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Research Fellowships

Stipend Grants

If you have completed your doctoral studies and you have an interest to research the text outside the canonical tradition, you can become a Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies "Bayond Canon_".?

We endeavour to support your creative work by providing you with office space as well as access to the University of Regensburg’s library and electronic resources necessary for your work.

For your residential fellowship, we expect you to reside in the Regensburg area and to free yourself from your usual academic commitments so that you can pursue your work for our project full time. We also ask you to participate in the life of the Centre for Advanced Studies.

Interested applicants should fill out this?form?and send their documents (CV, list of publications and cover letter) to our official coordination Email address:


Paper in our lecture series

The Centre for Advanced Studies "Beyond Canon_" organises various lecture series, such as our weekly Fellows' Brunches, Open Talks, lectures in the Novum Testamentum Patristicum and the Kommentare zur apokryphen Literatur projects.

We gladly accept applications: please fill in the application form and send it to our coordination office project.canon@ur.de?

In preparation of your paper, we kindly ask you to read our Guidelines for papers thoroughly.

Application form for lectures

Guidelines for Papers




Heterotopias of Religious Authority in Ancient Christianity

Logo Quadratisch



+49 941 943-6218

+49 941 943-6219