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Region im Umbruch

Regensburg and Northern Raetia from Marcus Aurelius to Charlemagne

Region in Transition (RIU) is the title of an international research project carried out in cooperation by participants from the universities of Regensburg, Passau and Graz. The cooperation is to be expanded in the near future to include other partner universities. With an interdisciplinary approach, RIU deals with the historical development of the upper Danube region from the Late Iron Age and the Roman occupation, through the Roman Empire and Late Antiquity, to the Early Middle Ages (from the middle of the 1st century BC to around 800). The focus is on economic structures in a history marked by upheavals in power, social and ethnic structures, and their integration into the question of continuity and change: these are examined, for example, at the transition from the late Latène culture to the early Roman imperial period or between the Roman Empire and its "successor states" on the soil of the Roman Danubian provinces.
The Chair of Ancient History (Prof. Peter Herz) is responsible for this research project. The Chair of Prehistory and Early History and colleagues from the Faculty of Catholic Theology (Early Church History) and the Faculties of Natural Sciences (e.g. Botany, Biology) are also closely involved.?

Archived on 13 December 2018 11:40 a.m.

RIU - Region im Umbruch


Prof. Dr. Peter Herz

Secretary's Office

Marion Pinkawa

PT, Room 3.1.48
Tel. +49 941 943-3539