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Patrick Beer M.A.

Room PT 4.1.04

Phone (+49) 941 943-3824

E-Mail patrick.beer@ur.de

Office hours:?Wednesday, 2 to 3 p.m.


Coordination Leadership for Change

Sedanstra?e 1, Zi. 005


The relationships between professional development, new technologies and changes at work (Doctoral thesis)

My doctoral thesis focuses on the empirical effects of technology and digitization on the work and performance of finance experts and professional financial organizations. Given the dynamics and complexity of recent technological advances, this research has implications for professional development, vocational education and training, and society as a whole.

Further research interests:

  • Methodologies for measuring change
  • Individual changeability and motivation to change
  • HRD measures to foster professional development


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Beer, P., & Mulder, R. H. (2020). The Effects of Technological Developments on Work and Their Implications for Continuous Vocational Education and Training: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 918. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00918

Chapters in (peer-reviewed) Books

Mulder, R. H., Beer, P., Schierl, K., & Bornhaupt, L. R. (2022). M?glichkeiten für Professional Development durch die Ver?nderung von Arbeit als Folge technologischer Entwicklungen im Gesundheitswesen. In U. Weyland, & K. Reiber (Eds.), Professionalisierung der Gesundheitsberufe. Beiheft 33 für die Zeitschrift für Berufs‐ und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik (pp. 151-181). Franz Steiner Verlag.

Mulder,?R.?H., & Beer,?P. (2020). The Effects of New Technologies at Work on Work Outcomes and the Implications for Human Resource Development. In M. Loon, J. Stewart, & S. Nachmias (Eds.), The Future of HRD. Volume I: Innovation and Technology (pp.?13–51). London: Palgrave Macmillan.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52410-4_2" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52410-4_2

Mulder, R. H., Beer, P., & Bornhaupt, L. R. (2023). The effects of technology on work characteristics and professional development in different domains. Working paper for the UFHRD 2023 conference

Conference Presentations

Beer, P. (2023, August). The Relationships between Job Insecurity and Informal Learning in Finance – A survey study. Paper presentation at the 20th EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Thessaloniki (Greece)

Beer, P. (2022, August). Exploring the Links between Professional Development, New Technologies, and Change at Work – An Exploratory Interview Study in the Financial Sector. Paper presentation at the 11th EARLI SIG14 Conference. Paderborn (Germany)

Beer, P. (2021, August). The Impact of Technology on Work Characteristics and Professional Development. Paper presentation at the 19th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Online conference organised from Gothenburg (Sweden)


since January 2024

Part-time project assistant in the international research project SOSNetLab in cooperation with UC San Diego

since October 2022

Representative of the non-professorial teaching and research staff in the executive board of the Department for Educational Science

since April 2021

Coordinator for the part-time continuing education master's program Leadership for Change (M.A.)

  • Support in the development of the study program under the direction of Prof. Dr. Regina H. Mulder
  • General operational implementation and quality assurance
  • Management of an e-portfolio tool for the implementation of the program

since January 2019

Research and teaching assistant at the Chair for Educational Science II (Prof. Dr. Regina H. Mulder)

  • Teaching in the Bachelor Program Educational Science
  • Support of research and everyday activities at the chair?