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Prof. Dr. Brigitte M. Kudielka


Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

09/23 Mitglied der Preis Jury "AstraZeneca Health at Work Award" der Funds for Scientific Research in Belgien (FNRS/FWO)
09/19-09/21 Dekanin der Fakult?t für Psychologie, P?dagogik und Sportwissenschaft
2018-2019 Co-Editor des Special Issue in Psychoneuroendocrinology: "Trier School of Psychoneuroendocrinology"
2014-2019 Mentorin im Max Weber-Programm Bayern der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V.
ab 04/2011 Lehrstuhlinhaberin: Professur für Medizinische Psychologie, Psychologische Diagnostik und Methodenlehre
2009-2019 Mitglied der Ethik-Kommission der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
2009/2010 Rufe an die Universit?t Regensburg und die Johannes-Gutenberg Universit?t Mainz (Professur für Gesundheits-Psychologie)
ab 06/2008 Professorin für Health Psychology am Jacobs Center on Lifelong Learning and Institutional Development, Jacobs University Bremen
07/2006 Habilitation: Verleihung der Venia legendi für das Fach Psychologie
ab 10/2004 Leiterin einer unabh?ngigen DFG Emmy-Noether-Nachwuchswissenschaftlergruppe an der Universit?t Trier
ab 08/2002 Post-Doc Aufenthalt am Institut für Verhaltenswissenschaften der ETH Zürich, Schweiz
ab 08/2001 Post-Doc Aufenthalt am Institute for Mind and Biology der University of Chicago, USA
ab 10/1999 Wiss. Mitarbeiterin an der Abteilung für Experimentelle Psychologie der Heinrich-Heine-Universit?t Düsseldorf
02/2000 Promotion zum Dr. rer.nat. an der Universit?t Trier
10/1996 Diplom in Psychologie an der Universit?t Trier

Stipendien, Preise, Auszeichnungen

2024 EDITOR'S CHOICE ARTICLE in?Psychoneuroendocrinology (B?rtl, Henze?et al., 2024).


EDITOR'S CHOICE ARTICLE in?Psychoneuroendocrinology (B?rtl, Kreuzpointner?et al., 2023).


Gutachterin in der Promotionsf?rderung der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes e.V.


Innovative Research on Aging Award 2017 für das Paper Jansen et al.? (2016). Effects of Karate training versus mindfulness training on emotional wellbeing and cognitive performance in later life. Research on Aging, 1-27.


Platz 1 der meist zitierten Artikel seit 2009 im Journal Psychoneuroendocrinology (Hellhammer, Wüst & Kudielka, 2009)


Platz 2 der meist zitierten Artikel seit 2009 im Journal Psychoneuroendocrinology (Kudielka, Hellhammer & Wüst, 2009)


Berufung zur Mentorin im Max Weber-Programm Bayern der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V.


Aufnahme als korrespondierendes Mitglied in die Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg


Aufnahme in AcademiaNet, das Internetportal zu exzellenten Wissenschaftlerinnen


Herbert Weiner Early Career Award: American Psychosomatic Society


Elsevier Author Award for the Top Cited Paper in 2006 & 2007 im Journal Biological Psychology


Charlotte-und-Karl-Bühler-Preis: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie


Peter-Jacobi-F?rderpreis: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie


Young Investigator Award: International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology


Scholar Award: American Psychosomatic Society


Dissertationspreis: Freundeskreis Trierer Universit?t e.V.


Young Investigator Award: International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology


Promotionsstipendium im Rahmen des Landesgraduiertenf?rderungsprogramms Rheinland Pfalz


Studienf?rderung: Konrad Adenauer Studienstiftung



in Druck


Giglberger M., Peter H.L., Henze G.-I., B?rtl C., Konzok J., Kirsch P., Kudielka B.M., Kreuzpointner L. & Wüst S. (2025). Associations between neural stress responses and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 103:e70019.?https://doi.org/10.1002/jnr.70019?


EDITOR'S CHOICE ARTICLE: B?rtl C., Henze G.-I., Peter H.L., Giglberger M., Bohmann P., Speicher N., Konzok J., Kreuzpointner L., Wüst S. &?Kudielka B.M.?(2024).?Neural and cortisol responses to acute psychosocial stress in work-related burnout: The Regensburg Burnout Project. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 161:106926.?https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106926


EDITOR'S CHOICE ARTICLE: B?rtl C., Kreuzpointner L., Wüst S. &?Kudielka B.M.?(2023).?Investigation of cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between work-related burnout and hair cortisol: The Regensburg Burnout?Project. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 149:106026.?https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106026?

Giglberger M., Peter H.L., Henze, G.-I., Kraus, E., B?rtl, C., Konzok, J., Kreuzpointner, L., Kirsch, P., Kudielka, B.M. & Wüst, S. (2023). Neural responses to acute psychosozial stress predict chronic stress perception in daily life over 13 months. Scientific Reports, 13:19990. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-46631-w

Henze G.-I., Konzok J.,?Kudielka B.M., Wüst S., Nichols, T.E. & Kreuzpointner L. (2023).?Associations between cortisol stress responses and limbic volume and thickness in young adults: An exploratory study.?European Journal of Neuroscience, 1-19.?https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.16161?

Henze G.-I., Rosenbaum D., B?rtl C., Laicher H., Konzok J.,?Kudielka B.M., Fallgatter A.J., Wüst S., Ehlis A.-C. & Kreuzpointner L. (2023).?Comparing two psychosocial stress paradigms for imaging environments – ScanSTRESS and fNIRS-TSST: correlation structures between stress responses. Behavioural Brain Research,?436:114080.?https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2022.114080

Peter H.L., Giglberger M., Streit F., Frank J., Kreuzpointner L., Rietschel M.,?Kudielka B.M.?& Wüst S. (2023).?Association of polygenic scores for depression and neuroticism with perceived stress in daily life during a long-lasting stress period. Genes, Brain & Behavior, e12872. https://doi.org/10.1111/gbb.12872

Speicher N.*, Henze G.-I.*, B?rtl C., B?hm F., Sommer M., Wüst S. & Kudielka B.M. (2023). Neural correlates of everyday moral decision-making: an exploratory ScanSTRESS study. Psychology & Neuroscience, 16:71-95.?https://doi.org/10.1037/pne0000306?*geteilte Erstautorenschaft


B?rtl C., Henze G.-I., Giglberger M., Peter H.L., Konzok J., Wallner S., Kreuzpointner L., Wüst S. &?Kudielka B.M.?(2022).?Higher allostatic load in work-related burnout: The Regensburg Burnout Project.?Psychoneuroendocrinology, 143:105853.?https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105853

