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Contact Persons

For a faster processing of your request, please use the e-mail address of the Law sublibrary:?recht.ub@ur.de

Subject librarian

Martin Gorski

Martin Gorski Portraitfoto

RW(S)/Economics and Law, Room 043,?URwalking
Phone: 0941 943-2561

Departmental librarians

Barbara Fischer

Foto Barbara Fischer

RW(S)/Economics and Law, Room 045,?URwalking
Phone: 0941 943-2497

Harald Geith

Harald Geith

RW(S)/Economics and Law, Room 045,?URwalking
Phone: 0941 943-2497

Andrea Meindl

Andrea Meindl

RW(S)/Economics and Law, Room 044,?URwalking
Phone: 0941 943-2498


New module in Beck-online: "Corona and COVID-19 PLUS"

In?Beck-online?you can now access the module "Corona and COVID-19 PLUS" via the university network.

Access legal databases from home

From now on you can also access the following legal databases from home via VPN

Please refer to this manual for access to the Beck contents.

Unfortunately the conventional access to Beck-Online from the campus (e.g. staff office) had to be deactivated for technical reasons. Therefore it is necessary to create an account at Beck-Online until the UB reopens.

Please inform yourself about updates at /contact/corona/index.html.

New module in Beck-online: " Ausl?nder- und Migrationsrecht PLUS" (Foreigners and Migration Law PLUS)

In Beck-online you have now access to the module "Ausl?nder- und Migrationsrecht PLUS" via the university network.

Group work rooms in the Reading Room Law/Recht I

Two group work rooms, each with 8 workstations, are available in the Law I reading room. To reserve the rooms, please contact the supervisor in the Law I reading room.

Lending in the Reading Rooms Law I and II and Economics

From January 21, 2019 onwards, short-term borrowing/daily lending will be possible in the reading rooms Law I and II and Economics. This means that with your library card you can borrow all books with white shelf markings from Monday to Thursday from 8.00h - 20.00h and have to return them on the same day within the service hours (currently weekdays 8h - 20h) of the reading rooms. Borrowing is not possible on Fridays. This also applies to the holdings of criminal law.

For the Hemmer and Alpmann/Schmidt scripts, borrowing overnight until 9:00h the following day is still valid. There are also no changes for departmental withdrawals for personnel.

Group study rooms in the Reading Room Law II

The reading room Law/Recht II now offers three group work rooms in different sizes with capacities of 4 or 8 persons.
The bright rooms are all equipped with modern workstations, a generous power supply, W-LAN and LAN-Internet. From now on you can use the group study rooms in the Reading Room Law II from Monday to Saturday from 08:00h to 22:00h and on Sundays from 08:00h to 20:00h. To reserve the group work rooms, please contact the supervisor in the Law II Reading Room.

New module in Beck-online: "Datenschutz- und Informationsfreiheitsrecht PREMIUM" (Data Protection and Freedom of Information Law PREMIUM)

In Beck-online you now have access to the module "PREMIUM data protection and freedom of information law" via the university network.

Book sales in the Reading Room Law I

Since 10 July 2017, you can obtain law textbooks and old editions of the Alpmann/Schmidt and Hemmer scripts in the entrance area of reading room Law I. All other selected law books, e.g. commentaries, will continue to be available in the permanent book shop at the Information Centre in the Central Library.

Acquisition Suggestions

Restricted access to databaseses / WLAN

Only access on campus, according to contract no VPN or remote access allowed at:
Beck-Online,?FAZ,?Juris,?Jurion,?Dafne,?Mittelbayerische Zeitung

Limited use?with:
Genesis online: Only an internal access within the faculty is possible! Please contact the Library Management Economics Department (RW(S) 110, phone: 0941 943-2258, -4244).

WLAN access:

Via the?Eduroam?network - details at:?https://eduroam.uni-regensburg.de/?lang=en

Important for Eduroam WLAN access:

  • No VPN client required
  • computer must support WPA/WPA2 with 802.1x and EAP TTLS/PAP. If you have any questions and/or problems, please contact the information desk of the computer center.
  • Computer must be registered with the DHCP server of the computer center.
    Details at:?https://register.uni-regensburg.de/index_en.html
    In case of problems please ask the information desk of the computer center.

