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Aktuelle Publikationen


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Arbeitspapiere, graue Literatur, Sonstiges


Christian Ritter, Susanne Leist, Josef Blasini:
Using Functional Requirements to Evaluate Process Performance Management Tools
17th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, Lissabon, 13.-16.07.2015.

Alexandra Cetto, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier:
Why should I do it myself`? Hedonic and utilitarian motivations of customers' intention to use self-service technologies
23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015), Münster, Germany.

René-Ojas Woltering:
The Effect of Interest Rates Changes on Listed Real Estate Companies
ERES 2015 Conference, Istanbul, 24-27 June 2015.

Daniel Braunnagel, Florian Johannsen, Susanne Leist:
Analysing the Contribution of Coupling Metrics for the Development and Management of Process Architectures
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster, Germany, May 26-29, 2015.

Johannes S?nger, Christian Richthammer, Michael Kunz, Stefan Meier, Günther Pernul:
Visualizing Unfair Ratings in Online Reputation Systems
Proc. of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster, Germany.

Philipp Griesberger:
Developing the Evaluation of a Pattern-Based Approach for Business Process Improvement
9th International Conference, DESRIST 2014, Miami, FL, USA, May 22-24, 2014. Proceedings.

David Downs, Steffen P. Sebastian, Christian Weistroffer, René-Ojas Woltering:
Real Estate Fund Flows and the Flow-Performance Relationship
ARES 2014 Conference, Fort Myers (USA), 4.-7. April 2015.

Bing Zhu, Steffen P. Sebastian:
Mortgage Liberalization, the Housing Collateral Effect, and Consumption
American real estate and urban economics association national meeting.

Cristina Landis, Axel Haller, Chris van Staden:
The measure of value added as part of sustainability reporting- A comparative study
European Accounting Association, 37th Annual Congress, Tallinn, Estland, 21-23 Mai, 2014.

Thomas Falk, Susanne Leist:
Effects of Mobile Solutions for Improving Business Processes
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2014, Tel Aviv, June 9-11, 2014.

Daniel Braunnagel, Florian Johannsen, Susanne Leist:
Coupling and process modeling - An analysis at hand of the eEPC
Modellierung 2014, Wien, 19. bis 21. M?rz 2014.

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Fakult?t für Wirtschaftswissenschaften