Giglberger M., Peter H.L., Kraus E., Kreuzpointner L., Z?nkert S., Henze G.-I., B?rtl C., Konzok J., Kirsch P., Rietschel M.M.,?Kudielka B.M.?& Wüst S. (2022). Daily life stress and the cortisol awakening response over a 13-months stress period - Findings from the LawSTRESS project. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 141:105771. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105771

Konzok J., Henze G.-I., Kreuzpointner L., Peter H., Giglberger M., B?rtl C., Massau C., K?rgel C., Weidacker K., Schiffer B., Eisenbarth H., Wüst S. & Kudielka B.M. (2022). Dissociation of behavioral and neural responses to provocation during reactive aggression in healthy adults with high versus low externalization. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 22:1130-1144.?https://doi.org/10.3758/s13415-021-00981-y

Peter H.L., Giglberger M., Frank J., Streit F., Z?nkert S., Kreuzpointner L., Rietschel M.M.,?Kudielka B.M.?& Wüst S. (2022).?The association between genetic variability in the NPS/NPSR1 system and chronic stress responses: a gene-environment-(quasi-) experiment. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 144:105883.?https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105883

Stalder T., Lupien S., Kudielka B.M., Adam E.K., Pruessner J.C., Wüst S., Dockray S., Smyth N., Evans P., Kirschbaum C., Miller R., Wetherell M.A., Finke J.B., Kucken T. & Clow A. (2022). Evaluation and update of the expert consensus guidelines for the assessment of the cortisol awakening response (CAR). Psychoneuroendocrinology, 146:105946. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105946?

Triantafyllopoulos A., Z?nkert S., Baird A., Konzok J.,?Kudielka B.M. &?Schuller B.W. (2022).?Insights on modelling physiological, appraisal, and affective indicators of stress using audio features. 44th?Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology – Proceedings. International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, 2619-2622.?https://doi.org/10.1109/EMBC48229.2022.9872012

Z?nkert S., Lindl A., Schmitz A., Kudielka B.M., Mühlberger A., & Wüst S. (2022). Sustained threat and phasic fear in the laboratory and cognitive-emotional processes of anxiety in everyday life - an ambulatory assesment study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 175:8-17.?https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2022.02.009


Baird A., Triantafyllopoulos A., Z?nkert S., Ottl S., Christ L., Stappen L., Konzok J., Sturmbauer S., Messner E.-M., Kudielka B.M., Rohleder N., Baumeister H. & Schuller B. (2021). An evaluation of speech-based recognition of emotional an physiological markers of stress. Frontiers in Computer Science, section Human-Media Interaction, 3:750284.?https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomp.2021.750284

Eisenbarth H., Hart C.M.,Zechmeister J., Kudielka B.M. & Wüst S. (2021). Exploring the differential contribution of boldness, meanness, and disinhibition to explain externalising and internalising symptoms across genders. Current Psychology.?https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02134-3

Henze G.-I., Konzok J., Kreuzpointner L., B?rtl C., Giglberger M., Peter H., Streit F., Kudielka B.M., Kirsch P. & Wüst S. (2021). Sex-specific interaction between cortisol and striato-limbic responses to psychosocial stress. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 972-984. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsab062

Konzok J., Henze G.-I., Peter H., Giglberger M., B?rtl C., Massau C., Schiffer B., Eisenbarth H., Wüst S. & Kudielka B.M. (2021). Externalizing behavior in healthy young adults is associated with lower cortisol responses to acute stress and altered neural activation in the dorsal striatum. Psychophysiology, 58:12. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.13936

Singer N., Binapfl J., Sommer M., Wüst S.,?Kudielka B.M.?(2021).?Everyday moral decision-making after acute stress exposure: do social closeness and timing matter??Stress?– The International Journal on the Biology of Stress.?24:468-473?https://doi.org/10.1080/10253890.2020.1846029

Singer N., Sommer M., Wüst S.,?Kudielka B.M.?(2021).?Effects of gender and personality on everyday moral decision-making after acute stress exposure. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 124:105084.


Henze G.-I., Konzok J., Kreuzpointner L., B?rtl C., Peter H., Giglberger M., Streit F., Kudielka B.M., Kirsch P. & Wüst S. (2020). Increasing deactivation of limbic structures over psychosocial stress exposure time. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5:697-704.?doi.org/10.1016/j.bpsc.2020.04.002

Konzok J., Kreuzpointner L., Henze G.I., Wagels L., K?rgel C., Weidacker K., Schiffer B., Eisenbarth H., Wüst S., Kudielka B.M. (2020). Validation of a monetary Taylor Aggression Paradigm: associations with trait aggression and role of provocation sequence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 88:103960.?doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2020.103960

Kudielka B.M. (2020). Dexamethasone suppression test. In: M.D. Gellman, J.R. Turner (Eds.). Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine, 2nd Edition, Springer: New York.

Z?nkert S., Kudielka B.M. & Wüst S. (2020). Effect of sugar administration on cortisol responses to acute psychosocial stress, 114:1-5. Psychoneuroendocrinology.?doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104607


Kirschbaum C., Kudielka B., Wolf O. (2019). Editorial for the Special Issue Festschrift for Dirk Hellhammer. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 105:1-2.

Santl J. / Shiban Y.*, Plab A., Wüst S., Kudielka B.M. & Mühlberger A. (2019). Gender differences in stress responses during a virtual reality Trier Social Stress Test. International Journal of Virtual Reality, 19:63. doi.org/10.20870/IJVR.2019.19.2.2912?
* shared first authorship

Singer, N., Kreuzpointner L., Sommer, M., Wüst S., Kudielka B.M. (2019). Decision-making in everyday moral conflict situations: Development and validation of a new measure. PLoS one, 14(4):e0214747.

Z?nkert S., Bellingrath S., Wüst S. & Kudielka B.M. (2019). HPA axis responses to psychological stress: What do we know on sources of intra- and interindividual variability? Psychoneuroendocrinology, 105:86-97.

Z?nkert S. & Kudielka B.M. (2019). In: O.C. Schultheiss & P.H. Mehta (Eds.). Routledge international handbook of social neuroendocrinology, chapter 26, pages 454–475. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.


Ceccato S., Kettner S.E., Kudielka B.M., Schwieren C. & Voss A.?(2018). Social preferences under chronic stress.?PLoS one, 13: e0199528.

Siegrist J., Kudielka B.M. & Bellingrath S. (2018). Stress and emotions. In: E.B. Fisher, L.D. Cameron, A.J. Christensen, U. Ehlert, B. Oldenburg, F.J. Snoek, Y. Guo (Eds.). Principles and concepts of behavioral medicine: a global handbook, part III, chapter 11, pages 319-340. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.


