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Welcome to the homepage of the Chair for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy at the University of Regensburg!

You can find information about the University Outpatient Clinic for Children and Adolescents here.

You can find our german website here.


07/01/2025 - New team member (scientific practitioner)

We are pleased to announce our newest team member?Sebastian Peter, who is working on his doctorate while also practising psychotherapy. Sebastian Peter?will support our University Outpatient Clinic as behavioural therapy-oriented psychotherapist for children and adolescents. A warm welcome!

16/12/2024 - Teaching license for PD Dr. Adrian Meule

We are pleased to announce that PD Dr. Adrian Meule, after his habilitation last year in the field of Medical Psychology at LMU Munich, has now also been certified to teach in the field of Psychology at the University of Regensburg and has been granted the teaching license effective November 28, 2024.

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10/11/2024 - New members join our team

In November 2024, Fiona Fabry and Leah Risinger?join our team as doctoral candidates to support our work in research and teaching. Welcome!

Bianca Panhirsch will support our University Outpatient Clinic as behavioural therapy-oriented psychotherapist for children and adolescents. A warm welcome!

31/10/2024 - Sparkasse Regensburg donates to our digital diagnostics project

We are please to announce that Sparkasse Regensburg is donating 5,000 Euros to our project "Digitalisation of the diagnostic process". Many thanks!?

08/10/2024 - We've moved!

As of this day, you'll find the research group of David Kolar in the PT building on campus (Office: PT 4.1.51).

01/6/2024 - New members join the work group

Starting June 1st 2024, PD Dr. Adrian Meule will support our team as a senior researcher (Akademischer Oberrat auf Zeit) mainly in the field of research in eating disorders and the exercise lab. Dr. Theresa Emser will join our team as postdoctoral researcher and will manage the interface between clinical research and the University Outpatient Clinic as well as support us in the clinical training of students (BQT-II). A warm welcome!

14/5/2024 - New research project "Exercise satiation"

In our new lab we investigate whether women with eating disorders differ from healthy individuals and athletes regarding their reward satiation when exercising. We now started data collection. The project is supported by student assistants Elias L?ffl and Marina Dollinger.

01/3/2024 - New members join our team

Starting March 1st 2024, Miriam Witte re-joins our team as a student assistant and supports our work in research and teaching. Welcome back!

Mirjam S?tz will support our University Outpatient Clinic as behavioural therapy-oriented psychotherapist with additional qualification for children and adolescents. A warm welcome!

01/3/2024 - Opening of laboratory

We are happy that our Exercising and Peripheral Physiology Laboratory has finally been set up. We especially use a bicycle ergometer to enable exercising activity in a standardised setting.

01/12/2023 - A new member joins our team

Julia Moser will support our Team of the University Outpatient Clinic from the 1st of December. She works as a behavioural therapy-oriented psychotherapist with additional qualification for children and adolescents. A warm welcome!


01/10/2023 - A new member joins our team

From the 1st of October Elias L?ffl will join our team as a student assistant and support our work in research and teaching. A warm welcome!

28/9/2023 - Former student assistant accepted at RegensburgEXZELLENZ

We are happy to announce that our former student assistant Miriam Witte has been accepted at the female student network RegensburgEXZELLENZ. The network only invites excellent students that must have been nominated by faculty. Congratulations, Miriam! More information:?/chancengleichheit/studentinnen/index.html

01/7/2023 - A new member joins our team

From the 1st of July Sarah Bücker will join our team as a student assistant and support our work in research and teaching. A warm welcome!

21/6/2023 - New publication "Pathways between childhood maltreatment and life satisfaction in adolescents with eating disorders: A network analysis".

This study explored the association between childhood maltreatment experiences and life satisfaction in adolescents with eating disorders before and after hospitalisation. You can read the study here (https://doi.org/10.1002/erv.3000).

09/3/2023 - New preprint "Identification of affective and social reinforcement functions of driven exercise: Evidence from three samples".

A new preprint from the research group has been published on Psyarxiv. This study investigates how reinforcement possibly maintains driven exercise and its associations with ED severity and psychopathology (https://psyarxiv.com/ad3mq/). The paper is currently under review.

20/2/2023 - New preprints from the research group

Two new preprints from the research group have been published on Psyarxiv: The first paper examines the effects of acceptance-based strategies following exposure with disgust-inducing stimuli in obsessive-compulsive disorder patients (https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qjtcr ). The second paper aims to understand the relationship between depressive symptoms and weight gain during inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa (https://psyarxiv.com/j3qb9/ ). Both papers are currently under review. ?

09/1/2023 - New members join the work group

We are pleased to announce that four new colleagues will be joining our working group at the beginning of the year. As a research associate and also as the deputy director of the University Outpatient Centre, Dr. Sebastian Ertl, will expand our team and further develop the connection between clinical research and psychotherapy, as well as patient-oriented teaching. In the University Outpatient Clinic Ute Windauer will join our therapy team as a behavioural therapy-oriented child and adolescent psychotherapist. Nicoletta Maderer will support the teaching as student assistant. A warm welcome!

01/12/2022 - Prof. Kolar joins the editorial board of the International Journal of Eating Disorders

With immediate effect, Prof. Kolar becomes a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Eating Disorders (IJED). IJED is the world leading journal for research in the field of eating disorders. In recent years the journal has been highly committed to Open Science principles leading to a high amount of freely available articles and the possibility to submit registered reports.

25/10/2022 - New research project "Food Insecurity"

Together with the research group of Prof. Erin Reilly at Hofstra University, New York, USA, we are starting a new research project to investigate the impact of food insecurity (i.e. lack of availability of food or financial resources for food) on eating behaviour among students. Special about the study is that the data are being collected simultaneously in the US, Germany, UK, Iran and Colombia, among other countries. In the meantime the ethic application for the research project has been submitted in Regensburg and we hope to be able to start collecting data soon. The project is supported by the students Judith H?cherl and Laura Woller.

15/10/2022 - We welcome Silvia Schnorrer and Miriam Witte

We are pleased to announce that as of 01/10/2022 our administrative office will be staffed again. Silvia Schnorrer is a great support for the department and will be the contact person for enquiries regarding teaching and administration of the professorship in the future.
We also welcome Miriam Witte to our team. Miriam Witte supports the team as a research assistant in the experimental laboratory.

22/9/2022 - New preprint "Pathways between child maltreatment, psychological?symptoms, and life satisfaction: a network analysis in adolescent inpatients".

A new preprint has been published from the research group. In the study, Prof. Kolar and colleagues from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, the Università Campania L. Vanvitelli and the Università di Salerno, both in Italy, use network analyses to investigate how traumatic childhood experiences are related to life satisfaction in adolescents before and after inpatient psychotherapeutic treatment. The preprint is available for free at?https://psyarxiv.com/enpk6/.

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy


Institut for Psychology

Prof. Dr. David Kolar

Universit?tsstr. 31

93053 Regensburg

Phone: +49 941 943 7601

E-Mail: sekretariat.kolar@uni-regensburg.de