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Dr. Max Müller


I am interested in dendritic integration of synaptic signals in the olfactory bulb (OB) granule cells (GCs). GCs are the most common type of inhibitory interneuron in the OB and play a central role in odor processing. They form reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses onto mitral cells (MCs), the main principal neurons of the OB. Local glutamatergic input of the MC dendrite onto the GC spine causes reciprocal GABA release back onto the MC that thereby performs indirect self-inhibition. If the GC is sufficiently activated by glutamatergic input onto several spines it can elicit a global signal. GC global signaling is a central mechanism for lateral inhibition between different MCs.

I am investigating GC dendritic processing leading from local to global signaling with the help of new techniques that allow us to simultaneously stimulate several GC spines within one cell.


Methods: Whole cell patch clamp, Two-photon calcium imaging, Two -photon glutamate uncaging, Pharmacology





Mueller M., Egger V. (2020) Dendritic integration in olfactory bulb granule cells: Threshold for lateral inhibition and role of active conductances upon simultaneous activation. PLOS Biology, in press. Preprint at: bioRxiv:901397.

Mueller M., Egger V. (2020) Dendritic integration in olfactory bulb granule cells: Threshold for lateral inhibition and role of active conductances upon simultaneous activation. PLOS Biology, in press. Preprint at: bioRxiv:901397. doi.org/10.1101/2020.01.10.901397

Go M.A.*, Mueller M.*, Castanares M.L., Egger V.*, Daria V.* (2019) A compact holographic projector module for high-resolution 3D multi-site two-photon photostimulation. PLOS ONE. (*: shared first and last authorships)

Aghvami S., Müller M., Araabi B.N., Egger V. (2019) Coincidence detection within the excitable rat olfactory bulb granule cell spines. Journal of Neuroscience.

  1. Fakult?ten
  2. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin