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All events with regard to punctuation and our network will be displayed here.

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Punctuation marks as they work in the media world

"Satzzeichen" ( 'punctuation marks' )
A podcast of the Hanns Seidel Foundation
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Episode 124: About punctuation and grammar

Can you "get to the point" of something? Or do you want to put an exclamation point? These are just two of many phrases that revolve around a punctuation mark. The Hanns Seidel Foundation podcast is also called this: "Punctuation mark". Idioms and the name of the podcast have figurative meanings. Specifically, punctuation marks are needed as special characters in a script to structure and give meaning. Reason enough to get to the bottom of the topic of punctuation marks, punctuation and grammar in general in this episode. Our guest is the Austrian linguist Paul R?ssler. Since 2011, he has held the Chair of German Linguistics at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Regensburg. Christian Jakubetz talks to him about the function of punctuation marks, about historical developments, but also about current developments combined with the question: Have we become sloppy with commas?

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Click here to go directly to the podcast!



Comparative Punctuation Worldwide (compunc)

Second conference on Comparative Punctuation in Regensburg.

Download Call for Papers (PDF)

Location:?Universit?t Regensburg? ? ? ? Date: 22?to 24?September 2023
Website:??https://go.ur.de/compunc? ?Contact:?compunc.worldwide@ur.de



Comparative Punctuation (2022)

Punctuation research has undergone a dynamic development in recent years, which this volume demonstrates, portraying comparative punctuation research as its own field. Focusing on system, norm, usage, and acquisition, the contributions address punctuation comparatively and across a range of languages, taking synchronic and diachronic perspectives.?Funded by: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung?
Edited by: Paul R?ssler, Peter Besl and Anna Saller.?Volume 96 in the series Linguistik – Impulse & Tendenzen (De Gruyter):?https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110756319?


Das Komma (2020)

Zur syntaktisch-graphematischen Klassifikation des Zeichens im Sprach- und Schriftsystem des Deutschen und zur historischen Entwicklung aus formaler und funktionaler Perspektive.
Lemke discusses the status of the comma as a graph(em)ic and syntactic element in German, arguing that punctuation marks have significant value in the writing system, in typography and in grammar. The author presents findings from investigations into graphemic and syntactical variation of the comma in both Middle High German manuscripts (prose texts) from KMhdGr and in 17th and 18th century prints from the GerManC corpus. Focusing on the grammaticalization of punctuation, early punctuation marks occur in semantically-syntactically ambiguous contexts that are later assigned to the comma.

By Ilka Lemke.?Volume 10 in the series?Deutsche Sprachgeschichte (Peter Lang):


Punctuation Seen Internationally. System-Norm-Practice

From 3rd?to 4th?May 2019, an international meeting on punctuation on the topic Punctuation Seen Internationally. System – Norm – Practice will take place in Regensburg.

The conference focuses on the system, norm, and practice of punctuation, and aims at discussing punctuation in connection with these three aspects contrastively or comparatively, codicologically, and with regard to education in international comparison.

As you have conducted research on the field of punctuation or can show publications on this research area, this meeting might be of interest to you.
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Location:?Universit?t Regensburg? ? Date:?3rd to 4th May 2019
Website:??Web presence on the pages of the Chair of German Linguistics (UR)

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Punctuation in the Area of Conflict between Norm and Stylistic Freedom

The aim of the conference is to open up new insights into
questions about the context of punctuation and style through interdisciplinary perspectives.

Location:?University Kassel?(Senatssaal)? ? ?Date:?2016-07-25, 900-1200

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punctuation network http://puncspace.ur.de