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Publications and Patents



Yersin H. (Editor)
Highly Efficient OLEDs with Phosphorescent Materials
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim?2008 ???
Chapter 1, Full Text (PDF)




Yersin H. (Editor)
Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds. Excited States,
Transitions, and Interactions, Volume III, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Top. Curr. Chem.




Yersin H. (Editor)
Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds. Excited States,
Transitions, and Interactions, Volume II, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Top. Curr. Chem.




Yersin H. (Editor)
Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds. Excited States,
Transitions, and Interactions, Volume I, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Top. Curr. Chem.




Yersin H. (Editor)
Electronic and vibronic spectra of transition metal complexes, Volume II
Springer-Verlag, Berlin?
Top. Curr. Chem.
?191?(1997) ????Abstract




Yersin H. (Editor)
Electronic and vibronic spectra of transition metal complexes, Volume I,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Top. Curr. Chem.




Yersin H. and Vogler A.
Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1987)


22. Czerwieniec R., Leitl M. J., Homeier H: H. H.,?Yersin H.?
????????Cu(I)?complexes - Thermally activated delayed fluorescence. Photophysical
??????? Approach and material design
???????Coord. Chem. Rev. 325, 2-28 (2016)

21.?Leitl M. J., Zink D. M., Schinabeck A., Baumann T., Volz D., Yersin H?
??????? Copper(I) Complexex for Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence: From
??????? Photophysical to Device Properties?
???????Top. Curr. Chem. 374,?1-34 (2016)

20. Yersin H., Czerwieniec R., Hupfer A.
??????? Singlet harvesting with brightly emitting Cu(I) and metal-free organic
??????? compounds?
???????Proc. SPIE 8435, 843508 (2012) Full Text (PDF)

19. Yersin H., Rausch A. F., Czerwieniec R.
?????? Organometallic emitters for OLEDs. Triplet harvesting, singlet harvesting,
?????? case studies, and trends?in: Physics of Organic Semiconductors, Brütting W.,
?????? Adachi Ch.
?????? Wiley-VCH, p. 371 (2012) Full Text (PDF)

18. Yersin H., Rausch A. F., Czerwieniec R., Hofbeck T., Fischer T.
?????? The triplet state of organo-transition metal compounds.
?????? Triplet harvesting and singlet harvesting for efficient OLEDs
?????? Coord. Chem. Rev. 255, 2622 (2011) ?? Full Text (PDF)

17. Rausch A. F., Homeier H. H. H., Yersin H.?
??????Organometallic Pt(II) and Ir(III) triplet emitter for OLED applications and the
????? role of?spin-orbit coupling - A study based on high-resolution optical
????? spectroscopy?
??????Top. Organomet. Chem. 29, 193 (2010) ?? Full Text (PDF)

16. Yersin H., Finkenzeller W. J.
?????? Triplet emitters for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: Basic properties
?????? in: Highly Efficient OLEDs with Phosphorescent Materials
?????? Yersin H., ed.; Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2008, pp. 1-97. ? Full Text (PDF)

15. Rausch A. F., Homeier H. H. H., Djurovich P. I., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.
?????? Spin-orbit coupling routes and OLED performance - Studies of blue
?????? light emitting Ir(III) and Pt(II) complexes
?????? in: Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XI, eds. Z. H. Kafafi, F.So,
?????? Proceedings of SPIE, 6655, 66550F (2007) ?? Full Text (PDF)?

14. Yersin H.
?????? Organometallic triplet emitters for OLED applications. Spin-dependent
???????exciton trapping and triplet harvesting
?????? Proceedings Displays and Vacuum Electronics,
???????Information Technology Society of VDE,
Vol 183, 287 (2004)??? Full Text (PDF)

13. Yersin H.
?????? Triplet emitters for OLED applications. Mechanisms of exciton trapping and
?????? control?of emission properties in: Transition Metal and Rare Earth
?????? Compounds. Excited States, Transitions, and Interactions, Vol. II?

??????Top. Curr. Chem. 241, 1 (2004) ??? Full Text (PDF)

12. Yersin H.
?????? Organometallic triplet emitters for OLED applications: Controlling of Emission
?????? properties?by chemical variation.
?????? Proceedings of SPIE, 5214, 124 (2003)??? Full Text (PDF)?

11. Yersin H., Kratzer C.
?????? Energy transfer and harvesting in [Ru1-xOsx(bpy)3](PF6)2 and
?????? {Λ-[Ru(bpy)3] Δ-[Os(bpy)3]}(PF6)4
?????? Coord. Chem. Rev. 229, 75 (2002)??? Full Text (PDF)

10. Yersin H., Donges D.
?????? Low-lying electronic states and photophysical properties of organometallic
?????? P(II)?and Pt(II) compounds. Modern research trends presented in detailed case
?????? studies?in: Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds. Excited States,
?????? Transitions and?Interactions, Vol II Springer-Verlag Berlin,ed. Yersin H.,
???????Top. Curr. Chem.,
214, 81 (2001)??? Full Text (PDF)?

9. Yersin H., Strasser J.
????Triplets in metal-organic compounds. Chemical tunability of Relaxation
????Coord. Chem. Rev. 208, 331 (2000)??? Full Text (PDF)

8. Yersin H., Humbs W., Strasser J.
????Characterization of excited electronic and vibronic states of platinum metal
????compounds?with chelate ligands by highly frequency-resolved and time
????resolved spectra?
????in: Electronic and vibronic spectra of transition metal complexes,?
????Vol. II Springer-Verlag Berlin, ed. Yersin H.,?
????Top. Curr. Chem.
191, 153 (1997)???Full Text (PDF)?