Bellingrath S. & Kudielka B.M. (2017). Biological pathways to stress-related disease vulnerability in educators. In: T. McIntyre, S. McIntyre & D. Francis (Eds.). Educator stress: an occupational health perspective. Springer: Berlin.

Buckert M., Schwieren C., Kudielka B.M.?& Fiebach C.J. (2017). How stressful are economic competitions in the lab? An investigation with physiological measures.?Journal of Economic Psychology,?62: 231-245.

Henze G.-I., Z?nkert S., Urschler D., Hiltl T.-J., Kudielka B.M., Pruessner J.C., & Wüst S. (2017). Testing the ecological validity of the TSST: Associations with real-life exam stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 75:52-55.

INNOVATIVE RESEARCH ON AGING AWARD 2017:?Jansen P., Schulz A., Zimmer-Dahmen K. &?Kudielka B.M.?(2017). Effects of Karate training versus mindfulness training on emotional wellbeing and cognitive performance in later life.?Research on Aging,?39:1118-1144.

Kudielka B.M. (2017). Dexamethasone suppression test. In: M.D. Gellman, J.R. Turner (Eds.). Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine, 2nd Edition, Springer: New York.

Schladt T.M., Nordmann G.C., Emilius R., Kudielka B.M., de Jong T.R., Neumann, I.D. (2017). Choir versus solo singing: effects on mood and salivary oxytocin and cortisol concentrations.?Frontiers of Economic Psycholgy,?11:430.

Singer N., Sommer M., D?hnel K, Z?nkert S., Wüst S. & Kudielka B.M. (2017). Acute psychosocial stress and everyday moral decision-making in young healthy men: The impact of cortisol. Hormones & Behavior, 93:72-81.


Bellingrath S. & Kudielka B.M. (2016). Psychobiological pathways from work stress to reduced health: naturalistic and experimental studies on the model of Effort-Reward-Imbalance. In: J. Siegrist, M. Wahrendorf (Eds.). Work stress and health in a globalized economy - The model of effort-reward imbalance, chapter 7, 145-170. Springer: Berlin.

Kudielka B.M. (2016). Chronischer Stress am Arbeitsplatz und Burnout- Eine biopsychologische Perspektive. Blick in die Wissenschaft,?33:28-32.

Ceccato S., Kudielka B.M. & Schwieren C. (2016). Increased risk taking in relation to chronic stress in adults. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6:2036.

Quaiser-Pohl C., Jansen P., Lehmann J. & Kudielka B.M. (2016). Is there a relationship between the performance in a chronometric mental-rotations test and salivary testosterone and estradiol levels in children aged 9 to 14 years? Developmental Psychobiology, 58:120-128.

Stalder T., Kirschbaum C., Kudielka B.M., Adam E.K., Pruessner J.C., Wüst S., Dockray S., Smyth N., Evans P., Hellhammer D.H., Miller R., Wetherell M.A., Lupien S. & Clow A. (2016). Assessment of the cortisol awakening response: expert consensus guidelines. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 63:114-132.


DeSantis A., Adam E.K., Hawkley L.C., Kudielka B.M. & Cacioppo J.T. (2015). Racial/ethnic differences in diurnal cortisol rhythms: Are they consistent over time? Psychosomatic Medicine, 77:6-15.?



Buckert M., Schwieren C., Kudielka B.M. & Fiebach C.J. (2014). Acute stress affects risk taking but not ambiguity aversion. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8:82.?doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00082


Bellingrath S., Wolfram M. & Kudielka B.M. (2013). Chronic psychosocial work stress in teachers: An update on empirical psychobiological findings. In: L. Cavalcanti & S. Azevedo (Hrsg.), Psychology of Stress: New Research, 179-186. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Kudielka B.M. (2013). Dexamethasone suppression test. In: M.D. Gellman, J.R. Turner (Hrsg.). Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine, part 4, 573-575. Springer Science+Business Media: New York.?

Feuerhahn, N., Stamov-Ro?nagel, C., Wolfram, M., Bellingrath, S., & Kudielka, B. M. (2013).?Emotional Exhaustion and Cognitive?Performance in Apparently Healthy Teachers: A Longitudinal Multi-source Study. Stress and Health, 29(4), 297-306. doi:10.1002/smi.2467

Feuerhahn, N., Bellingrath, S., & Kudielka, B. M. (2013). The interplay of matching and non-matching job demands and resources on emotional exhaustion in teachers. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 5(2), 171-92. doi:10.1111/aphw.12002

Wolfram, M., Bellingrath, S., Feuerhahn, N., & Kudielka, B. M. (2013). Cortisol Responses to Naturalistic and Laboratory Stress in Student Teachers: Comparison with a Non-stress Control Day. Stress and Health, 29(2), 143-9. doi:10.1002/smi.2439

Bellingrath, S., Rohleder, N., & Kudielka, B. M. (2013). Effort—reward-imbalance in healthy teachers is associated with higher LPS-stimulated production and lower glucocorticoid sensitivity of interleukin-6 in vitro. Biological Psychology, 92(2), 403-9. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2012.12.003

Wolfram, M., Bellingrath, S., Feuerhahn, N., & Kudielka, B. M. (2013). Emotional exhaustion and overcommitment to work are differentially associated with hypothalamus—pituitary—adrenal (HPA) axis responses to a low-dose ACTH(1-24) (Synacthen) and dexamethasone—CRH test in healthy school teachers. Stress, 16(1), 54-64. doi:10.3109/10253890.2012.683465


Buckert, M., Kudielka, B. M., Reuter, M., & Fiebach, C. J. (2012). The COMT Val158Met polymorphism modulates working memory performance under acute stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(11), 1810-21. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.03.014

Feuerhahn, N., Kühnel, J., & Kudielka B. M. (2012). Interaction effects of effort—reward imbalance and overcommitment on burnout and job performance. International Journal of Stress Management, 19(2), 105-31. doi:10.1037/a0028338

Kudielka, B. M., Gierens, A., Hellhammer, D. H., Wüst, S., & Schlotz, W. (2012). Salivary Cortisol in Ambulatory Assessment — Some Dos, Some Don'ts, and Some Open Questions. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74(4), 418-31. doi:10.1097/PSY.0b013e31825434c7

Voltmer, E., Zander, M., Fischer, J. E., Kudielka, B. M., Richter, B., & Spahn, C. (2012). Physical and mental health of different types of orchestra musicians compared to other professions. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 27(1), 9-14.