The program wlanConfig installs all important files and configurations for the use of the wireless network Eduroam on the computer.
Details under:?http://www-pc.uni-regensburg.de/systemsw/TOOLS/wlanconfig.htm


Sketch sub library law

Reading Room Law I/Lesesaal Recht I

Sketch sub library law

Reading Room Law II/Lesesaal Recht II

Short introduction


  • 250.000 volumes
  • about 570 printed journals, about 7,290 electronically available

Reading room Law I

  • 533 workplaces (2 of which are height adjustable)
  • 1 CIP pool: 34 work stations, 2 flatbed scanners (up to A4), 1 printer (A4)
  • 4 PCs for research in the Regensburg catalogue (without Internet connection)
  • 2 book scanners (free of charge; you can borrow a USB stick at the counter)
  • 2 group work rooms: 2x8 workstations, each with blackboard (free reservation for 2h per group and day at the counter)
  • 192 Day lockers

Reading Room Law II

  • 288 workstations (2 of which are height adjustable)
  • 3 PCs for research in the Regensburg catalogue (2 of which have Internet access)
  • 1 copy machine
  • 1 book scanner (free of charge; you can borrow a USB stick at the counter)
  • 3 group work rooms: 1x8 workstations, 2x4 workstations, each with whiteboard including accessories (free reservation for 2h per group and day at the counter)
  • 128 day lockers

Collection Profile

The University Library of Regensburg acquires literature on all areas of law. The main focus is on current study and research literature. Textbooks and reference works ( lexica, encyclopaedias, handbooks, language dictionaries) on all sub-disciplines of law represented at the University Library are acquired, as well as literature on research foci at the University and monographs on important individual topics. At the moment, about 570 printed periodicals are kept up to date. The conventional literature is increasingly supplemented by electronic media. The University Library now offers access to 7320 electronic journals (yellow and green dot in the electronic journal library) and various literature databases in the field of law.

Within the scope of its financial possibilities, the University Library of Regensburg always tries to acquire the literature you need. Please inform us of your acquisition suggestions.

Locations for Law Literature

  • The reference holdings on Law are mainly to be found in the Reading Rooms Law I and Law II. Here the current holdings of academic literature for study and research as well as the current periodicals are kept available. The holdings are freely accessible and intended for use in the reading room (reference use).
  • Older or less frequently used literature and works requiring special protection are stored in the central holdings of the central library and must be ordered for borrowing via the Regensburg Catalogue plus.
  • Textbooks: Literature that is of fundamental importance for study and is needed for lectures or seminars, for example, is usually placed in the reading room at the beginning of the corresponding sub-discipline of the systematic. In the textbook collection of the Central Library these textbooks are also available in larger numbers. The books in the textbook collection can be borrowed for four weeks. Please inform us if important textbooks are not available or not available in sufficient quantities.
  • Current parliamentary publications?(German page).

Principles of the collection layout

In the Reading Rooms Law I and II (as in all other reading rooms of the Regensburg University Library, including the textbook collection) the books are systematically arranged according to subject areas (Regensburger Verbundklassifikation), i.e. all works on a certain topic are placed next to each other. You can get an overview of the existing holdings by "browsing" the shelves.

Finding Literature and Media

Important Shelfmark Beginnings

Local identifier Locations
00 Central holdings in the central library (Magazin)
17 Textbook collection of the Central Library
23/P Dissertations in the field of law (in the central holdings)
31 Law
38 Sports law
39 European law
40 Economic sciences
301 - 322 "Handapparat" collections of the professors of the law faculty
360 CD-ROMs (location: supervision counter Reading Rooms Law I and II)

Current Parlamentaria

Current parliamentary publications?(German page).

Subject-specific weblinks

Virtual Law Library

(search for articles in commemorative publications also possible)

Scientific Publishing

ePublications of the University of Regensburg - Law

The publication server of the University of Regensburg has the goal of providing evidence of the publications of the University of Regensburg and, if possible, making them freely available (Open Access). The inclusion of older publications is possible at any time and is encouraged.

  1. Homepage UR

University Library

Ask us

Phone: +49 941 943-3990

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