7. Yersin H., Humbs W., Strasser J.
????Low-lying electronic states of [Rh(bpy)3]3+, [Pt(bpy)2]2+, and [Ru(bpy)3]2+.
????A comparative study based on highly resolved and time-resolved spectra.
????Coord. Chem. Rev. 159, 325 (1997) Full Text (PDF)

6. Yersin H., Huber P., Wiedenhofer H.
????Vibrational satellite structures and properties of electronic states of Transition
????metal complexes
????Coord. Chem. Rev. 132, 35 (1994) ?? Full Text (PDF)

5. Yersin H., Braun D.
????Localization in excited states of molecules. Application to [Ru(bpy)3]2+
????Coord. Chem. Rev. 111, 39 (1991) Full Text (PDF)

4. Yersin H., Braun D., Hensler G., Gallhuber E.
????Electronic and vibronic structures of neat single-crystal [Ru(bpy)3](PF6)2 and?
????of [Os(bpy)3]2+ in [Ru(bpy)3](PF6)2 in:?
????Vibronic Processes in Inorganic Chemistry, ed. C. D.Flint,?
????Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht
, 195 (1989) Publisher?

3. Gliemann G., Yersin H.
????Spectroscopic properties of the quasi-one-dimensional tetracyanoplatinate(II)
??? compounds
????Structure and Bonding (Springer) 62, 87 (1985)

2. Holzapfel W., Yersin H., Gliemann G.
????The structures of the tetracyanoplatinates, a class of quasi-one-dimensional
????Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 157, 47 (1981)

1. Yersin H., Gliemann G.
????Spectroscopic studies of Mx[Pt(CN)4]·yH2O
????Synthesis and Properties of Low Dimensional Materials, eds. J. S. Miller, A.
??? Epstein,?
????Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
313, 539 (1978)



Czerwienienic R., Leitl M. J., Homeier H. H. H.,?Yersin H.
Cu(I) complexes - Thermally activated delayed fluorescence. Photophysical approach and material design
Coord. Chem. Rev. 2016, 325 , 2-28

Hofbeck T., Lam Y.-C., Kalbác M., Zális S., Vlcek A. Jr., Yersin H.

Thermally Tunable Dual Emission of the d8-d8 Dimer [Pt2(m-P2O5(BF2)2)4]4-

Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 2441-2449

Leitl M. J., Zink D. M., Schinabeck A., Baumann T., Volz D., Yersin H.
Copper(I) Complexes for Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence: From Photophysical to Device Properties

Top. Curr. Chem. 2016, 374 , 1-34


Hofbeck T., Monkowius U., Yersin H.

Highly Efficient Luminescence of Cu(I) Compounds: Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Combined with Short-Lived Phosphorescence

J. Am. Chem. Soc.?2015,?137, 399-404

St?ter M., Biersack B., Rosenfeldt S., Leitl M. J., Kalo H., Schobert R., Yersin H.,

Ozin G. A., F?rster S., Breu J.

Encapsulation of Functional Organic Compounds in Nanoglass for Optically Anisotropic Coatings

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2015,?54, 4963-4967

St?ter M., Biersack B., Rosenfeldt S., Leitl M. J., Kalo H., Schobert R., Yersin H.,

Ozin G. A., F?rster S., Breu J.

Nanoglas-Verkapselung funktionaler organischer Verbindungen für optisch anisotrope Beschichtungen

Angew. Chem.?2015,?127, 5047-5051

Kunz D. A., Leitl M. J., Schade L., Schmid J., Bojer B., Schwarz U. T.,

Ozin G. A., Yersin H., Breu J.

Quasi‐epitaxial Growth of [Ru(bpy)3]2+?by Confinement in Clay Nanoplatelets Yields Polarized Emission

Small?2015,?11, 792-796

Niehaus T. A., Hofbeck T., Yersin H.

Charge-transfer excited states in phosphorescent organo-transition metal compounds: a difficult case for time dependent density functional theory?

RSC Advances 2015, 5, 53318-53329.

Gneu? T., Leitl M. J., Yersin H., Sundermeyer J.

A New Class of Deep Blue Emitting Cationic Cu(I) Complexes with a Tripodal Ligand – Effects of Counter Ions on the Emission Behavior

Dalton Trans.?2015,?DOI:?10.1039/C5DT03473F

Maderlehner S., Leitl M. J., Yersin H., Pfitzner A.
Halocuprate(I) Zigzag Chain Structures with N-Methylated DABCO Cations – Bright Metal-Centered Luminescence and Thermally Activated Color Shifts

Dalton Trans.?2015, DOI 10.1039/C5DT02709H

Czerwieniec R., Yersin H.

Diversity of Copper(I) Complexes Showing Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence: Basic Photophysical Analysis

Inorg. Chem.?2015,?54, 4322-4327

Czerwieniec R., El-Naggar A. M., Albassam A. A., Kityk I. V., Graf M., Yersin H.

Electric-field induced nonlinear optical materials based on a bipolar copper(I) complex embedded in polymer matrices

J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron.?2015, 1-4

Hofbeck T., Yersin H.

Investigations of emission quantum yields of blue, green, and red emitting organo-metallic complexes in a wide temperature range

Hamamatsu News?2015,?1, 12-13

Gneu? T., Leitl M. J., Finger L. H., Rau N., Yersin H., Sundermeyer J.

A new class of luminescent Cu(I) complexes with tripodal ligands–TADF emitters for the yellow to red color range

Dalton Trans.?2015,?44, 8506-8520


Leitl M. J., Krylova V. A., Djurovich P. I., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Phosphorescence versus Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence. Controlling Singlet–Triplet Splitting in Brightly Emitting and Sublimable Cu(I) Compounds

J. Am. Chem. Soc.?2014,?136, 16032-16038

Prokhorov A. M., Hofbeck T., Czerwieniec R., Suleymanova A. F., Kozhevnikov D. N., Yersin H.

Brightly Luminescent Pt(II) Pincer Complexes with a Sterically Demanding Carboranyl-Phenylpyridine Ligand: A New Material Class for Diverse Optoelectronic Applications

J. Am. Chem. Soc.?2014,?136, 9637-9642

Hofbeck T., Monkowius U., Yersin H.

