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Subcycle Nano-Optics Group

Many of the optical and electronic properties of solids are caused by extremely fast dynamics of electrons on the femtosecond (1 fs = 10-15 s) time scale. Our main interest is to trace ultrafast processes, while resolving the impact of interfaces, strong light-matter coupling, or local structural changes on the nanometer (1 nm = 10-9 m) length scale. We are developing new methods to effectively capture nano-femto-dynamics, allowing us to record nanoscopic slow-motion pictures.
Click on the image above or check our Research page for more information on our current work.


Magnetic order traps quasi-1D excitons

? Brad Baxley, PtW

Experiments carried out in the group of Rupert Huber (UR), revealed how the antiferromagnetic spin alignment in adjacent layers of the van der Waals crystal CrSBr confines Coulomb-bound electron-hole pairs into one dimension. In a close collaboration with the groups of Mackillo Kira (University of Michigan), Zdeněk Sofer (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague) and Florian Dirnberger (Technical University of Munich), we also revealed the?internal structure and a strong fine-structure splitting of the excitons. These results were published in Nature Materials.

For further information, please visit the press department of the university (German/English) or the News & Views article of Nature Materials.

New Members Join the Team

Photo: Julia Dragan / UR

A warm welcome to our new PhD students Jakob Schlosser & Ziheng Yuan as well as our Master student Martin Waibel!

Inauguration of the RUN

The opening of the Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy (RUN) has been celebrated with an inauguration event and an interdisciplinary symposium.

For more details, see RUN newsroom.

Press release UR (German): here.
Press folder UR (German): here.
Press release Bavarian State Ministry (German): here.


The group receives funding from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and the Elite Network of Bavaria for six years.

Press release (UR) in German.

Press release (ENB) in German.

The central goal of the research project "Nano-femto-control of cooperative dynamics in van der Waals quantum materials" is to probe and control strong electronic correlations and pronounced collective excitations on their intrinsic femtosecond temporal and nanometer spatial scales. During the six-year funding period, the group will thus, for example, shed light onto tailored phase transitions in heterostructures of atomically thin van der Waals crystals.


Exciting news:


In April 2024, we will launch the new junior research group "Subcycle Nano-Optics" at the "Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy (RUN)"


We gratefully acknowledge financial support by

International Junior Research Group

"Nano-femto-control of cooperative dynamics in van der Waals quantum materials"

funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and the
Elite Network of Bavaria

Regensburg Center for
Ultrafast Nanoscopy

GRK (RTG) 2905

SFB (CRC) 1277

Subcycle Nano-Optics Group


Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy
University of Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg