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Bachelor courses

1st academic year

53 005 Laboratory course: "Chemie w?ssriger L?sungen"
8-st., Tue-Fri 14-18,
Introduction: 17.10.2011?
53 006 Tutorial:?"Chemie w?ssriger L?sungen"
2-st., Mon, 10-11, H44; Thu 11-12, H44; Fri 10-12, H44;
first half of semester
Starts: Thu, 20.10.2011

3rd academic year

53 600 Reading:?Inorganic Chemistry IV (metal organic chemistry)
2-st., Thu. 8-10, H 46
Starts: Thu, 20.10.2011
Also for students who pursue teaching certification


53 110

Reading:?Molecular chemistry I

2-st., Thu 10-12, H46
Starts: Thu, 20.10.2011?
Also for students who pursue teaching certification

53 113 Reading:?"Untersuchungsmethoden der Anorganischen Chemie"
4-st., block course
Starts: Mon, 10.10.2011, 9.00, H46
53 155 lab course?"Pr?paratives Kurspraktikum der Anorganischen Chemie"
Starts: 17.10.2011
53 156 Tutorial: " Pr?paratives Kurspraktikum der Anorganischen Chemie"
2-st., Thu 17-19, H46
Starts: 03.11.2011
53 185

Laboratory project

53 199 Methods and research practices "Methodenkurs"
53 200 Seminar des Instituts für Anorganische Chemie für wiss. Mitarbeiter und Fortgeschrittene
2-st., Thu 17-19, H46
53 201 Work Group Seminar
2-st., Tue 9-11, Room 13.3.12A


Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Manfred Scheer 


Mrs. Mina Pesé
Tel. +49 (0) 941 943-4440
Fax. +49 (0) 941 943-4439