Highly efficient luminescence of Cu(I) compounds–TADF combined with short-lived phosphorescence

J. Am. Chem. Soc.?2014,?137, 399

Yersin H., Leitl M. J., Czerwieniec R.

TADF for singlet harvesting: next generation OLED materials based on brightly green and blue emitting Cu(I) and Ag(I) compounds

Proc. SPIE?2014,?9183,?91830N-91830N-11

Linfoot C. L., Leitl M. J., Richardson P., Rausch A. F., Chepelin O., White F. J., Yersin H., Robertson N.

Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) and Enhancing Photoluminescence Quantum Yields of [Cu(I)(diimine)(diphosphine)]+Complexes?Photophysical, Structural, and Computational Studies

Inorg. Chem.?2014,?53, 10854-10861


Bossi A., Rausch A. F., Leitl M. J., Czerwieniec R., Whited M. T., Djurovich P. I., Yersin H., Thompson M. E.

Photophysical Properties of Cyclometalated Pt(II) Complexes: Counterintuitive Blue Shift in Emission with an Expanded Ligand?π?System

Inorg. Chem.?2013,?52, 12403-12415 ??Full Text (PDF)

Zink D. M., Volz D., Bergmann L., Nieger M., Br?se S., Yersin H., Baumann T.

Novel oligonuclear copper complexes featuring exciting luminescent characteristics

Proc. SPIE?2013,?8829, 882907

Leitl M. J., Küchle F.-R., Mayer H. A., Wesemann L., Yersin H.

Brightly Blue and Green Emitting Cu(I) Dimers for Singlet Harvesting in OLEDs

J. Phys. Chem.?A?2013,?117, 11823-11836???Full Text (PDF)

Czerwieniec R., Kowalski K., Yersin H.

Highly efficient thermally activated fluorescence of a new rigid Cu(I) complex [Cu(dmp)phanephos)]+

Dalton Trans.?2013,42, 9826 ??Full Text (PDF)

Bojan R. V., Czerwieniec R., Laguna A., Lasanta T., López-de-Luzuriaga J. M., Monge M., Olmos M. E., Hartmut Y.

Luminescent gold-silver complexes derived from neutral bis(perfluoroaryl)diphosphine gold(I) precursors

Dalton Trans.?2013,?42, 4267???Full Text (PDF)

Zink D. M., B?chle M., Bauman T., Nieger M., Kühn M., Wang C., Klopper W., Monkowius U., Hofbeck T., Yersin H., Br?se S.

Synthesis, structure, and characterization of dinuclear copper(I) halide complexes bearing N^P ligands featuring exciting photoluminescence characteristics

Inorg. Chem.?2013,?52, 2292???Full Text (PDF)


Yersin H., Braun D., Hensler G., Gallhuber E.

Single-crystal [Ru(bpy)3](PFe)2?and doped [Os(bpy)3]2

Vibronic Processes in Inorganic Chemistry?2012,?288, 195

Zink D. M., Ba?chle M., Baumann T., Nieger M., Ku?hn M., Wang C., Klopper W., Monkowius U., Hofbeck T., Yersin H., Bra?se S.

Synthesis, structure, and characterization of dinuclear copper(I) halide complexes with P^ N ligands featuring exciting photoluminescence properties

Inorg. Chem.?2012,?52, 2292-2305

Yersin H., Czerwieniec R., Hupfer A.

Singlet harvesting with brightly emitting Cu(I) and metal-free organic compounds

Proc. SPIE?2012,?8435,?843508???Full Text (PDF)

Yersin H., Rausch A. F., Czerwieniec R.

Organometallic emitters for OLEDs. Triplet harvesting, singlet harvesting, case structures, and trends

in: Physics of Organic Semiconductors, Brütting W., Adachi Ch.

Wiley-VCH?2012, 371-424???Full Text (PDF)


Rausch A. F., Murphy L., WilliamsJ.?A. G., Yersin H.

Improving the performance of Pt(II) complexes for blue light emission by enhancing the molecular rigidity

Inorg. Chem.?2011,?51, 312-319

Czerwieniec R., Yu J., Yersin H.

Correction to blue-light emission of Cu(I) complexes and singlet harvesting

Inorg. Chem.?2012,?51, 1975???Full Text (PDF)

Yersin H., Rausch A. F., Czerwieniec R., Hofbeck T., Fischer T.

The triplet state of organo-transition metal compounds. Triplet harvesting and singlet harvesting for efficient OLEDs

Coord. Chem. Rev.?2011,?255, 2622-2652

Czerwieniec R., Yu J., Yersin H.

Blue-light emission of Cu(I) complexes and singlet harvesting

Inorg. Chem.?2011,?50, 8293-8301

Pevny F., Zabel M., Winter R. F., Rausch A. F., Yersin H., Tuczek F., Záli? S.

Improvement of (bipy)Pt(XR)2?(X= O, S) type photosensitizers by covalent dye attachment

Chem. Comm.?2011,?47, 6302-6304

Xu G., Luo Q., Eibauer S., Rausch A. F., Stempfhuber S., Zabel M., Yersin H., Reiser O.

Palladium(II)-and Platinium(II)phenyl-2,6-bis(oxazole) pincer complexes: Syntheses, crystal structures, and photophysical properties

Dalton Trans.?2011,?40, 8800-8806


Hofbeck T., Yersin H.

The triplet state of fac-Ir(ppy)3

Inorg. Chem.?2010,?49, 9290-9299

Rausch A. F., Monkowius U., Zabel M., Yersin H.

Bright sky-blue phosphorescence of [n-Bu4N][Pt (4, 6-dFppy)(CN)2]: synthesis, crystal structure, and detailed photophysical studies

Inorg. Chem.?2010,?49, 7818-7825

Czerwieniec R., Hofbeck T., Crespo O., Laguna A., Gimeno M. C., Yersin H.

