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The Master’s Program Democracy Science is fully modularized and designed for a study period of four semesters. This Master’s program offers a wide range of courses, ensuring comprehensive education in the core fields of democracy science. At the same time, there are many possibilities for individual focus to specialize in individual fields or topics.

Through practice-oriented exercises and an obligatory internship, students should gain initial experience in professional practice and complement their academic knowledge of democracy science.

In addition, the master's degree in Democracy allows students to sharpen their own profile in the open model. Students can freely choose courses offered by the Institute of Political Science. However, it is also possible within this module to take a look beyond the field and attend courses from other disciplines. Finally, students can extend their language and IT-skills within the open module. The Open Module expects 10 credit points (CP). Students that want to do more than that are free to do so! The Master'rs Program offers students the possibility to get up to 10 additional credit points for voluntary academic achievements (Voluntary Module).

Detailed information about the individual modules and the examination regulations can be found in the important documents section (in German).


Introductory Module

Introduction to Democracy Studies
Introduction to Research Methods of Democracy Studies

Core Module:

Courses from one of five subdisciplines

Political Philosophy
Western Political Regimes
Democracy and Authoritarianism in Central and Eastern Europe
International Politics
Empirical Democracy and Autocracy Research

Supplementary Modules

Supplementary Modules from two subdisciplines

Profile Module

Research seminar and practical tutorial

Practical Module

Internship and practical tutorial

Open Module

Supplementary courses

Voluntary Module

Voluntary supplementary courses (up to 10 credit points)

Final Module:?Master's Thesis



(credit points)


(credit points)

Introductory Module

(10 CP)

Introduction to Democracy Studies

?bung (5 CP)

Research Methods of Democracy Studies

?bung (5 CP)

Core Module

(15 CP)

Advanced grad seminar and tutorial from one of five subdisciplines

Advanced Grad Seminar (10 CP), Tutorial (5 CP)

Supplementary Module

(30 CP)


Supplementary Module I

(15 CP)



Supplementary Module II

(15 CP)


Profile Modul

(15 CP)

Advanced grad seminar and tutorial from one of five subdisciplines

Advanced Grad Seminar (10 CP), Tutorial (5 CP)

Advanced grad seminar and tutorial from one of five subdisciplines

Advanced Grad Seminar (10 CP), Tutorial (5 CP)

Research Seminar

(10 CP)

Practical Tutorial I

(5 CP)

Practical Module

(15 CP)

Internship (min. 8 weeks)

(10 CP)

Practical Tutorial II

(5 CP)

Open Module

(10 CP)

Supplementary courses

(10 CP)

Voluntary Module

(10 CP)

Voluntary supplementary courses

(up to 10 credit points)

Master's Thesis

(25 CP)

Summary Democracy Studies: 120 CP

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (+ up to 10 voluntary CP)

  1. Faculty of Philosophy, Art History, History and Humanities
  2. Institute for Political Science

Institute of Political Science

Michaela Schmid

Room PT, Zi. 3.1.53
Phone 0941 943-3601

Office hours