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Scientific Staff

Christian Kohler, M.Sc.

Data Scientist / WinduxOS System Administration

Email: christian.kohler[at]klinik.uni-regensburg.de

Work: +49 941 943 5055


About me

I first came across the buzz-word 'bioinformatics' around 2001, after finishing grammar school. As I was always interested in Biology as well as Information Technology, this new combination 'Biology + Informatics' sounds very promising to me, thus I gave it a try. In 2007, I recieved an Engineering degree (Dipl. Ing [FH]) in Bioinformatics from University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan. I then started working in the Institute of Functional Genomics in the Bioinformatics Group of Rainer Spang straight away. In 2009, I worked through the newly established master course in Computer Science at the OTH Regensburg, finally achieving the Master degree (M.Sc.) )in this field. My scope of duties here at the Institute ranges from the analysis and evaluation of high-dimensional gene expression data on the one hand to the tasks of being the Insitute's System Administrator maintaining the Linux- as well as the Windows-IT infrastructure. This keeps me learning new things every day and ensures that I won't get bored ;-)

Research Interests

Conventional diagnosis of lymphoma cancer has been based on examination of the morphological appearance of stained tissue specimens in the light microscope.
This method is subjective and depends on highly trained pathologists.
Microarray technology offers hope that [not only lymphoma] cancer classification can be objective and highly accurate. Here the task is to classify and predict the diagnostic category of a sample on the basis of its gene expression profile. Beside the established Microarray platform, innovative technologies as RNA-seq as well as the recently introduced NanoString nCounter platform assist in understanding the complex world of cancer biology. In fact, being part of a research group that is on the cutting edge of cancer research is just GREAT !



October 2009 - February 2013 (beside work)
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Computer Science at OTH REGENSBURG.
Master thesis on Studie zu modernen Kommunikationstechnologien und deren Einsatzpotenzial in Smart Grids (Study on modern communication technologies and their potential capabilities in Smart Grids
Many thanks to my supervisors Prof. Dr. Klaus Volbert and Prof. Dr. Thomas Waas

September 2007 - now
System Administrator / Scientific Programmer in the Computational Diagnostics Group at the Institute of Functional Genomics, University of Regensburg

October 2006 - May 2007
Diploma thesis on 'A machine learning approach to analyze fMRI data', conducted at the Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning group of Prof. Dr. Lang, University of Regensburg

October 2002 - June 2007
Dipl.-Ing.(FH) in Bioinformatics at the University of Applied Sciences WEIHENSTEPHAN, Freising


Computational Science - Student Supervision

MASTER - Projects

[3] Huttner, Michael - LYRA webframework

[2] Heinrich, Paul - Development of a software for correcting natural isotope abundance contributions (2017)

[1] Schmidt, Tobias - Development of a COX-Model based Rituximab Gene-Expression Signature (Praktische Bioinformatik II, 2014)

BACHELOR - Projects

Praktische Bioinformatik II

[3] Kürner, Paul - Graphical User Interface (GUI) for IsoCorrectoR package (WS 2017/2018)

[2] Sch?n, Marian - Stromal gene signatures in lymphoma (WS 2015/2016)

[1] Kotzbauer, Karin - Analyzing genes with outlier values in lymphomas (WS 2014/2015)

Praktische Bioinformatik I

Bachelor - THESES

[4] Kopp, Christoph -interHeat: interactive leaf ordering for dendrogram repreentations in R (2018)

[3] Glehr, Gunther - Outcome prediction in classical Hodgkin Lymphoma [cHL] using Nanostring signatures (2016)

[2] Huttner, Michael - Reproduction and analysis of stromal gene signatures in DiffuseLarge B-Cell Lymphoma (2013)

[1] Schmidt, Tobias - Validation of microarray GCB/ABC lymphoma (type DLBCL) classifiers on NanoString nCounter Data (2013)


  1. Department of Medicine
  2. Institute of Functional Genomics

Statistical Bioinformatics

Prof. Dr. Rainer Spang


University of Regensburg
Am BioPark 9
93053 Regensburg, Germany   

Tel  +49 941 943 5054
Fax  +49 941 943 5020