Lynch, S. M., Gander, M.-L., Kohls, N., Kudielka, B., & Walach, H. (2011). Mindfulness-based Coping with University Life: A Non-randomized Wait-list-controlled Pilot Evaluation. Stress and Health, 27(5), 365-75. doi:10.1002/smi.1382

Wolfram, M., Bellingrath, S., & Kudielka, B. M. (2011). The cortisol awakening response (CAR) across the female menstrual cycle. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36(6), 905-12. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2010.12.006

van Leeuwen, N.*, Bellingrath, S.*, de Kloet, E. R., Zitman, F. G., DeRijk, R. H., Kudielka, B. M., & Wüst, S. (2011). Human mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) gene haplotypes modulate MR expression and transactivation: Implication for the stress response. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36(5), 699-709 (* zwei Erstautoren). doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2010.10.003


Bellingrath, S., Rohleder, N., & Kudielka, B. M. (2010). Healthy working school teachers with high effort—reward-imbalance and overcommitment show increased pro-inflammatory immune activity and a dampened innate immune defence. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 24(8), 1332-9. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2010.06.011

Budde, H., Windisch, C., Kudielka, B. M., & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (2010). Saliva cortisol in school children after acute physical exercise. Neuroscience Letters, 483(1), 16-9. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2010.07.036

Looser, R. R., Metzenthin, P., Helfricht, S., Kudielka, B. M., Loerbroks, A., Thayer, J. F., & Fischer, J. E. (2010). Cortisol Is Significantly Correlated With Cardiovascular Responses During High Levels of Stress in Critical Care Personnel. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(3), 281-9. doi:10.1097/PSY.0b013e3181d35065

Kudielka, B. M., & Wüst, S. (2010). Human models in acute and chronic stress: Assessing determinants of individual hypothalamus—pituitary—adrenal axis activity and reactivity. Stress, 13(1), 1-14. doi:10.3109/10253890902874913


von K?nel, R., Bellingrath, S., & Kudielka, B. M. (2009). Association of vital exhaustion and depressive symptoms with changes in fibrin D-dimer to acute psychosocial stress. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 67(1), 93-101. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2008.12.009

Fischer, J. C., Kudielka, B. M., von K?nel, R., Siegrist, J., Thayer, J. F., & Fischer, J. E. (2009). Bone-marrow derived progenitor cells are associated with psychosocial determinants of health after controlling for classical biological and behavioral cardiovascular risk factors. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 23(4), 419-26. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2008.08.005

von K?nel, R., Bellingrath, S., & Kudielka, B. M. (2009). Association between longitudinal changes in depressive symptoms and plasma fibrinogen levels in school teachers. Psychophysiology, 46(3), 473-80. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2009.00788.x

von K?nel, R., Bellingrath, S., & Kudielka, B. M. (2009). Overcommitment but not Effort—Reward Imbalance Relates to Stress-Induced Coagulation Changes in Teachers. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37(1), 20-8. doi:10.1007/s12160-009-9082-y

MOST CITED ARTICLE SINCE 2009 IN JOURNAL PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY AWARD: Hellhammer, D. H., Wüst, S., &?Kudielka, B. M.?(2009). Salivary cortisol as a biomarker in stress research.?Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34(2), 163-71.?doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2008.10.026

von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Haeberli, A., Stutz, M., Fischer, J. E., & Patterson, S. M. (2009). Prothrombotic changes with acute psychological stress: Combined effect of hemoconcentration and genuine coagulation activation. Thrombosis Research, 123(4), 622-30. doi:10.1016/j.thromres.2008.05.014

SECOND MOST CITED ARTICLE SINCE 2009 IN JOURNAL PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY AWARD:?Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, D. H., & Wüst, S. (2009). Why do we respond so differently? Reviewing determinants of human salivary cortisol responses to challenge.?Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34(1), 2-18.?doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2008.10.004

Bellingrath, S., Weigl, T., & Kudielka, B. M. (2009). Chronic work stress and exhaustion is associated with higher allostastic load in female school teachers. Stress, 12(1), 37-48. doi:10.1080/10253890802042041


Klingmann, P. O., Kugler, I., Steffke, T. S., Bellingrath, S., Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, D. H. (2008). Sex-specific Prenatal Programming: A Risk for Fibromyalgia? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1148, 446-55. doi:10.1196/annals.1410.020

Bellingrath, S., & Kudielka, B. M. (2008). Effort-reward-imbalance and overcommitment are associated with hypothalamus—pituitary—adrenal (HPA) axis responses to acute psychosocial stress in healthy working schoolteachers. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33(10), 1335-43. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2008.07.008

Wolf, O. T., & Kudielka, B. M. (2008). Stress, health and ageing: a focus on postmenopausal women. Menopause International, 14(3), 129-33. doi:10.1258/mi.2008.008021

von K?nel, R., Bellingrath, S., & Kudielka, B. M. (2008). Association between burnout and circulating levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in schoolteachers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 65(1), 51-9. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2008.02.007

Kudielka, B. M., Bellingrath, S., & von K?nel, R. (2008). Circulating fibrinogen but not D-dimer level is associated with vital exhaustion in school teachers. Stress, 11(4), 250-8. doi:10.1080/10253890701714831

Bellingrath, S., Weigl, T., & Kudielka, B. M. (2008). Cortisol dysregulation in school teachers in relation to burnout, vital exhaustion, and effort—reward-imbalance. Biological Psychology, 78(1), 104-13. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2008.01.006

von K?nel, R., Mausbach, B. T., Kudielka, B. M., & Orth-Gomér, K. (2008). Relation of morning serum cortisol to prothrombotic activity in women with stable coronary artery disease. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 25(2), 165-72. doi:10.1007/s11239-007-0035-7

von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Helfricht, S., Metzenthin, P., Preckel, D., Haeberli, A., Cung, T., & Fischer, J. E. (2008). The Effects of Aspirin and Nonselective Beta Blockade on the Acute Prothrombotic Response to Psychosocial Stress in Apparently Healthy Subjects. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 51(3), 231-8. doi:10.1097/FJC.0b013e318161ea63

von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Metzenthin, P., Helfricht, S., Preckel, D., Haeberli, A., Stutz, M., & Fischer, J. E. (2008). Aspirin, but not propranolol, attenuates the acute stress-induced increase in circulating levels of interleukin-6: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 22(2), 150-7. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2007.07.005

von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Helfricht, S., Metzenthin, P., Preckel, D., Haeberli, A., Cung, T., & Fischer, J. E. (2008). Effects of aspirin and propranolol on the acute psychological stress response in factor VIII coagulant activity: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled experimental study. Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis, 19(1), 75-81. doi:10.1097/MBC.0b013e3282f38c4e


Kudielka, B. M., Fischer, J. E., Metzenthin, P., Helfricht, S., Preckel, D., & von K?nel, R. (2007). No Effect of 5-Day Treatment with Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) or the Beta-Blocker Propranolol (Inderal) on Free Cortisol Responses to Acute Psychosocial Stress: A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Neuropsychobiology, 56(2-3), 159-66. doi:10.1159/000115783

Kudielka, B. M., Hawkley, L. C., Adam, E. K., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2007). Compliance with Ambulatory Saliva Sampling in the Chicago Health, Aging, and Social Relations Study and Associations with Social Support. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 34(2), 209-16. doi:10.1007/BF02872675

von K?nel, R., Preckel, D., Kudielka, B. M., & Fischer, J. E. (2007). Responsiveness and Habituation of Soluble ICAM-1 to Acute Psychosocial Stress in Men: Determinants and Effect of Stress-Hemoconcentration. Physiological Research, 56(5), 627-39.