The Lowest Excited State of Brightly Emitting Gold(I) Triphosphine Complexes

Inorg. Chem.?2010,?49, 3764-3767

Fischer T., Czerwieniec R., Hofbeck T., Osminina M. M., Yersin H.

Triplet state properties of a red light emitting [Pt(s-thpy)(acac)] compound

Chem. Phys. Lett.?2010,?486, 53-59

Rausch A. F., Yersin H.

Magnetic field effects on the phosphorescence of Pt(4,6-dFppy)(acac)–Tunability of the vibrational satellite structure

Chem. Phys. Lett.?2010,?484, 261-265

Che C. M., Kwok C. C., Lai S. W., Rausch A. F., Finkenzeller W. J., Zhu N., Yersin H.

Photophysical properties and OLED applications of phosphorescent Platinium(II) Schiff base complexes

Chem. Eur. J.?2010,?16, 233-247

Rausch A. F., Homeier H. H. H., Yersin H.

Organometallic Pt(II) and Ir(III) Triplet Emitters for OLED Applications and the Role of Spin–Orbit Coupling: A Study Based on High-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy

in: Photophysics of Organometallics, Springer Verlag?2010, 193-235


Monkowius U., Zabel M., Fleck M., Yersin H.

Gold(I) Complexes Bearing P∩ N-Ligands: An Unprecedented Twelve-membered Ring Structure Stabilized by Aurophilic Interactions

Z. Naturforsch. B?2009,?64, 1513-1524

Rausch A. F., Murphy L., Williams J. A. G., Yersin H.

Probing the Excited State Properties of the Highly Phosphorescent Pt(dpyb)Cl Compound by High-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy

Inorg. Chem.?2009,?48, 11407-11414

Mak C. S. K., Pentlehner D., Stich M., Wolfbeis O. S., Chan W. K., Yersin H.

Exceptional oxygen sensing capabilities and triplet state properties of Ir(ppy-NPh2)3

Chem. Mater.?2009,?21, 2173-2175

Rausch A. F., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Blue light emitting Ir(III) compounds for OLEDs-new insights into ancillary ligand effects on the emitting triplet state

J. Phys. Chem. A?2009,?113, 5927-5932

Kozhevnikov D. N., Kozhevnikov V. N., Ustinova M. M., Santoro A., Bruce D. W., Koenig B., Czerwieniec R., Fischer T., Zabel M., Yersin H.

Synthesis of cyclometallated platinum complexes with substituted thienylpyridines and detailed characterization of their luminescence properties

Inorg. Chem.?2009,?48, 4179-4189

Monkowius U., Zabel M., Yersin H.

μ-Bis(diphenylarsino)methane-κ2As: As′-bis[chloridogold(I)]

Acta Cryst. Section E: Structure Reports Online?2009,?65, 281-281

Rausch A. F., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Matrix effects on the triplet state of the OLED emitter Ir(4,6-dFppy)2(pic)(Firpic): investigations by high-resolution optical spectroscopy

Inorg. Chem.?2009,?48, 1928-1937

Czerwieniec R., Finkenzeller W. J., Hofbeck T., Starukhin A., Wedel A., Yersin H.

Photophysical properties of Re(pbt)(CO)4?studied by high resolution spectroscopy

Chem. Phys. Lett.?2009,?468, 205-210

Rausch A. F., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Triplet state relaxation processes of the OLED emitter Pt(4,6-dFppy)(acac)

Chem. Phys. Lett.?2009,?468, 46-51

Rausch A. F., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Matrix Effects on the Triplet State of the Organic Light Emitting Diode Emitter Ir(4,6-dFppy)2?(pic)(FIrpic): Investigations by High-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy

Inorg. Chem.?2009

Monkowius U., Zabel M., Yersin H.

μ-Bis(diphenylarsino)methane-κ? As: As'-bis[chlorodigold(I)]

Acta Cryst. Section E?2009,?65, 281

Kozhevnikov V. N., Kozhevnikov D. N., Ustinova M. M., Bruce D. W., Koenig B., Czerwieniec R., Fischer T., Yersin H.

Synthesis and luminescence properties of cyclometallated platinum complexes with substituted thienylpyridines

Inorg. Chem.?2009,?48, 4179-4189


Bauer R., Finkenzeller W. J., Bogner U., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Matrix influence on the OLED emitter Ir(btp)2(acac) in polymeric host materials–Studies by persistent spectral hole burning

Org. Electron.?2008,?9, 641-648

Monkowius U., Zabel M., Yersin H.

Unprecedented coordination chemistry of a chloro(phosphine)gold(I) complex:[(Ad2BnP)2?Au][AuCl2]

Inorg. Chem. Commun.?2008,?11, 409-412

Pentlehner D., Grau I., Yersin H.

Triplet state properties of [Os(phen)2(dppene)]2+?in different host materials and host to guest energy transfer in PVK

Chem. Phys. Lett.?2008,?455, 72-78


Monkowius U., Svartsov Y. N., Fischer T., Zabel M., Yersin H.

Synthesis, crystal structures, and electronic spectra of (1,8-naphthyridine)Re(I)(CO)3Cl and [(1,8-naphthyridine)Cu(I)(DPEPhos)]PF6

Inorg. Chem. Commun.?2007,?10, 1473-1477

Monkowius U., Ritter S., K?nig B., Yersin H., Zabel M.

{Bis [2-(diphenylphosphanyl) phenyl]ether-2P, P'}(1,1'-dibenzyl-1H,1'H-4,4'bi-1,2,3-triazole-2N3, N3?)Cu(I)hexafluoridophosphate dichloromethane hemisolvate

Acta Cryst. Section E: Structure Reports Online?2007,?64, 195

Monkowius U., Ritter S., K?nig B., Zabel M., Yersin H.

