: ?ber das Unheimliche in den Werken Edgar Allan Poes - Eine psychoanalytische Literaturstudie (Zweitgutachter)

Past?tter, Sandra: Agatha Christie: a Real Feminist? Forerunner and Traditionalist (Zweitgutachter)

Pleyer, Astrid: Women's Emancipation in British and American Literature of the 19th and 20th Century (Zweitgutachter)

Raith, Florian: Past Lily-Time: The Vanitas-Dilemma in the Poetry of Ernest Dowson (Zweitgutachter)

Reiner, Karin: British Lesbian Writing in the 20th Century (Zweitgutachter)

Scharinger, Christina: The Contemporary Glasgow Novel (Zweitgutachter)

Schuierer, Beate: Writing Identity in Salman Rushdie's The Moor's Last Sigh and The Enchantress of Florence (Zweitgutachter)

Stanczek, Gregor: Children of a Fighting Race: An Analysis of the Irish Postcolonial Identity in Short Fiction (Zweitgutachter)

Stary, Kinga: Olive Schreiner's Dreams and her Truths about Love, Women, and Religion (Zweitgutachter)

Urban, Michael: Power and Evil in Modern Fantasy Literature (Erstgutachter)


Bauer, Tanja: The Importance of Family in Harry Potter

Baumüller, Katja: Educating Gentleman? The Little People and the Heroes' Quest in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings

Berger, Kathrin: "Tayto Crisps and Plastic Figurines as the New Irishness: The Fragmentation of Irishness and Its Effects on Identity in Martin McDonagh's The Leenane Trilogy"

Blessing, Simone: The Human Machine: The Complex Psyche of Sherlock Holmes in Different Forms of Media

Bobek, Lena: Family Structures and Power Relations in the Works of Roald Dahl

Boneder, Lennart: Working Men's Clubs in Victorian England: Henry Solly's Failure to Emphasise Leisure Activities

Brandtner, Katharina: "'Going native': The Degeneration of the English in The Isle of Pines"

Bugla, MIchelle: "Literature Responding to Brexit: Political Discourse in Time of Lies, Middle England, and The Wall"

Feuchtinger, Ulrich: "The Role of Families, Dehumanisation, and Cannibalism in Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go, and Winterson's The Stone Gods"

Fleischmann, Katarina: "?Feminism?in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice"

Garren, Melanie Bernadette: The 'Popish Bugbear': Catholic Subversion and Containment in Seventeenth-Century British Literature and Culture

Gebhard, Rebecca: "'I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine': Feelings of Mortification as the Plot- and Character-driving Elements in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Emma and Persuasion"

Gebler, Verena: "The Impact of Invisible Forces on the Human Psyche in Victorian Literature"

Geitner, Judith Irene: "The Dandy Dialectics: Wilde and the Victorian Age"

Gregori, Katharina: "Gendered Villainy in Lady Audley's Secret and The Woman in White: A Comparison of the Characters of Lady Audley and Sir Percival"

Gruber, Carina: "The Tragedy of Ayesha, Queen of K?r - The Dido motif in H. Rider Haggard's She: A History of Adventure"

Gruber, Susanne Maria: "The Status of Women, Science and Otherness in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Bram Stoker's 'Dracula"

Gulacsi, Kinga: Shakespeare for Children: a Journey through Centuries

Gürtner, Maria: Rewriting the Romance Plot: Eugenics, Motherhood, and the Sexual Double Standard in Thomas Hardy, Sarah Grand, Mona Caird, and Grant Allen

Hagl, Regina: Imprisonment, Confinement and Constraining Forces in Charles Dickens' Novels

Hench, Anna: 'I began to doubt whether my own faculties were not in danger of losing their balance': Borderlands of Obsession in The Woman in White, Lady Audley's Secret and Armadale

Herche, Margit: The Body of the 'Global' Girl and Boy in Animated Children's Programmes

Heuer, Susanne: The Duality of (Wo)man: Valerie Martin's Mary Reilly and Emma Tennant's Two Women of London as Female Re-Visions of R.L. Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Hilpert, Beatrix: Gender Images in the Vampire Narrative

Hochleitner, Julia: London's Labyrinth: The Detective, the City, and Origins of Crime Fiction in 'Bleak House', 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde', and 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'