Kudielka, B. M., Bellingrath, S., & Hellhammer, D. H. (2007). Further support for higher salivary cortisol levels in "morning" compared to "evening" persons. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 62(5), 595-6. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2007.03.016

Wilhelm, I., Born, J., Kudielka, B. M., Schlotz, W., & Wüst, S. (2007). Is the cortisol awakening rise a response to awakening? Psychoneuroendocrinology, 32(4), 358-66. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2007.01.008

Preckel, D., Meinel, M., Kudielka, B. M., Haug, H.-J., & Fischer J. E. (2007). Effort-reward-imbalance, overcommitment and self-reported health: Is it the interaction that matters? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 80(1), 91-107. doi:10.1348/096317905X80183

Kudielka, B. M., Buchtal, J., Uhde, A., & Wüst, S. (2007). Circadian cortisol profiles and psychological self-reports in shift workers with and without recent change in the shift rotation system. Biological Psychology, 74(1), 92-103. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2006.08.008


Federenko, I. S., Wolf, J. M., Wüst, S., Schlotz, W., Hellhammer, J., Kudielka, B. M., Kirschbaum, C., Hellhammer, D. H., & Wadhwa, P. D. (2006). Parity Does Not Alter Baseline or Stimulated Activity of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Women. Developmental Psychobiology, 48(8), 703-11. doi:10.1002/dev.20187

Adam, E. K., Hawkley, L. C., Kudielka, B. M., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2006). Day-to-day dynamics of experience—cortisol associations in a population-based sample of older adults. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(45), 17058-63. doi:10.1073/pnas.0605053103

Kudielka, B. M., von K?nel, R., Preckel, D., Zgraggen, L., Mischler, K., & Fischer, J. E. (2006). Exhaustion is associated with reduced habituation of free cortisol responses to repeated acute psychosocial stress. Biological Psychology, 72(2), 147-53. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2005.09.001

Kudielka, B. M., Federenko, I. S., Hellhammer, D. H., & Wüst, S. (2006). Morningness and eveningness: the free cortisol rise after awakening in "early birds" and "night owls". Biological Psychology, 72(2), 141-6. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2005.08.003

Kudielka, B. M., Bellingrath, S., & Hellhammer, D. H. (2006). Cortisol in burnout and vital exhaustion: an overview. Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia, 28(1 Suppl 1), 34-42.

von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Preckel, D., Hanebuth, D., Fischer, J. E. (2006). Delayed response and lack of habituation in plasma interleukin-6 to acute mental stress in men. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 20(1), 40-8. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2005.03.013

[Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). (2006). Das Emmy Noether-Programm. Beihefter Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 1, 12-13.]


Kudielka, B. M., Hanebuth, D., von K?nel, R., Gander, M.-L., Grande, G., & Fischer, J. E. (2005). Health-related quality of life measured by the SF12 in working populations: associations with psychosocial work characteristics. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 10(4), 429-40. doi:10.1037/1076-8998.10.4.429

von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Preckel, D., Hanebuth, D., Herrmann-Lingen, C., Frey, K., & Fischer, J. E. (2005). Opposite effect of negative and positive affect on stress procoagulant reactivity. Physiology & Behavior, 86(1-2), 61-8. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2005.06.005

Mischler, K., Fischer, J. E., Zgraggen, L., Kudielka, B. M., Preckel, D,, & von K?nel, R. (2005). The effect of repeated acute mental stress on habituation and recovery responses in hemoconcentration and blood cells in healthy men. Life Sciences, 77(10), 1166-79. doi:10.1016/j.lfs.2005.03.006

von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Hanebuth, D., Preckel, D., & Fischer, J. E. (2005). Different contribution of interleukin-6 and cortisol activity to total plasma fibrin concentration and to acute mental stress-induced fibrin formation. Clinical Science, 109(1), 61-7. doi:10.1042/CS20040359

Kudielka, B. M., & Kirschbaum C. (2005). Sex differences in HPA axis responses to stress: a review. Biological Psychology, 69(1), 113-32. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2004.11.009

Preckel, D., von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., & Fischer, J. E. (2005). Overcommitment to work is associated with vital exhaustion. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 78(2), 117-22. doi:10.1007/s00420-004-0572-8

Zgraggen, L., Fischer, J. E., Mischler, K., Preckel, D., Kudielka, B. M., & von K?nel, R. (2005). Relationship between hemoconcentration and blood coagulation responses to acute mental stress. Thrombosis Research, 115(3), 175-83. doi:10.1016/j.thromres.2004.08.022

Kudielka, B. M. (2005). ?Die Balance muss stimmen” [Interview]. In O.ton. Das O2 Mitarbeitermagazin, 2, 21.


von K?nel, R., Preckel, D., Zgraggen, L., Mischler, K., Kudielka, B. M., Haeberli, A., & Fischer, J. E. (2004). The effect of natural habituation on coagulation responses to acute mental stress and recovery in men. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 92(6), 1327-35. doi:10.1160/TH04-04-0223

von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Schulze, R., Gander, M.-L., & Fischer, J. E. (2004). Hypercoagulability in Working Men and Women with High Levels of Panic-Like Anxiety. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 73(6), 353-60. doi:10.1159/000080388

Grande, G., Jordan, J., Kümmel, M., Struwe, C., Schubmann, R., Schulze, F., Unterberg, C., von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Fischer, J., & Herrmann-Lingen, C. (2004). Evaluation der deutschen Typ-D-Skala (DS14) und Pr?valenz der Typ-D-Pers?nlichkeit bei kardiologischen und psychosomatischen Patienten sowie Gesunden. [Evaluation of the German Type D Scale (DS14) and prevalence of the Type D personality pattern in cardiological and psychosomatic patients and healthy subjects]. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizinische Psychologie, 54(11), 413-22. doi:10.1055/s-2004-828376