Synthesis, Characterisation and Ligand Properties of Novel Bi‐1,2,3‐triazole Ligands

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2007,?29, 4597-4606

Rausch A. F., Homeier H. H. H., Djurovich P. I., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Spin-orbit coupling routes and OLED performance: studies of blue-light emitting Ir(III) and Pt(II) complexes

Proc. SPIE?2007, Photonic Devices+ Applications, 66550F-66550F-16

Fischer T., Zabel M., Yersin H., Monkowius U.

Bis (4,4′-di-tert-butyl-2,2′-bipyridine-κ2N,N′)silver(I)trifluoromethanesulfonate

Acta Cryst. Section E: Structure Reports Online?2007,?63, 2364

Finkenzeller W. J., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Phosphorescence dynamics and spin-lattice relaxation of the OLED emitter Ir(btp)2(acac)

Chem. Phys. Lett.?2007,?444, 273-279

Finkenzeller W. J., Hofbeck T., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Triplet state properties of the OLED emitter Ir(btp)2(acac): characterization by site-selective spectroscopy and application of high magnetic fields

Inorg. Chem.?2007,?46, 5076-5083

Che C. M., Kwok C. C., Lai S. W., Finkenzeller W., Rausch A., Yersin H., Zhu N.

Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and OLED Applications of Luminescent Platinum(II) Schiff Base Emitters

The First Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Okazaki, Japan, 29 July-2 Aug?2007

Rausch A. F., Homeier H. H. H., Djurovich P. I., Thompson M. E., Yersin H.

Spin-orbit coupling routes and OLED performance: studies of blue-light emitting Ir(III) and Pt(II) complexes (Invited Paper)

Proc. SPIE?2007,?6655, 11


Tanner P. A., Zhou X., Wong W. T., Kratzer C., Yersin H.

Structure and Spectroscopy of Tb[Au(CN)2]3.3H2O

J. Phys. Chem. B?2006,?110, 21386-21386??Full Text (PDF)

and J. Phys. Chem. B?2005,?109, 13082-13090 ?Full Text (PDF)

Kruk N. N., Starukhin A., Knyukshto V. N., Yersin H.

Phosphorescence studies of the Pt(thpy)2?complex for use in single molecule spectroscopy

Opt. Spectrosc.?2005,?99, 297-300

Breu J., St?ssel P., Schrader S., Starukhin A., Finkenzeller W. J., Yersin H.

Crystal Structure of fac-Ir(ppy)3?and Emission Properties under Ambient Conditions and at High Pressure

Chem. Mater.?2005,?17, 1745-1752

Tanner P. A., Kratzer C., Yersin H.




Finkenzeller W. J., St??el P., Yersin H.

Emission and absorption of Ir(ppy)2(CO)(Cl)–temperature dependence, phosphorescence decay dynamics, and assignment of excited states

Chem. Phys. Lett.?2004,?397, 289-295

Finkenzeller W. J., Stoessel P., Kulikova M., Yersin H.

Emission properties of Ir(ppy)3?and Ir(ppy)2(CO)(Cl): compounds with different transition types

Proc. SPIE?2004,?5214, 356-367

Yersin H.

Organometallic triplet emitters for OLED applications: controlling emission properties by chemical variation

Proc. SPIE?2004,?5214, 124-132

Yersin H.

Organometallic triplet emitters for OLED applications. Spin-dependent exciton trapping and triplet harvesting

Displays and vacuum electronics: proceedings?2004,?183, 287-291

Yersin H.

Triplet emitters for OLED applications. Mechanisms of exciton trapping and control of emission properties

in: Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds, Springer?2004, 1-26


Finkenzeller W. J., Yersin H.

Emission of Ir(ppy)3. Temperature dependence, decay dynamics, and magnetic field properties

Chem. Phys. Lett.?2003,?377, 299-305


Yersin H., Donges D., Humbs W., Strasser J., Sitters R., Glasbeek M.

Organometallic Pt(II) compounds. A complementary study of a triplet emitter based on optical high-resolution and optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Inorg. Chem.?2002,?41, 4915-4922

Yersin H., Kratzer C.

Energy harvesting in {Λ-[Ru(bpy)3]Δ-[Os(bpy)3]}(PF6)4?and tunability of emission properties under magnetic field application

Chem. Phys. Lett.?2002,?362, 365-372

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Triplets in metal–organic compounds. Chemical tunability of relaxation dynamics

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Triplet sublevels of metal organic complexes–temperature dependence of spin–lattice relaxation

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Spin-lattice relaxation in metal-organic platinum(II) complexes

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Site-selective emission, excitation, and optically detected magnetic resonance of the Pd(II) oxinate complex Pd(qol)2

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Spatial extensions of excited states of metal complexes. Tunability by chemical variation

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High-pressure, low-temperature emission studies of a metal-organic platinum(II) compound in a Shpol'skii matrix

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Spatial extensions of excited states of metal-organic Pt(II) compound in a Shpol'skii matrix

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Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance in the Lowest Triplet State of Pd(2-thpy)2

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Effect of high pressure on the emission spectrum of single crystals of Tl[Au(CN)2]

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Photoluminescence study of tunable radiationless energy transfer in the layered solid, Eu[Au (CN)2]3.3H2O by variation of temperature and pressure

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Tunable Radiationless Energy Transfer in Eu[Au(CN)2]3.3H2O by High Pressure

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Dynamical processes between triplet sublevels of metal-organic Pt(II) compounds

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Up-conversion and energy migration in the holmium hexachloroelpasolites

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Determination of Relaxation Paths in the Manifold of Excited States of Pt(2-thpy)2?and [Ru(bpy)3]2+?by Time-Resolved Excitation and Emission

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Chemically tuned zero-field splittings and spin-lattice relaxation Investigation by time-resolved emission

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Breu J., Range K. J., von Zelewsky A., Yersin H.

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Nikolov G. S., Trendafilova N., Georgieva I., Sch?nenberger H., Gust R., Kritzenberger J., Yersin H.

