Software from the Spang Group
compdiagTools - a toolbox for microarray analysis
DCOEX - finding groups of differentially coexpressed genes
DOCVAL - Documentation by value
Guided Clustering - Combined analysis of a microarray and experimental data
JALI - Jumping Alignments
nem - Nested Effects Models
transApproxs - Transitive Approximations
TWILIGHT - Estimating the false discovery rate
Please note:
more detailed information about each tool are in preparation...
Software from the Oefner Group
ReseqChip - automates the process of resequencing using multiple local context probe
INCA - peak alignment tool, allows for a widely automated preprocessing of GCxGC-TOF-MS data
Please note:
more detailed information about each tool are in preparation...
Software from the Lottaz Group
adSplit - find annotation-driven splits
OrderedList - Similarities of ordered gene lists
SHARCGS - Short-read assembler based on robust contig extension for genomic sequencing
StAM - Structured Analysis of Microarrays
Please note:
more detailed information about each tool are in preparation...
Software from the Gronwald Group
R-script for Data Normalization of 1H-NMR Metabolite Fingerprinting Datasets (Hochrein et al, 2015)
MetaboQuant - Computational Analysis of Protein-Protein Complexes
Please note:
more detailed information about each tool are in preparation...
Software from the Engelmann Group
miRA - adaptable novel miRNA identification in plants using small RNA sequencing data [paper] [source]
aIDA - A statistical approach to virtual cellular experiments; improved causal discovery using accumulation IDA (aIDA)? [paper] [source]
Please note:
more detailed information about each tool are in preparation...
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