Honke, Teresa: Time to Grow Up - Blurring Lines between Childhood and Adulthood in Peter Pan

Huber, Sophie: "Observing the Slum: Social Visiting in Mid- to Late-Victorian Novels"

Jahn, Michael: The Use of Intertextuality in the Discworld Novels of Terry Pratchett

Kaiser, Katharina: Who's the Intellectual Now? New Perspectives on the 'Science and Literature' Debate and the Value of Literary Studies

Koller, Katharina: Lonely Matter, Crowded Space: Aspects of Atomism and Individuality in Victorian Urban Literature

Kosny, Dagmar: Shakespearean Comedies (Arbeitstitel)

Kuzmin, Darina: Homosexuality and Hellenistic Values in Victorian Literature

Lang, Christina: "Science and the (Mad) Scientist in Shelley, Stevenson, Machen and Wells"

Leeb, Sarah: The British and their Indian Other: Space, Race and Gender in Forster's A Passage to India and Scott's The Jewel in the Crown and Staying On

Liedtke, Danái: 'He doth exceede a beast in beastlinesse': Shakespeare's Animal Metaphors and Manipulative Humans

Loher, Verena: 'What other places are there in the world than those discovered on a lover's body?'': The Body in Jeanette Winterson's The Passion, Gut Symmetries, Written on the Body and the PowerBook

Mannfels, Lucia: Hallucinating Teenagers, Dog-Breeding Giants, and Genderless Adulterers: Rejecting Heteronormativity in Jeanette Winterson

Markert, Felicitas: "The Game of Discovery and Conquest: Checkmate by Prospero"

Meier, Fabian: A Divided Nation: Brexit and the Disunited Kingdom

Mendel, Benedikt: Economic Power as Unstable System: Arbitrary Decisions and Moral Downfalls in Victorian Literature

Obermeyer, Anna: "Wife-Taming and Husband-Taming: The Modification of Power Structures and Gender Roles in the 'Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, and Romeo and Juliet"

Rauh, Irmgard: Teaching History a Lesson: Historiography and Metafiction in Tom Stoppard's Drama

Rehfeldt, Corinna: Harry Potter: Genres and Audience Expectations

Richter, Monika: Cognitive Reception Theory and Jane Austen's Novels Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Emma

Rie?, Anna: Sherlock Holmes Then and Now - A Comparative Study of A. C. Doyle's Detective and the BBC's Adaptation Sherlock

Satzger, Stefan: Eighteenth-Century Conduct Books : ‘Utility’ and ‘Pleasure’

Sauermann, Anna: Conversion in Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, “Grace”, and Ulysses

Scheid, Christine: When Love and Death Embrace – Edgar Allan Poe and the Conception of the Female

Schmidleitner, Lisa: Wealth versus Affection in Jane Austen's Novels

Schobert, Kathrin: Social Criticism in Contemporary Maori Fiction: Promoting Biculturalism in New Zealand

Schwarz, Theresa: "Social Categorisations in the Neo-Victorian School Story: A Comparison between Tom Brown's School Days and the Harry Potter Series"

Schwinn, Michaela: "Theories of Personality and Behaviour in Nineteenth-Century Psychology and Literary Texts by Shelley, the Brontéés and Stevenson"

Senft, Verena: "Frankenstein and Dr Jekyll - Two doppelg?ngers in Different Societal Settings"

Sippl, Ruth Lea: Taming the Gothic in Emily Bront?'s Wuthering Heights and Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre

S?ldenwagner, Ronja: "Victorian Fairy Tales and Society: An Analyses of Fairy Tales by John Ruskin and Oscar Wilde"

Stegbauer, Christina: Gender on Horseback. The Evolution of the Horse and Pony Book Genre in British Children's Literature

Steinbauer, Katharina: "For Virtus is Named After the Man: The Representation of Women in Some of Shakespeare's Classical Plays"

Steinert, Alexandra: ‘The Infernal Detective-Fever Began to Burn in Me Again’: The Development of Wilkie Collins’s Novels from Sensation to Detective Novels

Trenner, Julia: 'Too Gross for Expression': The (De-)Construction of 'Deviant' Sexualities and Gender Roles in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Tropper, Benedikt: 'Uprooting the Evil in the Fields': Environmental Stewardship in the Context of (Technological) Progress in J.R.R. Tokien's Legendarium

Usakow, Dominic: John Milton's 'Paradise Lost': Between Epic and Mock-Epic

Wapler, Anna Teresa: Theatricality and Fraudulence in the Novels of Charles Dickens

Weber, Miriam: Who Do You Think You Are? The Quest for Identity in Kate Atkinson

Wiendl, Benedikt: The Hobbit's Englishness & The Return of the Hobbit: An Analysis of English Nationalism, Social Relationships and Themes of War in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings

Wurstbauer, Julia: The Art of Aging in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray and Thomas Hardy's The Well-Beloved

Wypior, Maya: Monstrous or Maternal? Exploring Gender, Revenge, and the Role of Grendel's Mother in 'Beowulf' by Seamus Heaney?

Zukowski, Martina: English Romantics Travelling Germany


Andreas, Saskia: Land of My Mothers? Gendered Constructions of Wales and the Influence of Women on Its National History and Culture

Baltes, Robin: Orientalism and Colonial Discourse in Rudyard Kipling’s Novel Kim

Baumann, Katharina: Guilt and Redemption: The Fallen Woman Motif in Charles Dickens's Novels

Bechtold, Leonie: Royalty as Burden or Privilege? Conflicts of Identity in The Crown (2016)

Blum, Barbara: Truth or Tudor Propaganda? Medieval and Early Modern Political Theology in Shakespeare's Richard III

B?hm, Madleen: Caskets, Ducats, Rings: Metal as a Stage Prop in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'

B?hm, Miriam: Between Detective Story and Crime Novel: An Analysis of P.D. James’s Cover Her Face

Brandwirth, Vanessa: Male Norms, Artificial Women: An Examination of the Failure of Inter-Gender Relationships in Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing' and 'Othello'

Brauchle, Verena: Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe – a Textual Document for Economic Thinking in the 18th Century

Brockard, Cornelia: 'Perhaps he reads too much': The Production amd Reading of Textual Evidence in Mary Elizabeth Braddon's 'Lady Audley's Secret'

Bülbül, Kübra: Science and the Supernatural in Nineteenth-Century Gothic: From 'Frankenstein' to the Fin de Siècle

Daba, Laura: Masculinity and Britishness in James Bond and Sherlock Holmes: Popular Heroes as Reflections of Society

Dafinger, Gabriela: 'The Old Bar of Speech': Welshness and the Welsh Language in Gwyneth Lewis' The Language Murderer and R.S. Thomas' Welsh Airs

Delfs, Kristian: Writing Terrorism – A Comparative View of Terrorism in Chris Cleave's Incendiary and Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Deml, Tamara: Englishness, Class, and Conservatism in Julian Fellowes' Period Drama Downton Abbey

Dorsch, Manuela: Englishness in the 21st Century – National Identity Construction in the Media during the Football World Cup 2010

Drexler, Anna: The Literary Landscape of British War Trauma: Representations in Prose Fiction and Poetry

Eberl, Daniela: The Clash between Modernity and Traditionalism in Dracula and Frankenstein

Eck, Stefanie: Pygmalion's Metamorphosis and Galatea's Revenge: Feminist Revisions of Ovid's Pygmalion Myth in British and American Literature since the 20th Century

Ellwanger, Florian: Masculine Structures of Feeling in Post-World War II Welsh Literature

Englram, Kathrin: The Troubles: Artistic Representations from the 1970s to the early 21st Century

Feilhauer, Simone: The Representation of Gender Roles and Relationships in Selected Shakespeare Comedies

Fischer, Valerie: Faith and Doubt in the Victorian Era: Exploring the Crisis of Faith through the Poetry of Arnold and Tennyson

Furtner, Franziska: The Mechanisms of Nonsense: Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871)

Fürst, Hannah: Mobility and Modernity in E.M. Forster's Howards End (1910)

Galler, Veronika: Vocation, Marriage and Hysteria in Wilkie Collins, Mary Elizabeth Braddon and George Eliot

Geiwagner, Felix: 'Sometimes brutality is the only antidote to sorrow': Trauma, Language and Violence in Three Plays by Philip Ridley

Genenz, Laura: Helpless Girls and Boy Saviours: Perpetuating Patriarchal Values in Recent Postfeminist Films

