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Welcome to the homepage of the Chair of Production Management

Professor Dr. Justus Arne Schwarz and the team of the Chair of Production Management address design and control problems in modern production systems. A crucial challenge of production management in research and practice is digitalization. Accounting for new technologies, known under the term Industry 4.0, is key for successful production management. In research as well as teaching, business decisions are modeled as optimization problems and addressed with quantitative Business Analytics approaches to obtain managerial insights.

Field trip to Krones AG: Insights into digital twins and career opportunities

The Chair of Production Management at the University of Regensburg values practical teaching. As part of the Production Networks course, our students visited Krones AG, a leading manufacturer of filling and packaging technology systems.

The excursion featured not only an exciting factory tour but also a company presentation and a technical lecture on the forward-looking topic of Digital Twins. Additionally, the students engaged in direct exchanges with Krones employees and explored potential career opportunities within the company.

More news here.

Chair of Production Management


Prof. Dr. Justus Arne Schwarz


Stefanie Heitzer

Building: RW(S) Room:142
Tel.: +49 (0)941 943 - 2277
Fax: +49 (0)941 943 - 2828 ProductionManagement@ur.de