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Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts & Coordination Office

University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts and Her Deputies

University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts since May 2024

Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin

Contact Details

Professor of "Dynamiken virtueller Kommunikationsr?ume" at the?Department for Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies?

phone +49 941 943 68521

Homepage?at her department...

Deputy University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts

Prof. Dr. Miriam Banas

Contact Details

Universit?tsklinikum / Fakult?t für Medizin
Abteilung für Nephrologie

phone +49 941 944-7301
e-mail miriam.banas@ukr.de

Homepage of her department?...

University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts until may 2024

Prof. Dr. Isabella von Treskow

Contact Details

Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
Institut für Romanistik
Lehrstuhl für Romanische Philologie I

Building PT, Room 3.3.18
phone +49 941 943-3373
e-mail isabella.von-treskow@ur.de

Homepage of?Lehrstuhl?für Romanische Philologie I

Faculty Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts

The names and contact details of all Faculty Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts can be found here on the German-language website ...

Mission and Responsibilities

According to Article 4, Para. 1, Clause 1 BayHSchG, in exercising their function, universities promote the actual implementation of gender equality and consider this a guiding principle; they work towards eliminating existing disadvantages. The Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts, according to Article 4, Para. 2 BayHSchG, strive to eliminate disadvantages to female researchers, lecturers, and students; they support the university in exercising its function as outlined in Para. 1.

Pursuant to Section 54, Para.1, Clause 1 of the University of Regensburg's statute, the University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts and her deputies are elected by the senate upon the president's recommendation to a four-semester term of office. Full-time arts and science personnel at the University of Regensburg are eligible for this position. She is a voting member of both the governing board and the senate. Furthermore, she has an advisory function on UR's executive board.?

The Faculty Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts endeavour to enhance equal opportunities and to increase the compatibility of family and career or studies. Pursuant to Section 54, Para. 1, Clause 1 of the University of Regensburg's statute, they are elected by the faculty board upon the dean's recommendation from among UR's full-time arts and science personnel. According to Section 55, Para. 2 of the statute, the Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts elected by their respective faculty is a voting member of the faculty board and in appointment procedures.?

To access the complete?Bavarian?Higher Education Act (BayHSchG) and the UR statute, please click here ...

The Conference of the Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts

At the?Conference of Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts, the Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts meet twice a semester to share information, experiences, and suggestions across faculties. This forum also allows for cross-faculty cooperation, which is indispensable for working successfully in the complex area of equal opportunities and family.

To access the?Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts Conference charter, please click here (pdf file, 240 KB, German-language) ...

Equal Opportunities Coordination Office

The Equal Opportunities Coordination Office is made up of University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts employees.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns relating to equal opportunities and diversity.

Names and contact details of the employees can be found here on the German-language website ...

Timeline of University Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts

The office of the University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts?was introduced into the 1989 Bavarian?Higher Education Act and was thereupon added to the 1989 University of Regensburg's statute.?

In the summer semester of 1989, the first University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts was named in UR's course catalogue. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all female researchers who have served in this office with such extraordinary commitment since its inception!

Click here to access an overview of the University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts since the summer semester of 1989?(pdf file, 85 KB, as of?7/2021).

Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts at other Universities

  1. University of Regensburg
  2. Equal Opportunities Coordination Office

Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts


Equal Opportunities Coordination Office


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