Giglberger, Lisa: The Victorian Concepts of Gender, Race, and Colonialism as Sources of Antoinette Cosway's and Edward Rochester's Lack of Identity in Jean Rhy's 'Wide Sargasso Sea'

G?tzfried, Tanja: 'Africa is to Europe as the Picture is to Dorian Gray': Depictions of Africa and Rewritings. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

Grlanska, Marija: The Portrayal of Soldier Figures in Rebecca West's The Return of the Soldier and Virginia Woolf's Jacob's Room and Mrs Dalloway

Gro?, Katrin: Redefining Paradise: Observations on Some Literary Sources of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials

Gürtner, Susanne: Heterosexual Bonding in Shakespeare's Cross-Dressing Heroines

Haars, Soana Isabel: The Femal Social Traveller in Dicken's Bleak House,?Gaskell's North and South, and Wells's Ann Veronica

Hafner, Christina: Between Companionate Marriage and Equality: Women's Roles in Selected Shakespeare Comedies

H?glsperger, Sophia: An Ideal and Its Contradictions: Marriage, Patriarchy and a New Model of Partnership in Shakespeare'sThe Taming of the Shrew

Hassold, Nicole: Master-Slave Relations in Olaudah Equianao, Ukawsaw Gronniosaw and Frederick Douglass; A Comparative Analysis

Hastreiter, Charlotte: Classification and Rights of Magical Creatures in the World of Harry Potter

Heaslip, Nele: Sympathy for the Monster: Constructing and Deconstructing Shakespeare's Aaron, Shylock and Caliban

Heuer, Susanne: ’Two Sides of the Same Coin’: Valerie Martin’s Mary Reilly as a Rewrite of R.L. Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Charlotte Bront?’s Jane Eyre

Hinksen, Thomas: Love and Power in William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra

Hofmann, Johannes: A Chapter of 'Moral History' and 'Scrupulous Meanness': Morality and Modernism in James Joyce's Dubliners

H?pfler Melanie: The Question of Homosexuality in Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited and Film Adaptions

Jajko, Laura: Losing the Plot: Narrative Strategies and (Mis-)Information in Fin de Siècle Detective Fiction

Jost, Marina: Child Narrators and Narrators of Childhood

Kaiser, Katharina: Discovery versus Construction: Identity and Reality in Jeanette Winterson's Novels

Kaltenbacher, Eva: Humans, Technology, and Nature in Thomas Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd and Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Kaltenbrunner, Anna: Femininity and the Narration of Dectection in Charles Dickens's 'Bleak House' and Wilkie Collins 'The Woman in White'

Karl, Johannes: Darwinism in Thomas Hardy

Karl, Patrick: Miss Marple's Approach to Human Nature

Kemp, Nicola: The Strong, Driven and Intelligent - Empowered Young Female Protagonists in Young Adult Literature

Kobel, Bastian: Decolonization and Museum Discourse: Comparing Selected British and German Museums

Krassow, Ines: Power and Performance in The Taming of the Shrew and Ten Things I Hate About You

Krau?, Kristina: Man-Made Monsters: Shakespeare's Caliban and Shelley's Creature

Mairinger, Richard: The Split in the City and Body: An Examination of Duality in 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' and 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'

Maschke, Christine: 'I am My Own Mistress': The Quest for Female Autonomy in Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre

Mehler, Annisa: Pat Barker's Union Street: Women versus Men - A Society of Role Swaps

Meier, Sara: Crimson Embrace: Representations of Blood in Vampire Narratives

Minke, Birgit: The Angel, The Fallen, The Prostitute - Classifying Women in Victorian England

Mitterer, David: The Function of Fairies in The Coming of the Fairies by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and in the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer

Neblich, Amelie: Behind the Fa?ade. The Ambiguity of ?Family‘ in Ian McEwan’s Novels The Cement Garden, The Child in Time, Atonement, and On Chesil Beach

Ochs, Michaela: From Impairment to Empowerment - Physical Disability in Charles Dickens's Novels

Pach, Rosina: Martyred Mother Figures: Rethinking Patriarchal Ideologies of Womanhood in the Victorian Novel

Pheiffer, Lea Nina Sophie: Negotiating Scottish Independence: Nationalism and Unionism in Politics and Literary Representation since 1970

Pollinger, Katrin: Failure, Race and Feminism in the Comedy Series?Chewing Gum and?Fleabag?