Molecular mechanical and quantum chemical study of the species involved in the hydrolysis ofcis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) and substitutedbis(ethylenediamine)-dichloroplatinum(II) complexes II. Simulated transition states

Monatshefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly?1997,?128, 443-474

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Highly resolved Triplet emission and excitation spectra of [Os(phen)?]??

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Characterization of excited electronic and vibronic states of platinum metal compounds with chelate ligands by highly frequency-resolved and time-resolved spectra

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Characterization of triplet sublevels by highly resolved vibrational satellite structures. Application to Pt(2-thpy)2

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Time-resolved vibrational structures of the triplet sublevel emission of Pd(2-thpy)2

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Yersin H., Gliemann G., R?ssler U.

On the nature of energy bands in tetracyanoplatinates

Solid State Commun.?1977,?21, 915-918

Otto H. H., Schulz H., Thiemann K. H., Yersin H., Gliemann G.

Crystal Structure of Cs2[Pt(CN)4]· H2O

Z. Naturforsch. B?1977,?32, 127-130


Stock M., Yersin H.

Polarized emission from Ba[Pt(CN)4]· 4H2O single crystals under high pressure

Chem. Phys. Lett.?1976,?40, 423-428

Otto H. H., Holzapfel W., Yersin H., Gliemann G.

Notizen: Crystal Data of Cs2[Pt(CN)4]· H2O

Z. Naturforsch. B?1976,?31, 528-529

Yersin H.

Polarisierte Emission von Mg[Pt(CN)?]? yH?O-Einkristallen. Strahlungslose Energieübertragung zu Lanthanoidkationen

Ber. Bunsenges.?Phys. Chem.?1976,?80, 1237-1338


Yersin H., Gliemann G.

Spektroskopisches Verhalten kristalliner Tetracyanoplatinate mit quasi‐eindimensionaler Struktur

Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem.?1975,?79, 1050-1053

Gliemann G., Otto H. H., Yersin H.

Emission lifetime of MgPt(CN)4· 7H2O

Chem. Phys. Lett.?1975,?36, 86-87

Yersin H., Gliemann G.

Spectroscopic Behaviour of Quasi-One-Dimensional Linear Chains in MgPt(CN)4· 7H2O Single Crystals

Z. Naturforsch. B?1975,?30, 183-190


Yersin H., Otto H. H., Gliemann G.

Emission, Emissionslebensdauer und Absorption von [Cr(urea)6]X3-Einkristallen

Theor. Chim. Acta?1974,?33, 63-78

Otto H. H., Yersin H., Gliemann G.

Lumineszenzlebensdauern sauerstoffkoordinierter Chrom(III)-Komplexkristalle bei tiefen Temperaturen

Z. Phys. Chem.?1974,?92, 193-197


Yersin H., Otto H. H., Gliemann G.

The influence of the anion X on emission, absorption and lifetime of ?Eg, ?T?g-states of [Cr(urea)?]X?-crystals

Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Coordination Chemistry1973, 53


Yersin H., Gliemann G.

Ein Polarisations-Spectralphotometer für Emissions-und Absorptionsmessungen an kleinen Einkristallen bei tiefer Temperatur

Messtechnik?1972,?80, 99-104

Gliemann G., Yersin H.

Polarisations‐spektralphotometrische Untersuchungen in Emission und Absorption an [Cr(urea)6]J3‐Einkristallen

Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem.?1971,?75, 1257-1263

Boersch H., Niedrig H., Yersin H.

Temperature dependence of large angle electron scattering at polycrystalline gold foils

Phys. Lett. A?1967,?25, 195-196






Organische TADF-Moleküle mit sterischer Behinderung am Donor und am Akzeptor für opto-elektronische Vorrichtungen

Organic TADF molecules having steric hindrance at the donor and the acceptor for optoelectronic devices

Mataranga-Popa N.-L., Czerwieniec R., Bolz A., Yersin H.

Priorit?t: DE102014101921????? 14.02.2014

????????????? DE102014106987????? 18.05.2014

International WO2015121241A1

Deutschland DE102014106987A1

Organische Moleküle mit kleinen Triplett-Singulett-Energieabst?nden für eine effektive verz?gerte Fluoreszenz zur Anwendung in opto-elektronischen Vorrichtungen

Organic molecules having small triplet-singlet energy spacings for effective delayed fluorescence for application in optoelectrinic devices

Mataranga-Popa N.-L., Czerwieniec R., Bolz A., Yersin H.

Priorit?t: DE102014101920????? 14.02.2014

????????????? DE102014106986????? 18.05.2014

International WO2015121239A1

Deutschland DE102014106986A1

Platin-Dimer-Komplex für die optische Sensorik von Sauerstoff und Temperatur

Gray H. B., Yersin H., Hofbeck T., Winkler J. R., Lam Y. C.

Priorit?t: EP13179290????? 05.08.2013

Deutschland DE102014111050A1, DE102014111050 A8

Optische Sauerstoff-Sendoren mit Metall-Carboran-Komplexen

Yersin H., Czerwieniec R., Hofbeck T.

Priorit?t: DE102013106839A1????? 29.06.2013

Optische Sauerstoff-Sensoren mit Kupfer(I)-Komplexen

Optical oxygen sensors with copper(I) complexes

Czerwieniec R., Leitl M., Yersin H.

Priorit?t: DE102012101067????? 09.02.2012

International WO2013117460A2, WO2013117460A3

Deutschland DE102012101067A1

Singulett-Harvesting mit zweikernigen Kupfer(I)-Komplexen für opto-elektronische Vorrichtungen

Singlet-harvesting with dual-core copper(I) complexes for optoelectronic devices

Yersin H., Monkowius U., Hofbeck T.

Priorit?t: DE102011080240????? 02.08.2011

????????????? EP12162191????? 29.03.2012

International WO2013017675A1

Deutschland DE102011080240A1

Europa EP2554625A1, EP2739702A1, EP2739702B1

Japan JP2014532034A

Korea KR102014068027A

China CN103748191A

USA US20140167027A1

Organische Moleküle für OLEDs und andere opto-elektronische Vorrichtungen

Organic molecules for OLEDs and other optoelectronic devices

Yersin H., Hupfer A.

