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Conflict Management & Anti-Discrimination

According to its mission statement, the University of Regensburg places great importance on respecting and upholding the personal rights of its members. With the following action guidelines, the university aims to explain the necessary principles crucial to the prevention of potential violations. Furthermore, the goal is to provide solutions for breaches and conflicts in cases of discrimination, bullying, cyberbullying, and stalking.?

Guidelines for Dealing with Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Conflicts at the
University of Regensburg

Sexual Harassment and Sexualized Violence

Sexual harassment or the perpetration of sexualized violence begins when communicated boundaries are crossed (see §3 par. 4 AGG). These violations of human dignity protected by the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (Art. 1 and 3 GG) will not be tolerated by the University of Regensburg.?

The understanding of sexual harassment and sexualized violence is guided by the legal perspective of the German Equal Treatment Act (AGG), which categorizes sexual harassment as discrimination in §3 par. 4. Please consult the university’s Anti-Discrimination Point?for the extended definition.?

The principles for protection against sexual harassment and sexualized violence at the University of Regensburg were adopted on June 26, 2023, in accordance with Article 25 para. 1 of the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG).

In accordance with Article 22 of the BayHIG, the University’s Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts are responsible for preventing disadvantages for female scientists, artists, teachers, and students. Disadvantages may arise from discrimination and sexual harassment among other factors.?

The university expects respectful interactions between all members on campus without any exceptions and, therefore, strongly opposes sexual discrimination, harassment, and violence. It acts in support of those whose personal boundaries are violated and who are subjected to verbal or physical harassment or attacks.?

The Anti-Discrimination Point at the University of Regensburg, as well as the respective contact person for sexual harassment and sexualized violence, is the primary point of contact for affected individuals. Women who are affected are also supported by the Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts at the university and within their respective faculties.?

It must be prevented that affected women choose not to speak about their experiences for fear of negative effects on their studies or careers. For each incident, the facts must be clarified and the consequences initiated. Therefore, we operate in the following three areas:?

  • Prevention and critical engagement
  • Counseling and support services?
  • Action guidelines, accessible information, and public relations engagement

Prevention and critical engagement as part of gender equality work include:?

Public Lectures and Events with External Partners:?

  • July 14 and July 21, 2023, 9-11 am (in person)?

Two?workshops offered for UR’s Faculty Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts on the topic of “Counseling in Cases of Sexual Harassment and Sexualized Violence” in cooperation with Dr. Birgit Bockschweiger (Anti-Discrimination Point) and Simone Seitz (Frauennotruf Regensburg e. V. / Women’s Helpline Regensburg)

Please find more events and offerings from the university’s Anti-Discrimination Point here.?

  • December 15, 2022, 6 pm (online)

Online lecture by Dr. Lisa Mense: “Between Taboo and Scandalization: Dealing with Sexism and Sexual Harassment at Universities”

  • March 9, 2022, 1 pm (online), International Women’s Day 2022 at the University of Regensburg?

Online lecture by Michaela Spandau: “Sexualized Harassment, Discrimination and Violence in Higher Education. What is the Legal Perspective?”

  • March 12, 2021 (7 pm), International Women’s Day 2022 at the University of Regensburg?

Book reading with Christina Clemm: “File Inspection. Stories of Women”.?

Training in Self-assertion and Self-defense:?

  • Krav Maga workshops for members of the University of Regensburg

Next workshop in the winter term 2023/24, date TBD (please also check the newsletter)

Counseling and Support Services for Women:?

Guidance, Information, and Public Relations

Please see the German website for further details ...

  1. University of Regensburg
  2. Equal Opportunities Coordination Office

Equal Opportunities
