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Automatic full text search with literature management programs

Do you already have the bibliographic data of an article in a literature management program? Then many of these programs (e.g. Citavi and Endnote) can automatically search for the full text. One click may be enough. It couldn't be more comfortable! This can be done for single articles or a whole list of articles and after a short waiting period the full texts are immediately stored in the reference management program.

However, even with normally accessible full texts, the automatic programs are not always successful. In this case, please try other methods for the articles you cannot find.



  1. Select "Options..." from the "Settings" menu.
  2. Select the sheet "RSS/OpenURL".
  3. Either simply search for "Regensburg" and then select "Universit?t Regensburg" to link your Citavi to the Regensburger Catalogue plus with the option "University or organization".
  4. Or switch to "Enter URLs manually" and enter the Regensburg SFX service in the "OpenUrl" field: https://sfx.bib-bvb.de/sfx_ubr.
  5. Leave the "EZproxy URL" field blank.
  6. Accept the information and close the field by clicking the "OK" button.

Automatic full text search

  1. Select one or more entries in the " References" work area.
  2. Click on the button "Find full text".
  3. Select the option "Download full texts".
  4. Click on the button "Search".
  5. The search starts and the result list is filled in the window.
  6. When the search is finished, you can select individual entries in the results list and, for example, only accept those with downloaded full texts. The downloaded full texts are attached directly to the hits.

Search for the full text via OpenURL/SFX

If the above full text search was not successful, you can try other options directly from Citavi. The SFX service, a so-called link resolver, is used for this purpose. Important: You must have entered the correct OpenURL once in Citavi as described above.

  1. Select an entry in the " References" work area.
  2. In the "Reference" menu, select "Check availability using your library's link resolver...".
  3. Citavi will now open a window of your web browser with the SFX service, which among other things offers ways to find the full text.

The links offered by SFX depend on the stock situation. A click on the button "GO" opens a link in a new window. The following order is recommended:

  1. "Full text available via ...": Leads directly to a digital, licenced or free full text.
  2. At the bottom right of the SFX window you can open "More options" and search for a freely available full text of the article with a "Search in scientific search engines" at Google Scholar or BASE.
  3. The item "Das will ich haben! - Ein Service des Bibliotheksverbundes Bayern" leads to a search in the local library catalogue or, if we do not have any stock, to an interlibrary loan.



  1. Select "Preferences..." from the "Edit" menu.
  2. Select the "Find Full Text" sheet.
  3. Select all available search technologies.
  4. Enter the Regensburg SFX service into the "OpenURL path":
  5. Leave the field for the "Authentication URL" empty. At the University Library of Regensburg the authentication for publishing house offers is currently only done via IP addresses.
    Faq Endnote Preferences Find-full-text
  6. Select the sheet "URLs & Links" in the opened "Preferences" window.
  7. Enter the following text in the "OpenURL Arguments" field (including the leading question mark)
  8. Alternatively, you can leave the field "OpenURL Arguments" empty or delete the content to restore the default values.
  9. Accept the entries and close the field by clicking the "OK" button.
    Endnote Preferences Urls-links

Automatic full text search

  1. Select one or more entries (up to 250) in your Endnote database.
  2. Click on the "Find Full Text..." button in the menu bar.
    Faq Endnote Find-full-text-button
  3. Alternatively, after right-clicking, select the option "Find Full Text -> Find Full Text..." from the context menu.
  4. The full text search starts and works in the background. Depending on the success, the edited entries are sorted into the Group Set "Find Full Text".
  5. For entries in the group set "Found PDF" the found PDF file is directly attached. Attention: From time to time the automatic search fails and an incorrect PDF file is attached. Therefore a manual check is recommended.
  6. For entries with an unsuccessful full text search in the group "Not found" you can try alternative ways.

  1. Homepage UR

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