From the pixelated landscapes of early arcade games to the detailed metropolises of modern city builders, video games have long been intertwined with urban settings. Players' engagements with these settings encompass diverse interactions, including the development and transformation of virtual cities, immersive exploration of their intricacies, or deliberate acts of their destruction.
In this talk, I examine Donut County (Esposito, 2018), a video game in which players control an ever-growing hole in the ground, intending to swallow everything and everyone within a fictional rendition of Los Angeles....
Professor Timothy Nunan (Transregional Cultures of Knowledge) will be hosting Professor Kelly Hammond from the University of Arkansas for a series of events on “The Politics and History of Islam in East Asia.” Professor Hammond will deliver a lecture on her current work from 10:00-12:00 c.t. on April 25, 2024, in Lecture Hall H23 followed by a brown bag lunch discussion in Raum SG214 at from 12:00-14:00 c.t.....
10am-12pm, 25 April 2024 | H23, University of Regensburg
12-2pm, 25 April 2024 | SG214, University of Regensburg
The meeting of the Forschungs- und Kooperationsnetzwerk Lateinamerika in Bayern (LATinBAY, Research and Cooperation Network Latin America in Bavaria) will take place at the University of Regensburg on April 11th 2024 from 10:30-5:30 pm!...
10:30am, 11 April 2024 | H 19, University of Regensburg
An international symposium “Videogames as Folk Worlds: Nationalism – Democracy – Sustainability” will be held on April 11th-12th in Room 319 of the Altes Finanzamt....