Priorit?t: DE102011089687????? 22.12.2011

International WO2013092313A1

Deutschland DE102011089687A1

Europa EP2795691A1

Japan JP2015508568A

Korea KR102014116134A

China CN104011894A

Hongkong HK1203693A1

Kanada CA2858785A1

USA US20150155500A1

Komplexverbindungen mit anionischen Liganden mit zwei p-Donoren und ihre Verwendung im Opto-elektronischen Bereich

Complex compounds comprising anionic ligands that have two p-donors, and use thereof in the optoelectronic field

Wesemann L., Schubert H., Mayer H. A., Yersin H., Rausch A.

Priorit?t: DE102011079847????? 26.07.2011

International WO2013014049A1

Deutschland DE102011079847A1

Europa EP2737004A1, EP2737004B1

Japan JP2014527292A

USA US20140203225A1, US9425398B2

Komplexverbindungen mit einem Liganden mit einem n- und einem p-Donor und ihre Verwendung im opto-elektronischen Bereich

Complex compounds that comprise a ligand having an n-donor and a p-donor, and the use thereof in the optoelectronic field

Wesemann L., Küchle F.-R., Mayer H. A., Wernitz S., Yersin H., Leitl M.

Priorit?t: DE102011079856????? 26.07.2011

International WO2013014066A1

Deutschland DE102011079856A1

Europa EP2737557A1

Japan JP2014529180A

USA US20140213806A1, US9082990B2

Komplexverbindungen mit einem mehrz?hnigen, asymmetrischen Liganden und ihre Verwendung im opto-elektronischen Bereich

Complex compounds having a multidentate, asymmetric ligand and use thereof in the optoelectronic field

Wesemann L., Schubert H., Mayer H. A., Yersin H., Rausch A., Arras J.

Priorit?t: DE102011079846????? 26.07.2011

International WO2013014207A1

Deutschland DE102011079846A1, DE102011079846B4

Europa EP2737556A1

Japan JP2014532290A

USA US20140176022A1

Kupfer(I)-Komplexe für opto-elektronische Vorrichtungen

Copper (I) complexes for optoelectronic devices

Yersin H., Czerwieniec R., Monkowius U.

Priorit?t: DE102010031831????? 20.07.2010International WO2012010650A1

Deutschland DE102010031831A1

Europa EP2595997A1, EP2595997B1

Japan JP2013539455A

Korea KR102014010359A

China CN103052644A

USA US20130150581A1, US9024026B2

Singulett-Harvesting mit organischen Molekülen für opto-elektronische Vorrichtungen

Singlet harvesting with organic molecules for optoelectronic devices

Yersin H.

Priorit?t: DE102010025547????? 29.06.2010

International WO2012001002A2, WO2012001002A3

Deutschland DE102010025547A1, DE102010025547A8

Europa EP2588563A2, EP2588563B1

Japan JP2013533626A, JP5669283B2

Korea KR102014025263A

China CN103038309A, CN103038309B

USA 20130264518A1

Verwendung von Gold-Komplexen in opto-elektronischen Vorrichtungen

Use of gold complexes in optoelectronic devices

Czerwieniec R., Yersin H., Monkowius U., Hofbeck T., Laguna A., Crespo O., Concepcion Gimeno M.

Priorit?t: DE102010007825????? 11.02.2010

International WO2011098522A1

Deutschland DE102010007825A1

Europa EP2534711A1, EP2534711B1

USA US20130066092A1, US9059415B2

Blau-Licht-Emitter mit Singulett-Harvesting-Effekt zur Verwendung in OLEDs und anderen organisch-elektronischen Vorrichtungen

Blue light emitter with singlet harvesting effect for use in OLEDs and other organic-electronic devices

Yersin H., Czerwieniec R., Fischer T.

Priorit?t: DE102010005463????? 20.01.2010

International WO2011089163A1

Deutschland DE102010005463A1

Europa EP2526575A1

USA US20130025649A1, US8716510B2

Funktionalisierte Triplett-Emitter für Elektroluminescenz-Vorrichtungen

Functionalized triplet emitters for electro-luminescent devices

Mak S. K., Chan W. K., Fischer T., Yersin H.

Priorit?t: US26473109????? 27.11.2009

????????????? US26657609????? 04.12.2009

International WO2011064335A1

Europa EP2504409A1

Japan JP2013512227A

Korea KR102012106739A

China CN102695775A, CN102695775B

USA US20120326103A1, US20140364611A1

Kupfer-Komplexe für optoelektronische Anwendungen

Copper complexes for optoelectronic applications

Yersin H., Monkowius U., Fisher T., Hofbeck T., Baumann T., Grab T.

Priorit?t: DE102009030475????? 24.06.2009
International WO2010149748A1

Deutschland DE102009030475A1

Europa EP2408787A1, EP2408787B1, EP2502927A1, EP2502927B1

Japan JP2012530762A, JP5656267B2

Korea KR102012104925A

China CN102459289A, CN102459289B

USA US20120184738A1, US9012639B2

Organische Elektrolumineszenzvorrichtung

Organic electroluminescent device

Yersin H., Monkowius U., Fischer T.

Priorit?t: DE10200805312?????? 24.10.2008

International WO2010046016A1

Deutschland DE102008053121A1

Europa EP2340577A1, EP2340577B1

Taiwan TW201030127A

Japan JP2012506627A, JP5746037B2

Korea KR102011084470A

China CN102077383A, CN102077383B

USA US20110275818A1

Doppelkomplex-Salze als Absorber in OSC/OPV-Vorrichtungen

Double complex salts as absorbers in OSC/OPV devices

Yersin H., Fischer T., Monkowius U.

