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General and Comparative Linguistics


Titles from the Ebrary platform

At the moment the Regensburg catalogue still contains a number of titles from the Ebrary platform which are not accessible in full text. If you need one of these texts urgently, please contact the responsible subject specialist.

Contact Persons

Subject librarian

Dr. Renate Achenbach

Dr. Renate Achenbach

Philosophy/Theology, Room 2.2.14
Phone 0941 943-3679
E-mail: renate.achenbach@ur.de / sprachwissenschaft.ub@ur.de

Departmental librarian

Marya Kovalenko

Philosophy/Theology, Room 1.2.09
Phone 0941 943-3561

E-mail: marya.kovalenko@ur.de? /? sprachwissenschaft.ub@ur.de


Site plans of the sublibraries

Lageplaene-bibliothekSite plans of the 13 sublibraries

A 3D overview plan shows the reading rooms in the respective faculty buildings.

More detailed floor plans provide you with information about the accesses within the respective building when you click on them.

Reading Rooms with subject allocation

Overview of the reading rooms (PDF) with subject allocation.

Map Reading Room Philosophicum 1 Lower?Level

?Map Philosophicum 1 Lower Level?PDF

Finding subject-specific information

  • Regensburg catalogue plus

In the Regensburg Catalogue plus you will find about 3.9 million media from the following institutions: University of Regensburg, University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, WIOS, State Library Regensburg, Art Forum East German Gallery, Municipal Museum, Archive of the City of Regensburg, Episcopal Central Library Regensburg, Fürst Thurn und Taxis Court Library and Archive, Bavarian Music Academy Schloss Alteglofsheim, City Museum Abensberg Herzogskasten

Internet portals and weblinks for comparative linguistics

Portal for digitised material from European libraries, museums and archives

Short introduction

General Linguistics (AVS) is its own field of study and at the same time - due to the interdisciplinary literature available - serves all the philologies offered at the University of Regensburg in the field of linguistics. In addition to manuals, reference works and encyclopaedias, you will find interdisciplinary literature on the methodology of linguistics, linguistic theories and concepts as well as treatises on the general history of language (e.g. collections of essays whose individual contributions deal with the research of different languages).

The area of General Linguistics is covered by the local identifier 61 and, in the Regensburger Verbundklassifikation, comprises the notation sections EQ with ER, whereby the journals of General Linguistics are listed under EQ. Under the local identifier 61 and the systematics section E, the first part of which (EA with ED) is reserved for general and comparative literature, the holdings on non-European languages and literatures are also included (EE with EP). In addition to literature on the world auxiliary languages, the areas covered include American and Austro-Asian languages and literatures, Oriental studies, African studies and East Asian languages and literatures.

Conventional literature is increasingly supplemented by electronic media and web-based research tools. Within the framework of the financial possibilities of the University Library of Regensburg, your satisfaction with the literature equipment is our primary goal. Therefore, please inform us about your acquisition suggestions.

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