Kudielka, B. M., Schommer, N. C., Hellhammer, D. H., & Kirschbaum, C. (2004). Acute HPA axis responses, heart rate, and mood changes to psychosocial stress (TSST) in humans at different times of day. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29(8), 983-92. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2003.08.009

von K?nel, R., Kudielka, B. M., Abd-el-Razik, A., Gander, M.-L., Frey, K., & Fischer, J. E. (2004). Relationship between overnight neuroendocrine activity and morning haemostasis in working men. Clinical Science, 107(1), 89-95. doi:10.1042/CS20030355

Broderick, J. E., Arnold, D., Kudielka, B. M., & Kirschbaum, C. (2004). Salivary cortisol sampling compliance: comparison of patients and healthy volunteers. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29(5), 636-50. doi:10.1016/S0306-4530(03)00093-3

Kudielka, B. M., von K?nel, R., Gander, M.-L., & Fischer, J. E. (2004). The Interrelationship of Psychosocial Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease in a Working Population: Do We Measure Distinct or Overlapping Psychological Concepts? Behavioral Medicine, 30(1), 35-43. doi:10.3200/BMED.30.1.35-44

Kudielka, B. M., von K?nel, R., Gander, M.-L., & Fischer, J. E. (2004). Effort-reward imbalance, overcommitment and sleep in a working population. Work & Stress, 18(2), 167-87. doi:10.1080/02678370410001731785

Kudielka, B. M., Buske-Kirschbaum, A., Hellhammer, D. H., & Kirschbaum, C. (2004). Differential Heart Rate Reactivity and Recovery After Psychosocial Stress (TSST) in Healthy Children, Younger Adults, and Elderly Adults: The Impact of Age and Gender. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 11(2), 116-21. doi:10.1207/s15327558ijbm1102_8

Kudielka, B. M., & Kern, S. (2004). Cortisol day profiles in victims of mobbing (bullying at the work place): preliminary results of a first psychobiological field study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 56(1), 149-50. doi:10.1016/S0022-3999(03)00126-0

Kudielka, B. M., Buske-Kirschbaum, A., Hellhammer, D. H., & Kirschbaum, C. (2004). HPA axis responses to laboratory psychosocial stress in healthy elderly adults, younger adults, and children: impact of age and gender. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29(1), 83-98. doi:10.1016/S0306-4530(02)00146-4


Kudielka, B. M., Broderick, J. E., & Kirschbaum, C. (2003). Compliance With Saliva Sampling Protocols: Electronic Monitoring Reveals Invalid Cortisol Daytime Profiles in Noncompliant Subjects. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65(2), 313-9. doi:10.1097/01.PSY.0000058374.50240.BF

Kudielka, B. M., & Kirschbaum, C. (2003). Awakening cortisol responses are influenced by health status and awakening time but not by menstrual cycle phase. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 28(1), 35-47. doi:10.1016/S0306-4530(02)00008-2


Rohleder, N., Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, D. H., Wolf, J. M., & Kirschbaum, C. (2002). Age and sex steroid-related changes in glucocorticoid sensitivity of pro-inflammatory cytokine production after psychosocial stress. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 126(1-2), 69-77. doi:10.1016/S0165-5728(02)00062-0


Kirschbaum, C., & Kudielka, B. M. (2001). Psychischer Stress und Cortisol — Was folgt aus der Wechselwirkung für die Behandlung von Addison-Patienten? Glandula, 14, 25-27.

Kudielka, B. M., & Wolf, O. T. (2001). ?strogene unter der Lupe: Beeinflusst das ?weibliche“ Geschlechtshormon die menschliche Stressreaktion und das verbale Ged?chtnis? Menopause Praxis, 6, 80-3.


Kudielka, B. M., Schmidt-Reinwald, A. K., Hellhammer, D. H., Schürmeyer, T., & Kirschbaum, C. (2000). Psychosocial Stress and HPA Functioning: No Evidence for a Reduced Resilience in Healthy Elderly Men. Stress, 3(3), 229-40.

Wolf, O. T., Preut, R., Hellhammer, D. H., Kudielka, B. M., Schürmeyer, T. H., & Kirschbaum, C. (2000). Testosterone and Cognition in Elderly Men: A Single Testosterone Injection Blocks the Practice Effect in Verbal Fluency, but Has No Effect on Spatial or Verbal Memory. Biological Psychiatry, 47(7), 650-4. doi:10.1016/S0006-3223(99)00145-6

Kudielka, B. M. (2000). Hormonpillen: Der Traum von Jugend und Glück. UGB-Forum. Fachzeitschrift für Gesundheitsf?rderung, 6, 296-8.


Kudielka, B. M., Schmidt-Reinwald, A. K., Hellhammer, D. H., & Kirschbaum, C. (1999). Psychological and Endocrine Responses to Psychosocial Stress and Dexamethasone/Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone in Healthy Postmenopausal Women and Young Controls: The Impact of Age and a Two-Week Estradiol Treatment. Neuroendocrinology, 70(6), 422-30. doi:10.1159/000054504

Wolf, O. T., Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, D. H., T?rber, S., McEwen, B. S., & Kirschbaum, C. (1999). Two weeks of transdermal estradiol treatment in postmenopausal elderly women and its effect on memory and mood: verbal memory changes are associated with the treatment induced estradiol levels. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 24(7), 727-41. doi:10.1016/S0306-4530(99)00025-6

Schommer, N. C., Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, D. H., & Kirschbaum, C. (1999). No evidence for a close relationship between personality traits and circadian cortisol rhythm or a single cortisol stress response. Psychological Reports, 84(3 Pt 1), 840-2. doi:10.2466/pr0.1999.84.3.840

Kirschbaum, C., Kudielka, B. M., Gaab, J., Schommer, N. C., & Hellhammer, D. H. (1999). Impact of Gender, Menstrual Cycle Phase, and Oral Contraceptives on the Activity of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis. Psychosomatic Medicine, 61(2), 154-62.


Wolf, O. T., Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, D. H., Hellhammer, J., & Kirschbaum, C. (1998). Opposing effects of DHEA replacement in elderly subjects on declarative memory and attention after exposure to a laboratory stressor. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 23(6), 617-29. doi:10.1016/S0306-4530(98)00032-8

Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, J., Hellhammer, D. H., Wolf, O. T., Pirke, K.-M., Varadi, E., Pilz, J., & Kirschbaum, C. (1998). Sex Differences in Endocrine and Psychological Responses to Psychosocial Stress in Healthy Elderly Subjects and the Impact of a 2-Week Dehydroepiandrosterone Treatment. Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 83(5), 1756-61. doi:10.1210/jc.83.5.1756


Roth, W. L., Klusemann, J., & Kudielka, B. M. (1997). ?Lebenslust statt Alltagsfrust“ - Konzeption, Beschreibung und erste Evaluation eines Trainings zur Steigerung des psychischen Wohlbefindens. Report Psychologie, 22, 858-71.


Bellingrath, S., Wolfram, M., & Kudielka, B. M. (2013). Chronic psychosocial work stress in teachers: An update on empirical psychobiological findings. In L. Cavalcanti & S. Azevedo (Hrsg.), Psychology of Stress: New Research (S. 179-86). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Kudielka, B. M. (2013). Dexamethasone Suppression Test. In M. D. Gellman & J. R. Turner (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (S. 573-5). New York: Springer Science+Business Media.

Feuerhahn, N., Stamov-Ro?nagel, C., & Kudielka, B. M. (2011). Passung in Organisationen. In U. M. Staudinger, B. Godde, H. Heidemeier, B. M. Kudielka, K. Sch?mann, C. Stamov-Ro?nagel, C. Voelcker-Rehage & S. C. Voelpel (Hrsg.), Den demografischen Wandel meistern: Eine Frage der Passung. Ergebnisse des ?demopass“ Projekts (S. 37-58). Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.

Kudielka, B. M., & Rohleder, N. (2011). Psychoendokrinologische und -immunologische Ver?nderungen w?hrend der Lebensspanne. In U. Ehlert & R. von K?nel (Hrsg.), Psychoendokrinologie und Psychoimmunologie (Kapitel 9, S. 187-205). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

Stamov Ro?nagel, C., Baron, S., Kudielka, B. M., & Sch?mann, K. (2010). A competence perspective on lifelong workplace learning. In M. P. Caltone (Hrsg.), Handbook of lifelong learning developments (S. 79-209). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Kudielka, B. M., & Wüst, S. (2009). Grundlagen und Modelle der psychobiologischen Stressforschung. In P.-M. Wippert & J. Beckmann (Hrsg.), Stress- und Schmerzursachen verstehen. Gesundheitspsychologie und -soziologie in Pr?vention und Rehabilitation (Kapitel 7, S. 105-12). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.

Kudielka, B. M., & Bellingrath, S. (2008). The Trier Teacher Stress Study: a psychobiological perspective. In L. N. Piccard (Hrsg.), Biological psychology: new research (S. 9-15). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Kudielka, B. M., & Wüst, S. (2008). The cortisol awakening response (CAR): a useful tool for ambulant assessment of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity. In A.-L. Léglise (Hrsg.), Progress in circadian rhythm research (Kapitel XI, S. 223-34). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, D. H., & Kirschbaum, C. (2007). Sex differences in human stress response. In G. Fink (Hrsg.), G. Chrousos, I. Craig, E. R. de Kloet, G. Feuerstein, B. S. McEwen, N. R. Rose, R. T. Rubin & A. Steptoe (assoziierte Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of stress (2., überarbeitete Auflage, S. 469-473). Oxford: Academic Press.

Kudielka, B. M., Wüst, S., Kirschbaum, C., & Hellhammer, D. H. (2007). The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). In G. Fink (Hrsg.), G. Chrousos, I. Craig, E. R. de Kloet, G. Feuerstein, B. S. McEwen, N. R. Rose, R. T. Rubin & A. Steptoe (assoziierte Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of stress (2., überarbeitete Auflage, S. 776-781). Oxford: Academic Press.

Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, D. H., & Kirschbaum, C. (2007). Ten years of research with the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) – revisited. In E. Harmon-Jones & P. Winkielman (Hrsg.), Social neuroscience: integrating biological and psychological explanations of social behaviour (Kapitel 4, S. 56-83). New York: The Guilford Press.

Kudielka, B. M., & Kirschbaum C. (2007). Biological bases of the stress response. In M. Al’Absi (Hrsg.), Stress and addiction: biological and psychological mechanisms (Kapitel 1, S. 3-19). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Kirschbaum, C., Kudielka, B. M., Wolf, O. T., & Rohleder, N. (2005). Endokrinologie und Immunologie des h?heren Lebensalters. In S.-H. Filipp & U. M. Staudinger (Hrsg.), Enzyklop?die der Psychologie, Themenbereich C Theorie und Forschung, Serie V Entwicklungspsychologie, Band 6 Entwicklungspsychologie des mittleren und h?heren Erwachsenenalters (Kapitel 5, S. 173-208). G?ttingen: Hogrefe.

Kudielka, B. M., & Kirschbaum C. (2002). Stress und Gesundheit. In R. Schwarzer, M. Jerusalem & H. Weber (Hrsg.), Gesundheitspsychologie von A bis Z. Ein Handw?rterbuch (S. 562-564). G?ttingen: Hogrefe.

Kudielka, B. M., & Kirschbaum C. (2001). Stress and health research. In N. J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (Hrsg.), The international encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (Band 22, S. 15170-5). Amsterdam und Oxford: Elsevier.

Kudielka, B. M., Hellhammer, D. H., & Kirschbaum, C. (2000). Sex differences in human stress response. In G. Fink (Hrsg.), T. Cox, E. R. de Kloet, B. S. McEwen, N. R. Rose, N. J. Rothwell, R. T. Rubin, A. Steptoe & L. Swanson (assoziierte Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of stress (1. Auflage, Band 3, S. 424-429). San Diego: Academic Press.


Staudinger, U. M., Godde, B., Heidemeier, H., Kudielka, B. M., Sch?mann, K., Stamov-Ro?nagel, C., Voelcker-Rehage, C., & Voelpel S.C. (Hrsg., 2011). Den demografischen Wandel meistern: Eine Frage der Passung. Ergebnisse des ?demopass“ Projekts. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. ISBN 978-3-76-394896-3

Stamov Ro?nagel, C., Baron, S., Kudielka, B. M., & Sch?mann K. (2010). A competence perspective on lifelong workplace learning. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. [Einzelauskopplung; inhaltlich identisch mit Stamov Ro?nagel, C. et al. (2010)]. ISBN 978-1-61-668686-4

Kudielka, B. M. (2000). Empirische Untersuchungen zur Regulation der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrindenachse: Der Einfluss von Alter, Geschlecht und Sexualsteroiden auf die Stress-Reaktion. G?ttingen: Cuvillier Verlag. ISBN 978-3-89-712816-3

Quaiser-Pohl C., Jansen P., Lehmann J. & Kudielka B.M. (im Druck). Is there a relationship between the performance in a chronometric mental-rotations test and salivary testosterone and estradiol levels in children aged 9 to 14 years??
Developmental Psychobiology




Stressforschung - Identifikation und Beschreibung von psychologischen und biologischen Determinanten der individuellen Stressregulation


  • Mechanismen der Entstehung stressbezogener Gesundheitsst?rungen aufdecken und psychologische und biologische Faktoren der individuellen Stressvulnerabilit?t identifizieren
  • Integration psychobiologischer und arbeitspsychologischer Forschungsmethoden zur Erfassung differentieller Stressmuster bei chronischem Arbeitsstress


  • Diagnostische Psychologie, Medizinische Psychologie, Gesundheitspsychologie, Biologische Psychologie
  • Schnittstellen: Klinische Psychologie, Psychosomatik, Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeits- & Organisationspsychologie, P?dagogische Psychologie

Das übergreifende Forschungsthema ist das Thema Stress. Stress bzw. stressbezogene Erkrankungen sind ein zentrales gesellschaftliches Problem und verursachen nicht zuletzt enormen ?konomischen Schaden. Das Wissen über die genauen psychischen und biologischen Mechanismen, wie Stress das Risiko z.B. für eine Depression oder eine Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung beim Menschen erh?ht, ist derzeit allerdings noch sehr fragmentarisch. Ziel ist es daher, relevante psychobiologische Mechanismen der Stressregulation in einem interdisziplin?ren und multimethodalen Ansatz aufzudecken. Unter anderem stellen sich folgende Fragen: Welche psychischen, neuronalen, hormonellen und immunologischen Prozesse spielen bei der Entstehung stressbezogener St?rungen eine Rolle? Warum entwickeln manche Menschen bei chronischer Stressbelastung eine St?rung w?hrend andere gegenüber einer scheinbar gleichen Belastung resistent zu sein scheinen? Welche Faktoren beeinflussen diese individuelle Stress-Empfindlichkeit (?Vulnerabilit?t“) bzw. Widerstandsf?higkeit (?Resilienz“)? Haben hier beispielsweise das Geschlecht, Alter, Pers?nlichkeitseigenschaften oder auch situative Faktoren wie z.B. die psychosozialen Bedingungen am Arbeitsplatz einen wesentlichen Einfluss? Forschungsbezogene inhaltliche Schwerpunktthemen sind damit Stress, Stresserleben und Stressfolgen, Gesundheit und Stressdiagnostik und insbesondere der Themenbereich Stress am Arbeitsplatz.


gef?rdert durch das

Bayerische Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit - Arbeitsmedizinisches Institut für Schulen (AMIS)


2022 – 2025

?ReSt – Regensburger Stimmtraining: Ein Pr?ventionsprojekt zu Achtsamkeit und Stimme für Personal an bayerischen staatlichen Schulen“




gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft


2021 – 2026

?Neurobiology of Social and Emotional Dysfunctions“


DFG Graduiertenkolleg (GRK 2174.2)


Mitantragstellerin (Teilprojekt C6)


gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft

?2018 - 2022


?Akuter psychosozialer Stress und moralisches Entscheidungs-verhalten in Alltagssituationen: Verhaltenseffekte, psychoneuroendokrinologische Reaktionen und neuronale Aktivit?t“

?Kennziffer KU 1401/10-1

?Kennziffer KU 1401/10-2

?in Kooperation mit PD Dr. Monika Sommer (Bezirksklinikum Regensburg) und apl. Prof. Dr. S. Wüst (Universit?t Regensburg)




gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft

?2018 - 2022


?Biopsychologische Stressregulation bei Burnout“

?Kennziffer KU 1401/9-1

?Kennziffer KU 1401/9-2

?in Kooperation mit apl. Prof. Dr. S. Wüst (Universit?t Regensburg)




gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft

?2018?- 2022


?Psychische, endokrine, zentralnerv?se und genetische Pr?diktoren der Reaktion auf chronischen Stress im Alltag – ein prospektiv-longitudinales Quasi-Experiment“

?Kennziffer WU 392/9-1


?in Kooperation mit apl. Prof. Dr. S. Wüst (Universit?t Regensburg; Erstantragsteller), Prof. M. Rietschel und Prof. Dr. P. Kirsch (Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit Mannheim)?



gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft

?2017 - 2021


?Psychobiologische Stressregulation und Aggression: Untersuchungen zur Dimensionalit?t von Externalisierung“ Standort Regensburg

?Kennziffer KU 1401/6-1


?in Kooperation mit Prof. B. Schiffer (Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum), Dr. H. Eisenbarth (University of Southampton) und apl. Prof. Dr. S. Wüst (Universit?t Regensburg)




gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft

?2017 - 2021


?Psychobiologische Stressregulation und Aggression: Untersuchungen zur Dimensionalit?t von Externalisierung“ Standort Bochum

?Kennziffer SCHI 1034/7-1


?in Kooperation mit Prof. B. Schiffer (Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum; Erstantragsteller), Dr. H. Eisenbarth (University of Southampton) und apl. Prof. Dr. S. Wüst (Universit?t Regensburg)




gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft

?2010 - 2014


??konomische Entscheidungen unter Stress – Verhaltensbezogene und psychoneuroendokrinologische Aspekte“


Kennziffer SCHW 1537/1-1


?in Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. C. Schwieren (Universit?t Heidelberg; Erstantragstellerin) und Prof. Dr. C. Fiebach (Universit?t Frankfurt)?




gef?rdert durch die Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (Jacobs University Bremen & Universit?t Bremen)

?2009 - 2015?


“Caregiver Job Stress, Burnout and Coping: Effects of Stress on the Qualities of Child-Caregiver Interaction in Institutional Homes”




PhD Projekt: M.Sc. Sisay Ayele Yemane



? ?

gef?rdert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

?2007 - 2011?


BMBF Verbund-Projekt ?demopass“ des Jacobs Centers on Lifelong Learning and Institutional Development (Antragsteller) der Jacobs University Bremen - Teilprojekt ?Gesundheitspsychologie“




PhD Projekt: Dipl. Psych. Nicolas Feuerhahn?



gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft

?2004 - 2012?


?Stressbelastung und Burnout - Integration arbeitspsychologischer und psychobiologischer Forschungsmethoden zur Erfassung differentieller Stressmuster bei chronischem Arbeitsstress“


Kennziffer KU 1401/4-1

Kennziffer KU 1401/4-2

Kennziffer KU 1401/4-3




gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft

?2001 - 2002?


?Psychologische und biologische Determinanten von Einsamkeit bei ?lteren Erwachsenen“



Kennziffer KU 1401/3-1





B.Sc. / M.Sc.

B.Sc.- und M.Sc.-Projekte Psychologie

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  1. Fakult?t für Humanwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Psychologie

Prof. Dr. Brigitte M. Kudielka


Kudielka Neu


PT-Geb?ude, Zi. 4.0.114

Tel.: +49 (0)941 943 5644

Fax:  +49 (0)941 943 5641

Sprechstunde: Fr 9.30-10.30