Priorit?t: DE102008053107????? 24.10.2008

International WO2010048936A2, WO2010048936A3

Deutschland DE102008053107A1

Europa EP2337828A2

Japan JP2012506625A, JP5490126B2

Korea KR102011090936A

China CN102257099A

USA US20110212258A1, US8728567B2

Materialien für organische Elektrolumineszenzvorrichtungen

Materials for organic electroluminescence devices

Yersin H., Monkowius U., Czerwieniec R., Yu J.

Priorit?t: DE102008048336?? ???22.09.2008

International WO2010031485A1

Deutschland DE102008048336A1

Europa EP2712000A1, EP2712001A1, EP2329542A1, EP2329542B1

Taiwan TW2010300012A

Japan JP2015038081A, JP2012502937A, JP5666453B2

Korea KR102011063713A

China CN102077382A, CN102077382B

USA US20110155954A1, US8835021B2

Organische Elektrolumineszenzvorrichtung

Organic electroluminescence device

Stoessel P.,? Joosten D., Breuning E., Yersin H., Monkowius U.

Priorit?t: DE102008033563????? 17.07.2008

International WO2010006666A1, WO2010006681A1

Deutschland DE102008033563A1

Europa EP2297275A1, EP2297275B1, EP2297276A1, EP2297276B1

?sterreich AT534718E

Taiwan TW201012896A, TW201020309A

Japan JP2011528044A, JP2011528172A, JP5571075B2, JP5661623B2

Korea KR102011028455A, KR102011030465A, KR101640954B1

China CN102076812A, CN102076817A, CN102076817B

USA US20110144366A1, US20110108769A1, US8618317B2, US9252372B2

Opto-elektronisches Bauelement mit neutralen ?bergangsmetallkomplexen

Optoelectronic component comprising neutral transition metal complexes

Yersin H., Fischer T., Czerwieniec R., Monkowius U.

Priorit?t: DE102008013691????? 11.03.2008

International WO2009112152A1

Deutschland DE102008013691A1

Europa EP2253032A1, EP2253032B1

Taiwan TW201000594A

Japan JP2011514000A

Korea KR102010137503A, KR101555728B1

China CN101960634A, CN101960634B

USA US2009112152A1, US8610110B2

Luminesziernde Metallkomplexe für organische elektronische Vorrichtungen

Luminescent metal complexes for organic electronic devices

Yersin H., Czerwieniec R., Monkowius U.

Priorit?t: DE102007031261????? 05.07.2007

International WO2009003700A1

Deutschland DE102007031261A1

Europa EP2173757A1, EP2173757B1

Japan JP2010532399A, JP5539194B2

Korea KR102010056448A, KR101495376B1

China CN101687889A, CN101687889B

USA US20100176386A1, US8658832B2

Polymere Anionen/Kationen

Polymeric anions/cations

Yersin H., Monkowius U., Pentlehner D.

Priorit?t: DE102007002420????? 17.01.2007

International Wo2008087031A1

Deutschland DE102007002420A1

Europa EP2111435A1
Japan JP2010517253A

Korea KR102009109560A

China CN101583687A, CN101583687B

USA US20100059740A1, US8766238B2

Photophysikalische OLED-Effizienz-Steigerung

Yersin H.

Priorit?t: DE102006051975????? 03.11.2006

Deutschland DE102006051975A1, DE102006051975B4

Lanthanoid-Emitter für OLED-Anwendungen

Lanthanoid emitter for OLED applications

Yersin H., Monkowius U.

Priorit?t: DE102006048202????? 11.10.2006

International WO2008043562A1

Deutschland DE102006048202A1

Europa EP2100339A1

Japan JP2010506411A, JP5661282B2

USA US20100117521A1

Oxazol-Triplett-Emitter für OLED-Anwendungen

Oxazole triplett emitters for OLED-applications
Yersin H., Reiser O., Li L.-Q., Eibauer S.
Priorit?t: DE102006035018?????? 28.07.2006

International WO2008012103A1

Deutschland DE102006035018B4

Europa EP2046916A1, EP2046916B1

Taiwan TW200808814A

Japan JP2009544745A, JP5466005B2

USA US20110062858A1, US8815413B2



Oligomere von Isonitril-Metallkomplexen als Triplett-Emitter für OLED-Anwendungen

Oligomers of isonitrile-metal complexes as triplett emitters for OLED applications

Yersin H., Monkowius U., Fischer T., Finkenzeller W., Czerwieniec R.

Priorit?t: DE102006030860????? 04.06.2006

International WO2008003464A1

Deutschland DE102006030860A1

Europa EP2044168A1

Taiwan TW200838975A

Japan JP2009542023A, JP6013698B2

USA US20100141120A1, US9130178B2

Biphenyl-Metallkomplexe - Monomere und oligomere Triplett-Emitter für OLED-Anwendungen

Biphenyl metal complexes – monomeric and oligomeric triplett emitters for OLED applications

Czerwieniec R., Monkowius U., Yersin H.

Priorit?t: DE102006017485????? 13.04.2006

International WO2007118671A1

Deutschland DE102006017485A1, DE102006017485B4

Europa EP2005496A1

Japan JP2009533850A, JP5583400B2

Korea KR102009019783A, KR101532791B1

China CN101467278A, CN101467278B

USA US20130020560A1, US20090206735A1, US8828560B2

Verwendung von Metallkomplexen als Emitter in einem organischen lichtemittierenden Bauelement und ein solches Bauelement

Use of metal complexes as emitter in an organic light-emitting component and such a component

Hartmann H., Yersin H.

Priorit?t: EP05028570????? 28.12.2005

International WO2007073728A1

Deutschland DE112006003773A5

Europa EP1803789A1

USA US20090318698A1, US8115379B2





Prof. Dr. Hartmut Yersin

Institut für
Physikalische Chemie
Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstr. 31
D-93053 Regensburg


Room Nr.: Chemie 22.2.06

Phone: ++49 941 943 4464
Fax: ++49 941 943 4488
