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GF Winter 2021

V5B5 - Advanced Topics in Analysis and Calculus of Variations at Uni Bonn

Please also visit the official webpages at?basis.uni-bonn.de?and?eCampus.uni-bonn.de

The course will take place in person. Please note that we need to check your 3G status before each class.?

Lecture notes are posted after each lecture on sciebo and eCampus. If you don't have access to eCampus, send me an email so I can forward you the link to the sciebo folder.

  • Winter term 2021/22
  • Dates: Mo & Th 10am-noon
  • Place: MATH / N 0.003 - Neubau
  • Prerequisites: PDE, functional analysis, analysis
  • Office Hour: Th 12-1pm

Faculty of Mathematics

Prof. Dr. Tim Laux


Prof. Dr. Tim Laux
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Regensburg

+49 228 / 73-62225