Ramos Tercero Flores, Maria Regina: Modern Cinematic Representations of Queen Victoria in Mrs Brown (1997) and Victoria and Abdul (2017)

Reger, Veronika: Illusion and Disillusionment in Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Dickens's?Great Expectations?and Gaskell's?North and South

Richthammer, Regina-Margareta: Female Characters in Dystopian Novels of the 20th and 21st Century: Class, Gender, Oppression

Sauermann, Anna: Female Abolitionist Writers and the Discourses of Reason, Passion, Virtue, Liberty and Sensibility

Schickhuber, Christine: Representing the Supernatural in Late-Nineteenth-Century Gothic Fiction: Stevenson, Wilde, Machen, Marsh

Schmid, Jens: Rushdie's (Counter-)Terrorists: Representations of Terrorism in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children, The Satanic Verses, and Shalimar the Clown

Schneider, Maria: Becoming the Anti-Heroine: The Conflicts of Motherhood

Sch?n, Ann-Kathrin: The Gendering of Detection and Evidence in Nineteenth-Century Sensation Fiction

Schr?del, Sarah: Soul Mates and Religious Equality in Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre: A Diachronic Film Comparison

Schultheiss, Sonja: Feminism(s) in Fantasy: Exploring Womanhood in Terry Pratchett's Discworld

Schwarzmüller, Susanne: Terrorism and the Media: The Example of the Omagh Bombing in British, Northern Irish and Irish Press Coverage

Schwinn, Michaela: The Origin of Evil in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Emily Bront?’s Wuthering Heights

Seitz, Kirstin: The Helen/Lucy Composite Identity in Mary Elizabeth Braddon's?Lady Audley's Secret

Simon, Melina: The Role of Women in Doyle's Sherlock Holmes and the BBC's Sherlock: Mrs Hudson, Mary Watson and Irene Adler

Simon, Thomas: Typically Irish - The GAA and Modern Irish Culture

Sinchievici, Barbara: Modernity versus Traditionalism in Bram Stoker's Novel Dracula (1897) and Francis Ford Coppola's Movie Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)

Sindel, Christiane: The Mystery Resides in Humanity Itself: Late-Nineteenth-Century Darwinism and Concepts of the Human in H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

Sippl, Marina: Language and Identity: The Figure of Stephen in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses

Sippl, Ruth Lea: Emily Bront?’s Wuthering Heights and Charlotte Bront?’s Jane Eyre: Taming the Gothic

Sizova, Yelyzaveta: "Ecofeminism: Victorian and Contemporary Perspectives"

Spie?, Melanie: Imagining a Different State: Towards Posthumanism in Aldous Huxley's After Many a Summer 百利宫_百利宫娱乐平台¥官网 the Swan and Virginia Woolf's Orlando

Sporer, Madeline: Female Self-Authorization in Rachel Speght's A Muzzle for Melastomus and Mortalities Memorandum

Stogniev, Valeria: 'There is No British Satire on the BBC': A Comparison between Restoration Age and Modern Political Satire

Traxinger, Anna: Between Hope and Desperation: The Fallen Women Figure in Dickens's David Copperfield, Gaskell's Ruth and Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Trumpp, Franziska: Science and the Supernatural in the Nineteenth Century:?Frankenstein; The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde; Dracula

Uttinger, Sabine: Failed Wedding Nights: Social and Biological Perspectives in Late-Victorian Literature

Wallner, Myrjam: "Not only in the Attic: Forms of Mental Illness in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre"

Wegerer, Philipp: Representation and Documentation - Gillian Slovo, Carol Ann Duffy and Contemporary British Political Theatre

Weig, Heide-Marie: Storytelling and the Construction of Reality in Works by Jeanette Winterson and Jane Rogers

Weing?rtner, Amelie: Kate and Bianca - Two Performers with Different Agencies in The Taming of the Shrew

Weish?upl, Johanna Theresa: Crime, Violence and Sensation: 'Jack the Ripper' in the Nineteenth-Century Press

Wiele, Annika: Freedom Comes at a Price: Financial Independence and Working Women in Grant Allen's Late-Nineteenth-Century New Women Literature

Zilcher, Pia: 'Every Fairy Tale Needs a Good Old-Fashioned Villain': Moriarty as Ethical Incitement in the BBC Series Sherlock

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik

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