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Studying abroad

The Faculty of Business Economics, and Management Information Systems is partnered with over 100 universities in and outside of Europe.

Studium Ausland Neu

As part of the European ERASMUS + program, the Facultly of Business Sciences works together with 70 universities all over Europe, from Barcelona to Paris to Dublin, to Helsinki and St. Petersburg, down to Athens in the south. There are also numerous exchange programs with the USA.

What deserves a special mention here is the opportunity to obtain a combined Bachelor-MBA or MS-MBA degree at the College of Business at Murray State University with a Master degree of the University of Regensburg.

You can get more detailed information about each overseas program and our global partners from the International Office. >>>


Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Information Systems


Image Rechtespalte Wiwi 2

Fakult?t für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg
